Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (2024)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe

September 16, 2015

Years ago I posted the very popular Best Teff Sandwich Recipe. That recipe uses xanthan gum and eggs, which some people can't do. Here I have developed a recipe that's xanthan gum free, egg-free, and vegan. Check out the Artisan Teff Bread Recipe if you'd like to use my bread flour blend.

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (1)

Mix time: 10 minutes
Rise time: 1.5-2 hours
Bake time: 45-55 minutes

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (2)
In a medium bowl, mix together:

200g (1 1/4C) teff flour
100g (3/4 C) sorghum flour
75g (1/2 C) tapioca flour
75g (1/2 C) potato starch
24g (2 Tbsp) sugar
6g (1 tsp.) salt

Set this mixture aside and in a large mixing bowl or the bowl of your stand mixer whisk together:

520g (2 1/3 C) warm water
30g (1/3 C) whole psyllium husk
2g (1 tsp.) yeast

Set aside 50g (1/2 C) of the flour mixture and put the rest of the dry ingredients in the bowl with the wet ingredients. Blend with a paddle or dough hook on your stand mixer, or blend with a wooden spoon, until the dry ingredients are incorporated. The dough will be wet, sticky, and shaggy.

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (3)

Let the dough rise, covered, for about one hour.

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (4)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (5)

After the first rise, blend in the rest of the flour that you set aside. Pat the dough out into a square or rectangle. I usually place it on parchment paper or wax paper for this step for easier handling.

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (6)

Roll the dough into a log.

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (7)

Tuck the edges of the log under and place it in a greased bread pan or pullman pan.

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (8)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (9)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (10)

Let the dough rise, covered, for 30-45 minutes, or until a finger dent stops filling in quickly. Pre-heat your oven to 450° F mid-say through this last rise. Bake at 450° for 45-55 minutes, or until it sounds hollow when tapped with the knuckles. Turn the bread out to cool on a wire rack.

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (11)

egg-freeno xanthan gumsandwich breadvegan


Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (12)

Beautiful bread, Gina! Can't wait to share your link on my Facebook page and in an upcoming Bountiful Bread Basket series post! I know so many will appreciate this recipe. :-)


September 17, 2015 at 9:52 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (13)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (14)

Anonymous said…

The consistency is completely different. I followed the recipe but still ended up with very wet mixture that did not resemble the dough in the pictures.

August 27, 2016 at 1:45 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (15)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (16)

James L. said…

Hello, I would just like to thank you for this amazing recipe! I've made it multiple times and always love it. I've only switched the potato starch for corn starch because it's easier and cheaper to get in my area. This bread has such a nice grain taste, completely unlike the bland gluten-free white breads sold in stores. I'm very thankful you managed to make it vegan; I had kind of pushed bread aside when I became vegan because I figured with having to be gluten-free on top of it, it would be way too complex to find a good whole grain bread. But this is great! Thank you!

October 21, 2016 at 11:43 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (17)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (18)

Marta said…

Is there any replacement for Sorghum flour? Unfortunately it is really hard to find in Germany.
Thank you!

April 26, 2017 at 3:48 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (19)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (20)

Gina said…

Hello Marta - I rely on sorghum a lot since it's cheap and easy to get here in the USA. One of the other best GF flours is buckwheat flour, or sarrasin. It may be called "buchweizen" in German? It's a large three-sided, heart-shaped seed that grows from an annual plant and it's completely unrelated to wheat despite the name. Another idea is millet.

The tricky part about substitutions and sharing recipes internationally is that the kinds of flours are not the same across countries, and even the grind or the chaff content might vary a lot. this can cause the hydration of the recipe to vary a lot. Check out the blog Mamafermenta out of Spain for some great-looking European bread recipes, hopefully with ingredients you can find in Germany. I hope that helps!

September 1, 2017 at 5:37 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (21)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (22)

Unknown said…

This looks like it could be a godsend to my new allergen free diet. Do you think arrowroot could replace potato? Can't eat that either deb

January 14, 2018 at 8:39 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (23)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (24)

Allison said…


Really looking forward to making this recipe!

For the step where the remaining flour is blended, what is the best way to do that?

I find psyllium doughs a bit tricky to work with when trying to add in things at different steps.

I have a hand mixer with dough hooks and beaters, but no stand mixer.

Also, I'm interested to know the technical reason for this step as I'm learning all about GF bread making right now.


February 21, 2018 at 12:58 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (25)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (26)

Roxy said…

Can I substitute honey for sugar?

October 4, 2018 at 6:02 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (27)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (28)

Gina said…

Blending the flour: you can knead it by hand or use a dough hook on a stand mixer. I imagine a hand mixer would be too difficult to use because this dough is stiff. A couple of times I've been stuck without a stand mixer and I was able to mix with a big wooden spoon until it came together then knead by hand. It takes much longer, but it works!

The technical reason for adding the flour after the first rise is that the yeast needs fresh food at this point. Gluten-containing recipes also usually add at least a little flour here, though I've found that GF recipes benefit from quite a bit more flour at this stage. It helps the bread to rise well.


Honey for sugar is fine! The texture changes just slightly, with a softer, chewier crust. No technical problems there, or with any natural sugar. Artificial sugar cannot be substituted.

Arrowroot: Another reader commented on my other teff bread recipe that she subbed arrowroot for the potato starch and it came out great.

November 28, 2018 at 8:52 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (29)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (30)

Unknown said…

This is an amazing recipe! Thank you for sharing it :)

October 28, 2019 at 7:01 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (31)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (32)

sianifairy said…

Hello, Gina! Appreciating the post and comments. I am wondering if you've made the bread with any sort of fat- and what happened that you decided to leave it out of this recipe?

April 14, 2020 at 10:38 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (33)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (34)

Gina said…

Hello Sianifairy, thanks for the comment! Yes, I have tried fats with bread recipes. Here's what I have found since I originally posted this recipe 5 years ago:

- All my bread recipes benefit from a coating of oil or butter on the outside of the loaf before baking. Butter produces a softer crust than oil, but either way it improves browning remarkably, and prevents dried-out areas on the surface.

- Oil and psyllium husk don't always work well together. Psyllium husk itself does not absorb fat. If you would like to try this recipe with some oil in it, try 25g ground psyllium husk instead of the 30g whole psyllium husk, then add the psyllium to the dry ingredients rather than to the wet ingredients. I can't 100% guarantee this will work as I haven't tried it with this recipe, but it's worked in others.

- Or check out some of my other sandwich bread recipes that use xanthan gum - they incorporate fat more easily into the dough.

I hope that helps!

April 16, 2020 at 2:53 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (35)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (36)

sianifairy said…

This bread turned out beautifully. I did add oil! I mixed 20g of psyllium powder with the dry ingredients; added 3 tablespoons oil to the warm water, sweetener, yeast. Mixed it by hand (no stand mixer). I did use timers and kept an eye on it to not over-proof like last time! It rose and browned beautifully, and was delicious enough to eat plain- chewy-tender, deep grain flavor. Wish I could send you the pictures- almost as pretty as your loaf.

I did forget to keep some flour out and blend it in later, but I think watching the rise took care of that problem. This was much tastier, and less fussy, than the ATK whole grain bread recipes. Thank you again for all your work on this recipe.

May 18, 2020 at 7:02 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (37)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (38)

Hi Looks good!

Is there a yeast substitute and do you think I could swop out the psyllium husk for ground flaxseeds (flax "egg")?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

March 12, 2021 at 5:12 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (39)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (40)

Gina said…

Hi Let them Eat Cake,

I don't think this recipe would translate well for the substitutions you need. I use different flour blends for non-yeasted breads. I have also not found that flax seed can be subbed for psyllium, as it's not strong enough to hold up the dough in this case.

March 30, 2021 at 7:49 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (41)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (42)

Thank you!

March 31, 2021 at 9:11 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (43)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (44)

Unknown said…

Can you use a bread machine?

August 8, 2021 at 8:10 PMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (45)

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (46)

Unknown said…

Have you made this bread in a bread machine?

October 8, 2022 at 5:34 AMVegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (47)

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Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe (2024)


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