Of Green, Blue and Gold - TheViandVelGullWIngs (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Baby Acquired Chapter Text Chapter 2: Farewell Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Rescue Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Follow the Trail of Light Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: When Green meets Blue Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: A Blue-Eyed Betrayal Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Denials, Dreams and Zala In-Ze Chapter Text Chapter 8: The DEO and CFO Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Supergirl Areia Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Mother and Daughter Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Official Debut Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Hello, Again Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Reunited Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Heart to Heart Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Sweet Girl Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: A Chat Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: A Somber Dance Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Of Sweets and Yearning Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Maybe Be my Baby? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: A Tale of Mothers Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Building Tension and a New Face Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: A Sharp Mind and Electrified Hands Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Conversations Chapter Text Chapter 24: A Message of Love Chapter Text Chapter 25: That Thou Art Full of Promise Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Busting In Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: A Tale of Two Siblings Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Off-World Help Chapter Text Chapter 29: Announcement Chapter Text Chapter 30: A Piece of Asgard Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Announcement Chapter Text Chapter 32: Update Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Baby Acquired

Chapter Text

"She's so small…."

Samantha Aries whispered as Lena Luthor held the child in her arms, her watery eyes locked on the sleeping form of the baby girl. It had been two hours since her fateful encounter with the unnamed woman from the alternate Earth.

Lena had just entered the garage of Luthor Corp's R&I department building when a golden portal flickered to life in front of her.

Out of the portal, a woman flew from it, clad in black and gold armor and holding a spear. Through the portal, Lena could see people flying towards it, but thankfully, it had closed before they made it close.

Lena had rushed to the mocha brown-skinned woman, in an attempt to help. Lena tried, she truly did, but the damage the mysterious woman endured was too great.

Lena had been through a lot in a short amount of time. Her brother had tried to turn the sun red to kill Superman, which would have killed millions, she was now in control of Luthor Corp, and she and Jack had broken up.

And now, a woman lay dying in her arms.

"I will get you some help," Lena promised as she reached into her purse to dial 9-1-1, but when Lena glanced at the woman, she could see the golden glow of the woman's irises begin to dull. "Just hang on," Lena told her.

She could hear the police on the other end of her cellphone pick up but the woman shook her head, her breathing shallow.

"P-Please…." The woman whispered to Lena as she struggled to lift the bundle of cloth to her. "W-Watch over…." The woman weakly pleaded. Lena then watched the golden glow of the woman's eyes fade into a dull brown.

Lena felt devastated.

And that devastation grew as she heard the bundle begin to cry.

"Oh no," Lena whispered as the bundle moved, revealing the teary face of a little girl.

And as Lena gingerly took the baby from the mother's arms, the baby opened her eyes, revealing her bright gold irises.

"Yeah," Lena sadly whispered. "The tiniest baby I've ever seen."

When Lena, with the blood of the woman still on her black dress, rushed to Sam's apartment with the small child in her arms, Lena could tell that Sam was in utter disbelief at her tale and that Lena was thankful Sam did believe her, because she felt a pinch overwhelmed with everything that had occurred.

"Tinier than Ruby when she was born," Sam fondly replied. "But, the biggest question is, what are you going to do?" Sam asked. " You have a sh*t ton of things on your plate, right now. Can you really afford to add being a mother to a child from alternate Earth on top of it?"

That was a very good question.

Between dissolving her relationship with Jack and Lex deciding to attempt mass genocide just to kill Superman, and now owning Luthor-Corp, Lena did have too much to handle.

But as she stared at the sleeping girl in her arms, Lena recalled the woman's dying plea.

"W-Watch over her…."

"You're right. I do have too much to handle," Lena admitted. "But I can't just abandon this little one. Her mother sacrificed her life to bring her here… and I couldn't dishonor her memory."

"You said that you saw people coming after the woman, right?" Sam asked. "What if they find a way to come to this Earth?"

"Then, We do have Superman and I doubt they are as strong as him," Lena said. "But even if we didn't, I can't just abandon her."

"So, there is only one thing left to do," Sam sighed. "You know, I always expected to help you when you became a mother. I just didn't expect to become an aunt so soon."

Lena wanted to laugh, but she didn't want to wake up the small child. Instead, she smile at Sam and said, "Thank you."

"You know that I have your back, Lena," Sam told her. "So, what are we going to name her?"

"Well, we don't have to worry about that aspect of my newly made position as mother," Lena said as she pointed out a small golden necklace around the baby's neck to Sam. "She was already named. No sense in changing the name her parent or parents gave her."

"Ah, I see…." Sam murmured. "Then what will her name be?"

"Naomi Elizabeth Luthor," Lena whispered. "I think it has a nice ring to it. Don't you think?"

Sam smiled.

"The best."

Chapter 2: Farewell


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I am the very model of a scientist salarian," Kara Danvers sang as she laid on a cloud with her arms tucked behind her head and a smile on her face. "I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian, I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology), Because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology)."

As she lay on the large cloud, her Amazonian clothes swayed in the gentle breeze, alongside her long, blonde hair. She had her eyes closed and an easy-going smile on her face. "My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian," Kara finished.

"This is where you were," A voice said from beside her.

Kara opened her right eye to see her teacher's younger sister and best friend, Nubia, above her. "Hey, you," Kara greeted with a friendly smile.

Nubia smiled as her black curly hair blocked the sun, which caused a halo effect around her head. "Diana has been looking for you," Nubia told her. "I didn't expect you to be so high up."

"I just wanted to enjoy the peace before I leave back for National City," Kara explained. "You know, feel the cool breeze. Hear the waves of the ocean, smell the sea-salt air. The normal stuff." Kara then closed her eyes and asked, "Why don't you stay with me awhile?"

Nubia sighed, but allowed a smile to form on her face. "You're a bad influence on me," Nubia announced as she laid beside Kara on the large cloud. She placed her hands on her stomach and stared at the endless blue sky above her.

"It feels like yesterday when we met," Nubia began. "Time flew so fast."

"five years," Kara added. "Five years of intense training and paradise."

"Will you miss it?" Nubia asked.

"Will I miss it?" Kara slowly asked. "Will I miss waking up at the crack of dawn? No. Will I miss fighting just to get breakfast? No. Will I miss training with Kryptonite-laced weapons? No. Will I miss being run ragged until my endurance ran out? No. But I will miss the beautiful sunrises, sunsets, the beautiful city, and my sisters? Rao, I will."

Nubia smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that. But, I'm sure you're excited to return to Man's world. Right?" Nubia questioned.

"Truthfully? No," Kara answered. "I made sisters here. I've sought this feeling of belonging to someone, anyone for so long, that now that I have it, I don't want to leave."

Kara leaned forward and stared at Nubia.

For a moment, She was transfixed at the woman's beauty. From her long, curly black hair that stretched down to the curve of her back, her flawless mahogany-brown skin, to the dimples that formed when she smiled, Kara found her to be flawless.

Then again, she and Diana, who was equally flawless, were cut from the same cloth that Aphrodite created, and there were legends of how beautiful she was.

"And that's all because you reached your hand out to me... Diana and Helen were great as teachers and kinda-aunts, but out of everyone, I'm going to miss you so much," Kara admitted.

Nubia laughed as she turned her head to Kara. "Well, I sure would hope you would. Considering the oath we both took after the battle with Ares," Nubia said as she reached up to ruffle Kara's hair. Kara batted Nubia's hand away softly and smiled.

"Despite me not wanting to leave, I know that I have to go back, for Eliza's sake. I know that she misses me, and I miss her. She still blames herself for what lead Diana to bringing me here when I turned eighteen. And despite how we left it, Alex is my sister, and I want to try to make our sister-ship work," Kara said with a somber tone.

"She better treat my sister right. Otherwise, I'll have to strike her down with my spear," Nubia teased, which made Kara perk up with a smile.

"I hope so too," Kara agreed.

Nubia smiled, kissed Kara on the forehead, then said, "Now come on, let's get back to the ground. Everyone's waiting."

"Even…." Kara drifted off, not fully able to say her name.

Nubia's amused gaze became sympathetic. "No, Artemis is… She's still upset that you're leaving," Nubia answered.

The good mood that Kara held dimmed greatly.

"So she's not there?" Kara asked.

"No," Nubia said. "She refused to answer the summon... I'm sorry Kara..."

Kara swallowed the immense hurt she felt and put on a smile for her Amazonian Sister. "Ah well, I guess it's not too important," Kara told her, unable to shake the sorrow in her voice.

"Kara," Nubia began, but Kara shook her head.

"No worries. Let's get this show on the road," Kara urged, desperate to keep her emotions at bay.

Desperate to ignore her heart as it broke.

"You've finally arrived," Helen said as she left Diana's side and embraced Kara tightly. Kara and Nubia had landed in the massive courtyard, where all of Themyscira's best stood.

Well… almost everyone.

Kara returned the embrace as tried to keep her hidden sorrow in check. Nubia had been right. Artemis wasn't here amongst the Amazonians.

"Sorry I took so long," Kara whispered against the woman's neck.

The embrace, while warm, was brief as Helen pulled away and said, "It seems like yesterday that you arrived on Themyscira with Diana. And now, you're leaving."

Kara could see the unshed tears in Helen's eyes. "Kara, you've bought so much joy to our lives here. We will miss you," Helen told her.

Kara tried to ignore the tears in her eyes, but one managed to fall her eyes as she smile. "I'll miss you too, Helen," Kara told her. Helen stepped away from Kara and returned to the Queen of Themyscira's side.

"Kara," Diana, the previous Wonder Woman, and current Queen began. Kara rushed in front of the throne that Diana occupied and knelt before her, her head bowed.

"When I took you from Clark that night Metropolis to hone your training after the incident with your sister, I was originally concerned," Diana told her. "Concerned about how you fit in with us here on Themyscira."

"We often train Amazonians from the time of birth. We instill rules that they must follow every day. Because you were in Man's World, I worried that you would slack off or not take the valuable training seriously. It was thanks to Helen, Lyla, may she slumber peacefully in Elysium, and Nubia, I realized that I was wrong in my concerns. You took every bit of this seriously, Kara Zor-El."

Kara felt Diana's hands on her shoulders and slowly looked up to see the proud smile on her mentor's face. "You arrived here as a small bud, and now blossomed into a beautiful Dianthus. One that Man's World will adore," Diana tenderly told Kara, who felt more tears spill down her cheeks.

Diana wiped away Kara's tears as she whispered, "I am proud to call you a Daughter of Themyscira."

Kara nodded with a watery smile.

"Thank you, for all that you've taught me, and for all that you've done. I will never forget this place and the kindness you all have shown me," Kara announced. "As a Daughter of Themyscira, I will return into Man's World with pride and honor."

Diana smiled and for a moment, Kara thought she saw a tear fall from her teacher's cheek. "I know you will," Diana responded.

Diana stood and looked at the surrounding Amazonians. "Today! We say goodbye to a Daughter of Themyscira. While she leaves, she leaves with our strength, our passion, and our heart!" Diana exclaimed.

Helen gave Diana a bundle of armor and folded clothing. Diana accepted them with a loving smile, then looked down at Kara. "Kara Zor-El of Krypton, please rise," Diana commanded.

Kara stood and faced her teacher. "Hold out your arms," Diana softly instructed. Kara did so, and Diana said, "This, is the armor of the Amazons. This is given when the training is complete. I give this to you now, Kara Zor-El."

Kara accepted the gifts as she bit her bottom lip.

"I also gift you a weapon," Diana continued as Helen gave her a weapon.

The weapon was a sword, with a golden hilt guard that had the yellow sun etched into it.

"This weapon has sat in the vault for thousands of years, waiting for someone to wield it. No one, until you," Diana said as she sat the blade on the armor. "This weapon was created for Apollo at the dawn of human civilization. One of the twelve weapons, created for each member of the Pantheon."

Kara could hear the shocked murmurs from the Amazonians around them. She also heard the shocked gasp from Nubia. "Humans are not meant to know that these weapons even exist. Let alone wield them," Diana continued. "They were forged with the most powerful metal that Hephaestus could ever work with. If you follow its light, it will guide you where you need to go."

"D-Diana," Kara whispered, startled.

"While you worship Rao, Apollo has graced you with powers from his sun," Diana said. "Powers that make you near immortal. This sword was owned by Apollo, and it is His will that I now give it to you. For I know he would approve of you."

Kara felt touched.

"I accept it with pride," Kara told Diana with a bowed head.

"Now, Amazonians!" Diana exclaimed. "We gave our greeting to Kara Zor-El of Krypton. Today, we give our farewell to Kara Zor-El of Themyscira!"

The Amazonians began to bang the butt of their spears against the ground repeatedly as they chanted her name. Kara looked around as Helen and Nubia began to bang their spears against the ground as well.

The women began to chant Kara's name as Kara finally returned her gaze to Diana. "Kara Zor-El of Themyscira, We bid you farewell. Become the hero that you were meant to be," Dian told Kara.

Kara nodded and with a steeled resolve, she turned away from Diana and bowed to Helen and then Nubia. She glanced at the crystal blue skies above and with no other words, she blasted into the sky.

Once the chanting ceased, Nubia walked to Diana and asked, "Sister, why did you gift Kara with the Sunblade?"

Diana stared at her sister and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Nubia, before Lyla walked through the gates into Elysium, she prophesized one final vision. That sword would be pivotal in not only leading Kara to her destined soulmate, but it will lead Kara to the true owner of that blade."

"The true owner?" Helen asked as her crystal blue eyes gleamed with curiosity.

"Yes. At this moment, Kara is its wielder, but its true wielder will unlock everything that it has to offer," Diana said. "Together, both of them will save this world from a universal threat not even Clark and I can stop."

Nubia and Helen exchanged a look as Diana stared up at the sky.

'Kara Zor-El of Themyscira and Lena Luthor of Man's World will have a lot on their plate. Hopefully, they will be able to protect our world's future….'


So, a lot of thread pieces. Kara is returning to Man's World with a severely broken heart and a future that Diana was told about.

As mentioned, this will have some action but it will be few and far in between. This story is all about SuperCorp finding each other and being the parents Naomi will need for the future. I am so excited!

I will get into Kara past with Artemis and the incident with Alex that caused Kara to be taken to Themyscira.

Also, wanted to clarify ages of Lena and Kara

Lena just turned 22 when baby Naomi came into her life.

Kara just turned 23 the day before she left Themyscira

I know there is a three year difference in canon between them but for this to work, I de-aged Kara by 2 years, leaving a year between them.

The next chapter will have Kara reuniting with Alex, Lena's bonding with baby Naomi, and Lillian Luthor being Lillian Luthor. Until then, farewell!

Chapter 3: Rescue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Clear blue skies morphed into nightfall as Kara flew into the airspace of National City. She almost loathed being back in Man's World, where the myriad of sounds and light polluted the air, compared to the gentle waves of the ocean, fireflies, and crickets chirping that Themyscira offered.

The first place she decided to go was her old apartment. When her cousin allowed Diana to whisk her away to Themyscira, he had promised to pay her monthly rent to her little studio apartment and told her when she finished her training, she would find the key on the roof of the building.

She landed on the roof of her building and with a brief scan, she found the key nestled beneath a cinderblock. She adjusted the clothing and sword her master gifted her, knelt beside the block, and flicked it with her index finger.

The cinder block exploded into pieces and she picked up the key from its remains. She smiled and walked towards the roof's door. After she walked down the stairs, she made her way to her apartment door, inserted the key, and unlocked it.


At least her cousin was able to keep this promise.

The place smelled clean. As if someone had recently, maybe a few hours ago, had come inside and freshened it up. She assumed that it was Alex, as her cousin always did the bare minimum when it came to her.

Her Talaria sandals squeaked against the floor as she walked deeper into her dark apartment. She knew she could turn on the lights, but thanks to her superior eye-sight, she was able to view everything as clear as day.

She walked into her bedroom, smelled the clean bedding, and nodded in approval. "Everything looks perfect," Kara murmured. She wasn't sure if she would be able to sleep on a big mattress again after years of her klínē being nothing but a thin dry grass-filled mattress on top of a wooden frame and leather straps.

She placed her armor and weapon on her bed and then said, "I should stop delaying it and see Al—"

She paused.

She could hear Alex's heart beating wildly. Her sister's heartbeat was never as loud as it was now.

Something had her terrified, but what?

From the sound of the rapid heartbeat, she was above her. Kara looked out her window and noticed that a plane, with fire billowing from its side, was plummeting from the air.

Kara immediately threw open her window and flew into the night sky.

"Brace for impact!"

Despite her heart beating as if it were at a rock concert, Alex Danvers was strangely at peace.

This assignment was supposed to be an easy one. Go to Geneva for a conference, maybe see the sights and maybe even a find a nice woman to test a theory she had during her stay. But life didn't work out that way.

Instead, Alex sat in a plane that was about to perform a nose dive into downtown National City. She leaned her head against the headrest behind her and shut her eyes.

This was it.

Her life was over.

She would never get to fully explore all the things she had learned about herself. She would never find out what happened to her father or tell her mother how much she loved her.

But most of all, she wouldn't be able to make peace with the sister she had hurt so much. She could hear the panic around her escalate to a fever pitch, with many crying, swearing, or praying for a miracle.

And as much as Alex wanted a miracle, she wasn't going to spend her last moments on Earth, with her hands together and beg for one to happen.

This was the end.

So, she kept her eyes closed and waited for the end.

Alex suddenly felt the ship jerk up, which leveled the plane out. Alex opened her eyes and looked around in confusion, only for her to see that the plane was still moving.

'What the hell is going on?' Alex asked as she looked out the window. She saw that the plane was now going up and they were passing over the National City Bridge, with the right wing of the plane barely clipping the bridge itself.

Then, the plane descended into the water below, where Alex watched her window get washed by the ocean's water before the plane slowed to a stop.

Alex blinked as the passengers began to cheer. She looked through her window and saw that they were in the ocean, a few feet away from the docks. As the spotlight from the helicopter shined down on the plane, Alex watched as someone rose from the water.

Her eyes widened in disbelief as a woman, wearing what looked to be winged sandals, a short greek chiton with a gold buckle on the left shoulder to keep the straps together, strips of leather wrapped around her waist and midsection, and a gold laurel wreath on her head.

The woman had blonde hair that was done in a braided ponytail that reached her back and thanks to the water, Alex saw how well-toned the woman's body was.

This woman looked as if she stepped out of an ancient Greece statue.


Alex gasped, she knew this woman.

She knew her extremely well.

But that couldn't be possible, right? She was still in Themyscira!

Alex received her unvoiced question when the woman opened her eyes and was treated to the glowing cobalt-blue eyes that only two people she knew held.

The woman then turned her head, as if she was searching for something until their eyes met. The woman gave her a hesitant smile.

"Kara," she breathed.

The woman offered a small wave, and somewhere on the plane, Alex heard a woman faint after a very satisfied gasp. The sounds of the passengers taking pictures on their phones filled the plane as Alex's eyes watered.

"You're home," she whispered. She knew Kara would hear her, even though she could barely hear herself.

Kara's smile grew as she nodded.

Kara then looked up and blasted off into the night sky.

Alex placed a hand on her chest and began to sob openly. Not at relief for staying alive, but because the one person she longed to see, to apologize to, was finally home.

"This just in! Flight 237 has successfully been rescued, with none of the passengers harmed!"

"Thank goodness," Lillian Luthor stated with a bored expression as Lena took the bottle out of the boiling water inside her pot. "Dear, the plane you were worried about was saved."

"That's a relief," Lena murmured as she walked back into her living room and plopped down beside her mother, who held Naomi in her arms.

Lena hadn't meant to call Lillian.

She had panicked and attempted to call Sam when Naomi began to wail and ranted to her before she could realize who had answered the phone.

'Lena, forgive me for interrupting, but I believe you said something about a baby?"

Twenty minutes later, Lillian was on her couch, with Naomi in her arms.

"Okay, just like I told you," Lillian instructed as she handed Lena the small, bundled-up baby. "Hold her in the upright position and make sure to support her head and neck with your hand."

Lena nodded and followed the steps her mother gave her.

"That is a wide-based, slow flow nipple bottle, right?" Lillian questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Lena nodded. "It took quite a while in locating one but Sam was able to find one," Lena answered.

"Good, we do not wish to overfeed your child, nor have them choke," Lillian calmly explained.

Lena nodded.

"Very good. Now, you will want to brush the nipple against Naomi's upper lip to have her open her mouth wide," Lillian softly explained. Lena nodded and brushed the bottle nipple against the top of Naomi's mouth.

Naomi opened her mouth and with wonder, she watched as Naomi leaned forward and took the nipple into her mouth. "Tilt the bottle up some," Lillian told her. "Not enough that the nipple is full of milk, but enough so she can drink safely."

Lena nodded and tilted the bottle a little higher so the nipple was partially full with milk. "Perfect," Lillian whispered. "Now, make sure to count how many times she sucks or swallows the milk. You want to make sure she breathes every three to five sucks."

Lena nodded and after the fourth suck, Lena removed the nipple from Naomi's mouth. Naomi squirmed, let out a yawn, stared at Lena with those bright hazel eyes, and gave a gummy smile, which made a wide smile involuntarily appear on Lena's face.

"That's a good girl," she whispered as she grabbed a napkin and wiped away a bit of formula that fell from the baby's bottom lip.

"And that is how you do it," Lillian told her, a hint of pride in her voice. For what, Lena wasn't sure, but she wouldn't ask.

"Precious, isn't she?" Lillian fondly whispered.

"Yes," Lena agreed.

"When you called, I wasn't expecting that I would find out that I was a grandmother," Lillian softly said as she gingerly took Naomi from Lena's arms and situated her in own her arms.

"Well, originally, you weren't supposed to know," Lena replied.

"Good thing you panicked then," Lillian dryly remarked. "Despite your thoughts, I am not all fire and brimstone, Lena."

"You could have fooled me," Lena retorted.

"Time heals all wounds, child," Lillian told her. "My temperament towards you for your father's extramarital affairs has long since softened."

Lena narrowed her eyes suspiciously at her mother but she remained silent.

"So, how did this happen?" Lillian asked. "It's not every day I am gifted the title of "Grandparent" to such an adorable child."

Lena heard Lillian's voice soften as she regarded Naomi and didn't know what to do with that.

"Her mother came to me. She had been hurt in an accident," Lena replied. "She died, asking me to take care of Naomi. Which I vowed to do."

"How very noble of you," Lillian told her. "To honor a dying mother's request. You're a lot like your grandmother in that regard."

Lena narrowed her eyes.

"But I digress. Have the official papers been signed?" Lillian asked.

"Not until tomorrow. But after that, she will be a Luthor," Lena answered. "And when that happens, I won't treat her like you did me."

"I know you wouldn't," Lillian shot back. "I would fear for the child if you did."

Lena didn't have a response to that.

"Look at you, Lena Kieren Luthor. Owner of Luthor-Corp and newly minted mother," Lillian said, that hint of pride back in her voice. "I look forward to seeing what you will do."

"What is your game?" Lena asked her.

Lillian chuckled and motioned for the bottle still in her hand. Lena gave Lillian the bottle, which her mother then continued to feed Naomi.

Lena did not receive an answer.


So Alex and Lena were saved by their respective family members in Lillian and Kara. The next chapter will have Kara officially reunite with Alex and also meet with Clark in Metropolis. Who knows what will happen there.

Chapter 4: Follow the Trail of Light


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey Kara, are you in here? I just ca—Holy sh*t!"

Kara's eyes snapped open at the sound of Alex's voice. She leaned off her bed, which revealed her bare upper chest as a female groaned sleepily beside her. Kara noticed that it was morning and her poor sister looked like a mess at the entrance to her bedroom.

"Alex? Have you heard of knocking?" Kara grumbled as she rubbed the side of her head.

"I did knock. S-Several times actually," Alex stammered as she flushed. "I got worried when you didn't answer, so I came in. I should've…." Alex turned her back to Kara and stammered, "Y-Yeah, sorry about that."

Kara gave her a small smile and said, "Don't sweat it. Just make sure you call next time."

"With what phone?" Alex asked.

Kara paused. "Good point," Kara conceded. "We should find a phone for me later today."

"Yeah…." Alex murmured. "I'll just leave you and…."

"Her name is Jess," Kara chuckled.

"Yes, I'll leave you and Jess to it," Alex replied as she quickly exited Kara's apartment.

Kara shook her head and began to shake her temporary bedmate awake.

Twenty minutes later, the woman was on her feet, dressed in a cream sweater and a pair of jeans.

"I had a great time last night," Jess said with a blush as she tucked a strand of black hair behind her right ear.

"I did as well," Kara replied with a smile. "Maybe we'll repeat it one day."

Jess leaned forward and gave Kara a light peck on her cheek.

"Here's to hoping, Kara," Jess told her with a wink. With a smile from Kara, Jess retreated from the apartment. Once she heard the door close, Kara sighed.

Kara thought by having a little fun, her mind would be taken off of Artemis, but if anything, it made things worse. While that woman was fun to mess around with, it just couldn't replace the way Artemis kissed and touched her.

Kara shook her head.

No, she couldn't think about her. Artemis made things very clear when she refused to see her off. Besides, she had to see why Alex had stopped by, and as comfortable as she was nude, Alex already caught a look at her chest. She didn't want to make Alex suffer through her being naked under these covers.

Kara slid out of bed and used her Super Speed to freshen herself up.

After five minutes, Kara fastened the clasp on the left strap of her chiton when Alex walked back into the apartment, her face still red.

"I was unaware that you were into women," Alex noted as Kara grinned.

"Well, I wasn't either until I was on an island filled with gorgeous women," Kara noted as she began to tie her hair up into a ponytail. "After that realization, I quickly signed up for that program."

"I see…." Alex murmured with her cheeks reddening. "What was it…." Alex drifted off, shook her head repeatedly, then said, "That's not what I came here for."

"Then what did you come here for?" Kara asked as she slipped on her right Talaria sandal.

"Kara, I—" Alex cut herself off. "I wanted to apologize for that night…."

Kara shook her head and slipped on the left Talaria sandal. "I don't want to talk about that," Kara told her sister.

"Ka—" Alex started.

"I mean it," Kara insisted. "It's in the past. We need to focus on the future."

"Kara, but it's all my fault that you were whisked away to—" Alex tried to start.

"I said, I don't want to talk about it," Kara firmly told her sister. "What happened, happened. It's in the past and that's where I want to leave it."

"Kara," Alex whispered as her eyes began to water. "I-I… I know you don't want to talk about it. But last night, I nearly died… And my biggest regret was not being able to tell you how horrible I felt about our l-last night together. How horrible I felt a-about…."

Kara's shoulders slumped as she turned away from her sister. "About what?" Kara softly asked. "About how you blamed me for Jeremiah's death? Or about how I stole them from you? Or maybe how you wished I stayed on Krypton?"

Alex flinched.

"Or maybe," Kara continued, her soft tone changing into steel. "Or maybe, it was how you said that I was just a parasite that ate away at your life? Or perhaps, maybe it was about the fact that you'd rather Tycho kill you because I made your life so miserable, that you didn't want to live anymore!"

Alex bowed her head.

"No, don't look down, look at me!" Kara demanded.

Alex sniffled as she looked back up at Kara.

"Do you understand how much pain I was in?" Kara asked. "How much your words hurt me?"

Alex shifted in her spot.

"I came to you because two of my friends were killed because of that maniac Tycho murdering them," Kara told her. "He told me that he was going to kill you and Eliza next if I did not surrender myself to his sick plans of dissecting me. Eliza understood the risk, but you were too damn drunk to care!"

Kara's vision became blurry as tears filled her eyes. "Instead, you decided to hurt me so much with your words. Is it any wonder why I just surrendered myself to him? You made me feel worthless. Useless, even more than I already did when I left my parents to die on Krypton!"

Through her blurry eyes, she could see that Alex was sobbing, and despite the dark memories in her mind, Kara felt sorrow for her older sister. She looked so wounded and vulnerable….

Nothing like the confident and smug Alex she had known before.

Kara wiped her tears and said, "If not for Diana and my equally hurtful cousin, I wouldn't be here….But hey, I guess none of that matters when I'm a goddess, right? Isn't that what you said to me that night? That none of your words mattered because, at the end of the day, I'm a goddess among humans?"

It was then Kara watched as Alex crumpled.

Alex fell to her knees and began to sob hard, her body trembling as guilt blossomed in Kara's chest.

"You're right," Alex whimpered through her sobs. "I understand that I hurt you so much, that you willingly walked to your death. And that's something that I have to live with for the rest of my life…."

"I have to live with the fact that I irrecusably destroyed the one relationship that I couldn't stand to lose," Alex told her with a shaky breath. "I won't make excuses, nor will I try to defend it. I was a horrible person to you. All the words I-I said, you didn't deserve."

Kara sniffled as more tears fell from her eyes as she watched Alex struggle to speak through her tears.

"I was a jealous, vile, controlling, bully," Alex tearfully spat out. "I treated you like a vermin on the worst days and an annoyance on my best days. I felt that I was pushed aside by mom and dad, and I took it out on someone who was already hurting. Someone that didn't deserve the vitriol that I gave them."

Alex finally looked up at Kara and whispered, "I-I'm sorry, I don't even deserve being called your sister. You're probably….N-No, I'm sure that you're way better off without me. I just- I just need you to understand that I'm sorry. I hope, no, I pray that you forgive me for all that I've done."

"Oh Alex," Kara breathed with a heartbroken expression on her face.

Kara didn't expect a lot from this reunion. She expected Alex to just ignore what happened that night and try to move on, which Kara was hoping for, but this was too much. Seeing Alex so broken and hurt was too much for Kara to bear.

"I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness," Alex pleaded. "I-I'll fight for you, I'll kill f-for you, I'll even die for you if you ask. Just p-please know that I'm so sorry, and k-know that I-I'll never let you down a—" Alex wasn't able to finish speaking because her sobs overpowered her.

Kara rushed to Alex and immediately embraced her sister.

Kara felt her sister stiffen at her embrace and then returned her embrace so hard, that Kara felt like she had just saved her sister from drowning.

"It's okay, Alex," Kara whispered. "I got you."

She felt Alex's hands on her shoulder as she gripped her as hard as possible, her head tucked against Kara's neck.

"I can't believe Lillian came to help you out," Sam commented, her tone filled with surprise.

"Neither can I," Lena admitted as she stared at Naomi with a concerned expression. After such a crazy yesterday, Lena and Sam had just left the courthouse with her daughter being pushed in a black and gold stroller.

Lena felt a sense of nervous excitement at that word.


Lena Luthor had a daughter.

Lena had never dreamed of being a mother. If she was honest with herself, she never thought of being a mother after her birth mother, died and her adopted mother being Lillian Luthor. It was just never in the future for her.

But now, she was a mother, to a beautiful baby girl.

Lena knew, like everything else in her life, that this would be hard work. Especially with being the newest owner of Luthor-Corp. But she had a solid foundation with Sam and Ruby, and even Lillian, despite Lena's distrust, showed that she could be reliable when it came to her little lómhara.

"You should have seen her. She was so… soft with Naomi," Lena told Sam with a small frown. "I don't know what to make of it, nor do I know if I can trust it, but she is a resource that I will use until she shows her hand."

"That is a good idea," Sam said. "But couldn't she just be softer because she has a granddaughter?"

Lena turned to her friend. "What?" She asked.

"I mean think about it," Sam began. "You always see the coldest, meanest parents in the world become softer to their grandchildren. Even my mom, who I despise greatly, adores Ruby."

"That is true," Lena acquiesced. "But considering her birth mother popped into our universe in a portal, and wore battle armor, she could be an alternate universe meta-human or an alien. And you know how Lillian feels about aliens…."

Sam nodded.

While Lillian was never vocal about her dislike of aliens, unlike Lex, Lena knew that her mother had a very low opinion of aliens, which mostly stemmed from the untold abilities that they held.

"Well, at least you can confirm that she's not racist," Sam offered. "Despite the fact she looks the type."

Lena chuckled. "Yes, I don't think I could handle Lillian being both xenophobic and racist at the same time," Lena told her friend.

Despite Lillian's misgivings about aliens, Lena knew that Lillian was an ardent defender of many people's civil rights, often speaking out and sending funding to many organizations that fought against racism, sexism, transphobia, and hom*ophobia.

If only Lillian could apply that to her xenophobia, it would make her mother maybe a smidge more paragon in Lena's eyes.

"So, now that Naomi Elizabeth Luthor is official, what's the plan?" Sam asked.

"Well, after discussing it with Lillian, I decided that I'm going to move and rebrand L-Corp in a new city," Lena revealed.

"Really?" Sam asked with wide eyes.

Lena nodded. "It was a difficult decision, but with Lex having besmirched the Luthor name, one of Lillian's ultimate no-nos, we know that Luthor-Corp will always be in the shadow of Lex's dark deeds. It needs a new start."

"Do you have the city in mind for the start of the redemption tour?" Sam asked.

"I do. National City, California," Lena announced. "I figured it would be a wonderful place to raise Naomi. Crime is pretty low, it's by the coast so I can take Naomi to the beach, despite my ardent hate of water, and it's one of the few major metropolises that have both Aliens and Humans living side by side. Lots of employment opportunities to hire from, and chances to rehab Luthor-Corp."

"Oh," Sam asked with a blink. "Well, I hope one of the other reasons you're not going there is due to that city being Super-Free."

Lena tilted her head. "I'm sorry?" Lena asked.

"You don't know, do you?" Sam questioned as she dug into her purse. She pulled out her phone as she said, "My lovely Luthor, you need to do some homework…."

Lena glanced at Sam's phone and felt her heart skip a beat.

It was an image of a woman with the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen in her life. She looked as if she had just broken free from a Greek statue. "This little number saved that plan last night," Sam explained. "It's been on the news all morning. How could you have missed it?"

"I was feeding Naomi while listening to music," Lena replied.

"Well, the news is looking for this hot little number. She's been trending on Twitter all day as "Aphrodite," "The Greek Goddess," Or as CatCo called her, "Supergirl." After our Superman. They are going insane for this woman," Sam told her.

"I can certainly see why they would be," Lena whispered as she noticed the faint smile on the pictured woman's face. "She is quite beautiful, but being compared to Aphrodite wouldn't quite be appropriate. Judging by the very faint scars I see on her and her well-toned body, It would be quite apt to compare her to Sparta/Kythira's Aphrodite Areia. Beautiful but warlike…."

Lena could feel Sam's gaze on her.

"That's just what I see, of course," Lena hastily added as she gave the amused Sam her phone back.

"Right," Sam drawled.

"So, this person was seen in National City?" Lena asked.

"Yeah. She's been the talk of the world," Sam said.

"They are already singing her praises, despite her saving a single plane," Lena noted. "I wonder what it's like for her. To do one good deed and become damn near canonized."

"Meanwhile, I'm wondering if she's single," Sam noted.

"Sam!" Lena exclaimed.

"What?" Sam laughed.

"Can we not thirst over this unknown?" Lena asked.

"Oh, so you're saying once she is known, we can thirst over her?" Sam questioned.

Lena sighed, then allowed a small grin to appear on her face. "What am I going to do with you?" Lena asked.

"Hopefully take me and Ruby out for dinner tonight," Sam suggested.

Lena chuckled then replied, "Sure. What are you up to eating?"

The duo made their way to Lena's car but as Lena reached into her pocket to retrieve her key fob, something hard collided with the back of her head.

Kara gently tucked Alex into her bed and observed the woman. After the emotional devastation Alex had gone through, she had fallen asleep in her arms.

Kara leaned down, placed a ghost of a kiss onto Alex's temple, and floated into the living room, only to see the Sunblade on her counter. Kara could feel the power from the weapon as the blade glowed with yellow light.

Kara approached the blade and grabbed the hilt. She lifted it off the counter and held it in her hand. She noticed that there was a faint trail of light that led out of her window.

"If you follow its light, it will guide you to where you need to go," Diana's voice filled her head.

Was the sword telling her where she needed to go?

Kara walked towards her living room window and watched the thin beam of light thicken the closer she got. She finally opened her windows and flew out into the air until she hovered above the city.

She held up the sword and saw the thick beam of light stretch into the distance. Kara eyed the blade and said, "If you are leading me, Apollo, then I shall follow."

She strapped the sword on her back and flew into the distance.


lómhara - Irish for "Precious"

So, things have kicked off. Alex and Kara's fractured sisterhood was revealed and Lena has made it official. Downside, our Metropolis ladies and baby have been kidnapped.

The two friends that Kara mentions is Siobhan Smythe and Kenny. In comics, Siobhan was Kara's first friend and in Supergirl (Arrowverse), Kenny was her friend.

Originally, they were going to be in the story, but I decided that they both would die to Kara's first comic book villain, Simon Tycho, to drive home that Kara was truly alone when she needed Alex, who was going down her downward spiral at this time.

Another note, I made a small change in chapter two regarding Kara's talk with Nubia regarding why she was returning to Man's World. Originally, it was based off Kara missing Alex, but I changed it so Kara was missing Eliza while wanting to reconnect with Alex after the incident.

The next chapter will have Kara meet Lena, Naomi, and Sam.

Chapter 5: When Green meets Blue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey, wake up…."

Sam's eyes slowly opened at the sound of an unknown female voice. Despite her blurry vision, the woman's glowing cobalt-blue eyes pierced through the blurriness like a lighthouse's light through a thick fog.

"W-What happened?" Sam whispered as she leaned forward off the ground. "Where am I?" She then looked at the woman and felt her heart leap out of her chest. "Y-You're that woman! The one that saved that plane!"

Sam paused. "Wow, you do look like a goddess up close," Sam voiced.

The woman smirked. "Why I thank you for your compliment," she answered as she stood upright. She held a hand out to Sam, who grasped the hand and was pulled to her feet. "What happened here?"

"Everything is so fuzzy," Sam admitted. "I was—" Sam's eyes widened in terror. "Wait! Was there a woman and a baby here when you arrived?!"

"No," the woman answered. "Was there supposed to be?"

"Yes!" Sam screamed. "This can't be happening. Lena, Naomi. They've been abducted!"

"Lena? Naomi?" The woman questioned.

"Lena Luthor," Sam answered. "My best friend and recent owner of Luthor-Corp. She and her child were abducted. She had just officially adopted Naomi too!"

"Calm down," the woman said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "I will locate her. But I will need you to stay here."

"W-What? You'll locate her?" Sam asked. "Actually, a better question is, why are you here and Who are you?"

"I am a Kryptonian from Themyscira. I was led here by a divine light," The woman answered.

"A Kryptonian? Like Superman?" Sam asked.

For a moment, Sam thought she caught a look of annoyance on the woman's face. "Superman is not a true Kryptonian," the Kryptonian answered with a frown. "But I am one, yes."

"Whoa, and you're still willing to save Lena? Despite the Luthor/Super beef?" Sam asked.

"Whatever quarrel Superman faces is his own," The Kryptonian answered. "Not mine."

"Wow, cool," Sam murmured.

"Tell me, is there an address I can bring this Lena Luthor and her child, Naomi, to once I have rescued them?" The Kryptonian asked.

"Yeah. My penthouse. I can give you the address If you'd like?" Sam offered.

The Kryptonian shook her head. "No need. I've memorized your heartbeat. Return to your penthouse, and I will be there shortly with your friend and her child."

"Coolio," Sam said, completely baffled by this exchange.

The Kryptonian nodded and removed a blade from her back. The blade shined and a beam of light shot out from the blade and into the air. "Located. I will be back soon," The Kryptonian told Sam. Sam wasn't able to give her reply because the woman blasted off into the sky.

"W-What just happened?" Sam asked herself.

"Yahoo! We're f*cking rich!"

Lena sat in a dark room with her body tied to a chair, and her mouth bound with tape. Outside of the room, she could hear the cheers of her kidnappers. She had just awakened and felt sluggish. Where was Sam? Where was her daughter?!

"Madame Masque will make us all made men for capturing a Luthor and her child!"

Horror filled her veins. These monsters had not only kidnapped her, but they kidnapped her daughter. But as Lena looked around, she failed to see Naomi in the room. What had those monsters done to her?!

Lena tried to recall Lex's lessons on freeing herself from bindings but her mind felt foggy. She tried to comb through her memories, but like falling sand, they slipped right through her fingers as fear took a stranglehold.

She had to get out of here. She had to save her daughter.

"This is going to make her bigger and richer than Slade and Lex Luthor combined!"

"I wonder what she'll have us to with the Luthor in the meantime?"

"Maybe she'll let us have fun with her?"

Lena had been in many situations where she had been held hostage, but this was the first time she experienced this kind of pain. If these men were truly like that, then Naomi was even in more danger. But oddly enough, the other men went silent at this proposal.

Finally, one of them spoke.

"Dude, that's disgusting!"

"Why did your mind jump right to that?!"

"Like, that's f*cking gross!"

"How dare you?!"

"We should kick his ass!"

If Lena wasn't so determined to get out of her bindings, she would have been amused by the response the other men gave that sole monster. But she couldn't. She had to figure out a way to get out of here to save her daughter.

But no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to free herself. Her shoulders slumped. 'Please….' Lena thought, unable to believe that she had resorted to this. 'I don't know if you exist, but I need a miracle. If not to save my life, but to save Naomi's. Please….' Lena thought as she closed her eyes and hung her head down.

She heard a door being swung open and all of the jeerings stopped.

"S-Some woman is here…." a wheezy voice said before Lena heard a body falling to the ground.

"A woman?"

"Guys, I hear footsteps! Ready up!"

Lena heard the sounds of guns co*cking before someone whistled.

"So many of you," an unfamiliar voice drawled out. "Yes, this is definitely the place."

"I don't know what you're doing here, you bitch, but you aren't getting far!"

Lena didn't hear a response at first from the mysterious newcomer. She knew that the person was a foe if she could judge her captors' reactions to her presence. But who was this person and why had they come here of all places?

"Before we begin. I must make you all aware of something," The woman started. The woman sounded so assured of herself. It was as if she were in a room full of children instead of armed men. "All of you have some critical decisions to make."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" one of the men cried.

"That decision is telling me where Lena Luthor and her child is located," The woman calmly continued as if she hadn't been interrupted. "The second decision is to stand and fight. But I warn you. If you choose that latter decision, there will be no guarantee for your safety past the next two minutes."

'She's here for me and Naomi?' Lena thought to herself in disbelief. Why? Why would this stranger be here for her? How did she even know she was here? What the hell is going on?!

"This bitch is trying to psych us out!" one of her kidnappers exclaimed.

"On the contrary," The woman corrected. "I am doing the kindest thing imaginable right now, and this is giving all of you a chance to end this amicably and give me your captives."

"And if we refuse?!" one of the men barked.

"If none of you are willing to give me the information in the next sixty seconds, what shall I tell your families?" The woman asked.

The silence that followed told Lena that those words had definitely spooked her captors. "Two minutes are up," The woman told them. "Will you stand or will you stand down?"

Another beat of silence passed, until a voice yelled, "Nice try, but we ain't telling you sh*t!"

Lena heard the woman chuckle, but it sounded low and almost predatory. "Alright… Just don't say I never gave you mercy," the woman told them.

"Open fire!" A voice yelled.

Lena's eyes widened in horror as the sounds of gunfire were heard outside of the room she was locked in. This unknown woman had braved hell to save her and now she was being gunned down because of her.

"Why won't she go down?!"

Lena blinked.

'What?' Lena thought.

The gunfire died down and there was silence for a moment.

After a beat of silence, the woman asked, "Was that it?"

There was silence.

"All of that, just for nothing to be done," the woman softly admonished. "I almost feel pity for all of you. Unfortunately, it's my turn now."

Once again, Lena heard the sounds of gunfire, but this time, she heard the men's screams of terror and general sounds of chaos. The floor and wall of the room trembled as bodies collided against it. One body flew through the wall to her right and collided against the wall behind her, which left a large gap.

Lena leaned her head to the side to try and see what was happening, but it was too far. And despite the screams of agony and pain from her captors, Lena couldn't take any satisfaction from this because she still had no idea where her daughter was.

She just hoped this ended soon so this woman could free her and she could return to Naomi.

After what felt like an eternity, she heard groans of agony from behind the door. "I was hoping to end that amicably," The woman sighed. "Now, let's find us a woman and a child… Speaking of the child...."

Lena heard steel being ripped from the hinges and the sound of Naomi's crying reached her ears. Relief filled Lena's heart as she bowed her head, overcome with emotions.

It was bizarre. She had only known Naomi for a day, but the baby had done some unrepairable damage to her heart.

Was this what it was like to be a mother? To fear for someone's safety other than your own?

"Aww, it's okay honey," the woman cooed as Naomi sniffled. "Rao, you are certainly adorable. Your Jeju must be so proud to have such a little beauty."

Lena felt a brief surge of pride at hearing the compliments that were given to her daughter.

"Okay, little one, Let's find your mother now, okay?" Lena then heard a small gasp. "Ah! There she is!"

Lena heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the door seconds later, the door was ripped off its hinges, revealing her savior, her otherworldly vibrant baby-blue eyes staring at her.

Lena could only stare in stunned disbelief. It was the woman, Aphrodite Areia. Sure, her outfit had many bullet holes in it, but she looked as if she had never been shot.

But as she stared at this woman, Lena quickly realized that the images she saw earlier in the day downplayed how beautiful this woman was.

It was as if Lena was staring at a goddess from Greek mythology.

"Lena Luthor, I presume?" The woman questioned.

Lena slowly nodded.

"Very good," the woman said. "I believe this little beauty is yours." She motioned to Naomi with a faint smile. "See, I told you that I would find your mother."

Naomi softly babbled in response.

Aphrodite Areia, as Lena would now call her, dropped the steel door to the ground and walked towards her, but despite her seemingly infinite strength, the woman held Naomi with a gentleness that Lena couldn't help but notice.

"Forgive me for taking so long," Aphrodite Areia apologized with a friendly smile as she carefully tore through the tape that bound her ankles to the front chair legs. "When I first landed in Metropolis, I had to assist your friend, Sam," she continued as she carefully removed the tape around her left wrist.

Lena let out a sigh of relief.

Sam was okay.

Once the tape on her other wrist was removed, Lena reached for the tape around her mouth and pulled it off carefully as Aphrodite Areia removed the rope around her midsection.

After God knows how long, Lena was officially free.

"My child, please," Lena immediately demanded. Aphrodite Areia smiled and held Naomi out to Lena, who carefully grabbed the small bundle from her hands and embraced her. "Oh my sweet lómhara," Lena whispered as she heard Naomi's little babble.

She moved Naomi away and immediately observed her. "Do not fear, " Aphrodite Areia told her. "She is unharmed."

Lena struggled to keep the tears at bay as Naomi yawned and looked at her with her beautiful amber eyes. She looked at Aphrodite Areia, well, she tried to look at her, but she was mesmerized by her.

This goddess, with powers she had only seen on Superman, with a voice and a presence that could intimidate her on her best day, had such gentle and kind eyes. "The service that you have done for my daughter and I on this day cannot be understated. I shall never forget this," Lena softly told her savior.

She was almost unsure if she had spoken these words out loud, but at the woman's smile, and even the faint reddening of the goddess' cheeks, she knew she had. "You do not have to thank me, ma'am," Aphrodite Areia whispered with a gentle and humble tone. "I am here because a divine light bought me your way."

Aphrodite Areia then turned her head, as if she heard something. "Stay here, It seems I'm not finished yet," the goddess instructed with a gentle smile. She moved to turn away but Lena grasped at her wrist.

"Be careful," Lena told her.

The smile grew as the goddess nodded. Lena removed her hand and the woman walked out of the chamber.

Lena watched the woman as she left and held Naomi closer to her chest.

'Be careful....'

Kara rolled her shoulders as she stepped out of the chamber the hostage was found in and took a deep breath. "I didn't think someone would be brave enough to battle me after my onslaught. Consider me very impressed," Kara said.

Kara watched as a woman with long, cascading black hair a white suit with a black button-down shirt and gold tie, black business heels with sharpened ends, and a reflective golden mask. "I did not know Lena Luthor had friends," the woman's smooth voice chuckled. "I watched your show, Mystery Woman. Very clean work. The last time I saw something like that was when I first faced off against the Man of Steel."

Kara blinked.

Lena Luthor.

Was that name supposed to mean something to her?

Kara narrowed her eyes in distaste and asked, "And who are you?"

"Amusing. You have no idea who I am?" the woman asked with amazement. "Astounding. Well, allow me to introduce myself." the woman cleared her throat and answered. "I have many identities. The Kingpin of L.A., The Big Madame of Maggia, the Golden Mask of Sicily. But for you, you can call me, Count Masque. A pleasure to meet me, I'm sure. And with whom are you, Mystery Woman?"

"I am nothing more than a Kryptonian from Themyscira," Kara answered.

"Another one?" Count Masque gasped. She then chuckled and said, "Astonishing. The big blue boy scout claimed he was the "Last Son of Krypton." Which implied he was the last of Krypton. To think, Krypton now has a daughter."

"What he says is not my affair," Kara cooly responded. "Tell me, you've seen what I've done to your men. Why challenge me? Surely you don't think you can win."

"You're interfering with Maggia's plans for the Luthor Heiress. Something I cannot allow you to do, Kryptonian," Count Masque explained as she shrugged off her suit jacket, revealing the gun holsters that were strapped to her chest. "Luckily, I was expecting Krypton's Last Son to interfere, so I came prepared." Without hesitation, she moved her hands to her sides, unclipped the holsters, pulled out both guns, and proceeded to fire at Kara.

Kara raised an eyebrow and blew a sharp breath, knocking the glowing green bullets away from her, where they clattered to the ground. "Do you purport to stop me from saving this woman?" Kara asked with a blink.

Count Masque growled and lunged toward Kara, who side-stepped the lunge and immediately swayed from left to right to avoid two jabs from the masked woman. Kara then flew backward to avoid a roundhouse kick from her opponent and then raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you are," Kara realized. "Well... Allow me to retort!"

With a quick dash, Kara's fist met Count Masque's stomach with such speed, an afterimage of the Kryptonian stood where Kara once did. Count Masque gasped as she stumbled backward, her shirt and suit vest ripped to reveal a dented armored vest beneath it. Kara used her X-ray vision and was mildly surprised to realize that she couldn't see through it.



Kara rubbed her right fist with passing curiosity and then shrugged. She walked to the villain, who had fallen to one knee, and picked her up by the neck. "Was all of that meant to harm me?" Kara asked. "If so, should I repeat what I told your men moments before, or are you aware of my ultimatum?"

The woman's knee slammed into the side of Kara's head but found no purchase as Kara's head remained still as if nothing had happened. Kara nodded in understanding and without hesitation, she lifted the woman in the air and delivered a chokeslam, where the woman in her hands wheezed in pain as a miniature crater formed in the shape of her body.

Kara stood up and looked at the still-glowing bullets. "Kryptonite. It was truly smart to always bring that type of weaponry with Superman. Unfortunately, my training has given me a very high tolerance for it."

Kara knelt beside the woman and patted the armor on her chest, causing Count Masque to groan. "Come on, it wasn't that bad. Your bones aren't even broken. Well, except your collarbone, two ribs, and your left leg...But look on the bright side. you'll recover in time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish what I came here for. If we ever cross paths again, I will ensure that I will rend you asunder, okay? Okay."

Kara stood up, dusted off her hands, and walked back to the chamber where she left the hostage.

"Ah, forgive me, Ms. Luthor. I had a little dessert with that meal from before, are you ready to get out of here?"

Lena stared at the woman and disbelief as Naomi babbled happily.

She had seen the entire event and heard just about everything except who the woman was, due to the groans of the men she had defeated prior. But what Lena did hear clearly was that the woman before her knew who she was and yet, she still fought for her and still wanted to rescue her?

Mutely, Lena nodded, which made the goddess grin.

"Alright. Hang on and try to keep your eyes off the carnage," the woman instructed.

Lena was picked up and hoisted into Aphrodite Areia's arms, which caused her to squeak in surprise. "We are a ways away from Metropolis," Aphrodite Areia murmured. "I will have to fly us back to your friend's home. Is that alright?"

"That is quite alright," Lena replied, unable to quell her rapidly beating heart.

She did not expect to be literally swept off her feet like this.

"Very well," Aphrodite Areia murmured.

Lena was then carried out of the room, which allowed the woman to view her kidnappers. They were dressed in white sweaters, white slacks, white dress shoes, and finally, gold masks over their faces, obscuring their identities from her.

"This looks like over thirty-five people," Lena whispered.

"They were nothing," Aphrodite Areia replied.

"Do they still breathe?" Lena asked.

"They do, but they will never be the same again," Aphrodite Areia murmured. "And if they know what's good for them, they will stray off such a path before meeting a more permanent end."

Lena was carried up the stairs, where they passed by ten more of these men, each one slumped over or embedded in the walls. She was led outside of a castle that sat on the edge of a cliff. In the distance, Lena could see the lights of Metropolis.

"Count Nefaria manor," Aphrodite Areia announced as she sat Lena down on the ground briefly. "It will take an hour to get home, I will fly at low altitudes so you and the baby will not get cold, alright?"

"I despise flying," Lena murmured with trepidation.

"I won't let you fall," Aphrodite Areia whispered. "I promise you that."

Lena nodded, her cheeks heating up at the sincerity in the mysterious goddess' beautiful eyes. "You've done right by me so far… So, I am inclined to believe you," Lena told her.

Aphrodite Areia smiled and without any further words, they took off into the air.

The flight, to Lena's surprise, was very smooth.

It did get chilly at times, but the overwhelming warmth that her savior provided was more than enough to keep her and Naomi from being colder.

Lena's mind raced as she was carried through the skies of Metropolis. While she despised being kidnapped, at least she was alone. But this time, both she and her daughter had been taken. She couldn't risk Naomi's safety like that again.

She would need to hire a bodyguard for her daughter and herself the moment her heroine puts her on the ground. Lena then blinked and looked up at Aphrodite Areia. "We've been in Metropolis for a short time now," Lena began. "Where are you taking us?"

"To your friend's penthouse," Aphrodite Areia answered as she slowed to a stop. "I am trying to locate her heartbeat."

"Her heartbeat?" Lena asked.

"I memorized it after we met," Aphrodite Areia answered. Lena watched a small smirk stretch across the woman's face. "I found it."

Aphrodite Areia continued her flight until Lena found herself on a familiar balcony. Aphrodite Areia touched down on the balcony and carefully lowered Lena until she was on her feet. "And we have arrived," Aphrodite Areia said with a wide smile. "Thank you for flying with me today. No need for tips."

Lena was caught off guard. The woman remained so serious and poised the entire time, but now, she looked more at ease. 'Perhaps it's due to us no longer being in danger,' Lena theorized. "The flight was perfect, if not slightly chilly. But, I felt completely safe, as promised by the captain," Lena said, matching the ease of the heroine.

"I do tend to keep my promises," Aphrodite Areia said with a smile. "Well, now that the mission is complete, I should take off. Your friend is inside on her bed, waiting."

"Must you leave so soon?" Lena questioned. "You came all this way to rescue us. The least we can do is offer you dinner or some reward."

"I appreciate the offer," Aphrodite Areia with a smile that made Lena remember why she compared the woman to Aphrodite Areia in the first place. "But, I must be off. I left my sister alone and she's probably panicking."

"Ah, I understand," Lena said. She then looked away from the woman and asked, "Then how about a rain check?"

"A rain check sounds great," Aphrodite Areia answered. "Whenever I'm back here, I'll come find you, Ms. Luthor."

"And I will await that time then, Aphrodite Areia…." Lena said, only to jump in surprise.

She did not mean to call the heroine by that name out loud.

"Aphrodite Areia, huh?" The woman questioned. "To be compared to someone like Aphrodite Areia is a great honor."

"Forgive me, I don't have your name, so I didn't know how to refer to you," Lena flushed.

"I don't have a moniker or anything like that. I don't even know if this will be a permanent thing," Aphrodite Areia told her. "For now, I'm just a simple Kryptonian from Themyscira."

Lena blinked.

That made so much sense that she's a Kryptonian. Those eyes were identical to Superman's but the was something more within them that Lena couldn't help but drown in.

Why was this woman so attractive?

"Well, Kryptonian from Themyscira," Lena began. "Once again, I thank you for your actions today in saving my daughter and I. Divine light or not, you are certainly our hero."

"You are very welcome, Ms. Luthor," the Kryptonian from Themyscira replied with a small bow. "I must be going. I'll see you around, yeah?"

"Yeah," Lena replied.

The Kryptonian from Themyscira smiled, then leaned down to Naomi and said, "And I'll see you later, little cutie."

Lena watched as Naomi gave the Kryptonian from Themyscira a gummy smile, which made the woman coo. "You have such an adorable daughter," the Kryptonian from Themyscira told Lena with a wide smile. "It's as if Aphrodite herself crafted her."

"Thank you, she certainly is adorable," Lena proudly replied.

The Kryptonian from Themyscira smiled and said, "Take care, Ms. Luthor." The woman then flew into the air, with Lena watching her leave.

"Farwell," Lena fondly whispered.

"And thank you…."

Kara flew high into the air until she was in the clouds.

She watched as Lena knocked on the patio. Moments later, the woman was in the arms of a very relieved-looking Sam.

Kara smiled at the sight.

Another happy ending.

Kara withdrew the Sunblade from her back and held it in both hands. "I don't know why you decided to have me save them, Lord Apollo, but I am grateful that you did. Thank you."

She didn't get a reply, nor did she expect one. She was just happy she was able to save the mother and daughter.

As she stared at the blade, she saw the reflection of a smiling Lena and the baby Naomi within it.

Why was she seeing this image?

What was Apollo trying to tell her?

The reflection then faded, only for Kara to frown when she saw a familiar figure behind her.

"It's been quite some time, Kara," A voice said from behind her.

Kara frowned.

"Hello, Clark."


And let the pining begin?

Chapter 6: A Blue-Eyed Betrayal


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"That was a difficult battle," Batman said as he, Superman, and Wonder Woman stood in front of a sitting Kara.

"I must say, I am sick of multi-millionaire," Superman sighed as he rubbed his right shoulder.

Batman hummed in disapproval.

"Villains," Superman swiftly added. "Multi-millionaire villains."

"Nice save," Wonder Woman said as she sheathed her sword, then turned around to face Kara. "Are you alright, child?"

"I-I'm fine," Kara whispered.

"We should get back down to Earth before this space station blows up," Batman announced as he began to walk away.

Kara could see something flicker in Wonder Woman's eyes. However, it was too fast for her to catch. "Yes. Let us go," Wonder Woman said as she held a hand out to her. Kara took her hand and was hoisted to her feet and into her arms bridal-style.

Kara flushed as the woman gave her a kind smile. "Do not fret. I will carry you back," Wonder Woman told her.

Kara nodded. "I feel sleepy," she whispered.

"Then rest. As the Future Queen of Themyscira, you will remain safe in my arms. I promise you this," Wonder Woman promised, a kind smile on her face.

"Okay," Kara murmured as she drifted off to sleep.

"I'm sorry, it has to be this way," Wonder Woman's firm voice said as Kara slowly returned from her slumbered.

She could see a group of blonde women surrounding her cousin. Kara attempted to go to them, but Wonder Woman's arms tightened around her. She could see Batman standing in the distance, his analytical gaze locked on the situation.

"W-What's going on?" Kara whispered. "Why do I feel so dizzy?"

"A special concoction," The red-haired girl with the comically large ax on her shoulders answered. "Supposed to make Kryptonians like you all loopy and weak."

She looked at the beautiful girl and whispered, "Why?"

"I don't understand," Kara weakly whispered as she looked up at Wonder Woman's stone-cold expression. "W-Why are you kidnapping me?"

"Yeah!" Clark exclaimed. "Tell her why Diana!"

"This girl has been driven to the edge," Wonder Woman, Diana, answered. "She's hurting. She was willing to sacrifice herself to spare her adopted sister and mother. She is a Kryptonian, just like you, Clark. She needs to know how to defend herself from all threats. And clearly, you've decided not to take the initiative and train her. So I shall."

"I-I…." Kara whispered. "I was told that I can't use my powers, a-after Jeremiah was taken….I-I'm afraid to use them…."

"See, she said it herself, she doesn't want to learn how to use them," Superman stubbornly told the woman.

"She said she is afraid, not that she doesn't want to use them," Diana shot back.

"Clark," Batman cut in. "It would be a good idea in having her be trained. If something were to happen to us, she could be Earth's last line of defense."

"No," Superman told him. "She is to be human. That is her only goal here. Nothing else."

"I'm taking her, Clark," Wonder Woman said. "Unlike you, I see vast potential in her. She deserves a training fit for an Amazonian. Besides, had she known how to use what Apollo gifted her, and all other Kryptonians, she would have been able to handle Tycho herself."

"Clark," Batman interjected. "You said it yourself. You have not been training her to control her powers. What happens if she loses control one day? What if someone with less noble goals than Diana takes her and uses her as a weapon, using the same method Tycho used? She could wind up hurting, or maybe even killing, people."

"What if this was Lex Luthor?" Diana asked, which caused Superman's eyes to widen. "Your worst enemy. Your former friend. What if he sought out Kara using Tycho's means? Would you allow her to be so defenseless?"

"D-Don't I get a say?" Kara whispered.

"You do," Diana answered.

"Y-You're right…." Kara admitted. "Tycho…. He killed my two best friends. Kenny and Siobhan, just to get to me. If I knew how to fight and use my powers, I could have stopped him. I do need to be trained."

"But w-what about Eliza? What about Al—" Kara cut herself off as tears began to form in her eyes, Alex's cold and heartless words echoing in her mind. "I can't leave them behind. They're my family."

"I understand that," Diana softly told her. "But this isn't about them. You need to be trained. You said so yourself."

"Then I'll get training from Kal," Kara tried to argue, but she felt so exhausted. "Tell her Kal. Tell her that you'll train me. I can't leave Eliza and Al—" Kara blinked rapidly as tears fell from her eyes. "I can't leave them behind. Please, tell her that you'll train me."

Superman looked at her, then at Batman, then finally at Diana.

"Y-You're not going to let them take me away, are you?" Kara asked, dread thick in her voice. "Kal?"

Superman lowered his head.

"Kal…." Kara whispered with a heartbroken expression on her face.

"Come, Artemis, Lyla," Diana commanded. The blonde group of women collapsed into one being and nodded, while the red-haired girl snorted.

"Don't look so down, cutie," the red-haired girl told Kara as she stared at her cousin's form with bitter disappointment. "When you get to Themyscira, this pain will be all worth it."

Kara wasn't too sure of that.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Kara began as she placed the Sunblade back on her back. She turned around and looked at her cousin with her hands on her hips. "I was wondering how long it would be for you to come and talk to me."

Superman, in all of his glory, sheepishly rubbed at the back of his neck. "You knew I was following you?" He asked.

"Of course I did," Kara responded. She thumbed the air above her and said, "I knew you were following me from the moment I came to Metropolis earlier today. I'm surprised you didn't decide to swoop in like the big-blue boy scout that you are."

While Kara kept her tone light and humorous, there was a sliver of steel in her tone as she stared at her cousin.

"Well, I knew that you could handle it," Superman softly replied. "I see you embraced the Amazonian life well." He gave her a toothy smile. "I have to say, it suits you."

"Thanks. I had to do my best to fit in after you let Diana kidnap me," Kara replied with a smile. "I just happened to enjoy all Themyscira had to offer."

Superman flinched at the comment then took a deep breath. "That's fair…." Superman murmured. "Well, all the same. It's good to have you back in Man's World, Kara."

"Hm, I'll be sure to say, "It's good to be back," when I actually feel like it is," Kara replied. "Anyway, I wish I could say that this chat has been nice, but we'd both know I'd be lying." Kara turned away, lifted her right hand, and gave a farewell wave. "Later Clark."

"Kara, wait," Superman objected as he raised his hand, which prompted Kara to turn her head to look at him. "There is so much that I want to say," he told her with sincerity in his voice. "Just give me a moment more of your time. Please?"

Kara sighed and turned around to fully face him. "I would be a jerk if I heard Alex out and not you…." She told him. "But don't take my consideration as reconciliation."

"I won't," Superman promised. "Kara. I know we didn't part on good terms."

"I'll say," Kara scoffed. "You, Diana, and Batman saved me from Tycho, only to let Diana kidnap me. After I pleaded with you to not let her take me away."

"I know," Superman said. "But you have to understand. You were inconsolable, Kara. You let yourself get taken by Tycho. You were willing to die. I-I couldn't help with that. Diana could."

"Maybe I didn't want her help," Kara told him. "Maybe you should have stepped up and been the family I needed to see me through it. I know, I was in a dark place, but I needed you. And you just abandoned me. Again."

Superman bowed his head.

"I just don't see how I could forgive you for that. It was bad enough with you just dropping me off with the Danvers after taking me away from Siobhan in New York. But when I was at my lowest, you just dumped me off on the next person," Kara told him. "I didn't dream of dumping you off when I was thrown into my ship to fly away from a destroyed Krypton and sworn to take care of you at thirteen years old. Why didn't you offer me the same courtesy?"

Superman sighed.

"You are my cousin, Clark. And out of obligation for uncle Jor-El and Lara, I will always be there to take care of you," Kara gently told him. "But if you can't recognize your mistakes since I came to this planet, I don't know how we can do this."

Kara turned around and said, "Later, Clark. Try to be a little bit more of a stranger next time." She then flew away into the night, leaving the chastised Superman behind.


A shorty chapter but a needed chapter. The next chapter is going to timeskip a few days, have some Alex and Kara bonding, and Sam, Lena and Naomi bonding. and maybe an appearance from business mommy Lilliana and Space dad J'onn.

Chapter 7: Denials, Dreams and Zala In-Ze

Chapter Text

"I woke up and you were gone," Alex told her sister with a frown once Kara entered her apartment. "I was seconds from calling Hank."

"I'm sorry, Alex," Kara apologized as she walked to her bed and sat down. "I didn't mean to be gone for so long."

"Yeah. I came in at eleven this morning and now it's seven at night. What happened?" Alex asked, concern thick in her voice.

"I bumped into Clark," Kara bitterly replied.

Alex immediately frowned.

"I'm surprised he had the nerve to talk to you," Alex sourly noted. "After what happened, I mean."

"I did too. Hopefully, he decides to stay away for a little while," Kara said. She then let out a yawn and grumbled in exhaustion. "It was a hell of a workout. I should grab a bite to eat and then get some shut-eye."

"Yeah," Alex replied.

Kara rubbed the back of her neck and murmured, "Y-You can stick around and stay over tonight. If you want?"

"R-Really?" Alex stammered. "I mean, are you sure? I-I don't want to push anything. Considering what happened…."

"We're sisters, Alex," Kara told her. "Yeah, things are a little awkward. But it's been years since I last saw you. I want to know what I missed in your life…."

Alex flushed and nodded. "Cool. I'll order us some food. Potstickers still your favorite?" Alex asked.

"You kidding?" Kara asked, her mood immediately lifted. "I've missed potstickers so much since being away."

"Chinese it is then," Alex smiled.

"I can't believe she actually came to save you and Naomi," Sam tiredly admitted after Lena explained the events that went down after they separated.

Next to them, an exhausted, but excited Ruby Arias played with Naomi, who happily giggled at the funny faces Ruby made for her.

"I can't either," Lena whispered. "The fact that a Kryptonian would save my life, evening knowing that I'm a Luthor is… amazing."

Despite her exhaustion, Sam smirked at her friend. "Oh, has a certain Kryptonian caught my baby sister's eyes?" Sam teased.

Lena flushed. "While I am appreciative of her saving my life, I am not that appreciative. Even if she has the beauty of a goddess, my prime concern is Naomi and her safety, that's all," Lena told her.

'And yet, you blush,' Sam thought with a faint grin.


Sam jumped in alarm at the static-sounding voice that appeared briefly echoed in her head.

"He…ar….me," the voice continued. "Za….la…."

Sam held the side of her head as she closed one eye as her headache flared. "Sam? Are you alright?" Lena asked as Sam felt her touch her shoulder.

"I-I'm fine," Sam whispered. "Just feeling a bit weak. That blow to the head must have done more than I thought."

"Do we need to take you to the emergency room?" Lena asked, but Sam shook her head.

"Nah, I'll be fine. I promise," Sam assured her. "I just need some rest."

Ruby yawned and said, "Mama? I'm really sleepy."

Sam smiled as she stood off the couch and lifted Ruby into her arms. "Seems I'm not the only one. We should get some shut-eye," Sam told Lena. "I already prepared the guest room for you. Even bought and set up a crib for you too."

"Thanks, Sam," Lena said.

"Anytime Lena," Sam responded as she smiled. "Get some rest, alright?"

Lena nodded.

Three hours after Sam and Ruby left for bed, an exhausted Lena sat her phone on the table in front of her and stretched her limbs. She could see the moon in the sky and smiled to herself.

She stood off the couch, carefully scooped up her daughter, and carried her to the guest room, where she placed Naomi in the crib.

Lena leaned down and kissed Naomi on the forehead and whispered, "Sweet dreams, my sweet lómhara." Lena then crept out of the guest room, cut through the living room, and walked out onto the balcony.

She embraced the cool air of the night and stared at the moon above.

Ever since she was a child, the moon always gave her comfort. Perhaps it was due to the many nights her birth mother would pray before it.

Perhaps it was because Lena found the moon beautiful.

Whatever the case, Lena always sought out the glow of the moon and tonight was no different.

The day had been nothing but chaotic. The Gods cursed her in the morning with the kidnapping, then blessed her in the afternoon with the mysterious Kryptonian rescuing her and her daughter.

So now, she sought the comfort of the Moon's radiant light.

As her birth mother had done before her, Lena clasped her hands together and closed her eyes.

"I don't know what divine light sent her my way. And if it did, I do not know who created that light," Lena murmured. "But thank you. I don't think there is a way that I could ever repay this debt to her or whatever entity the led her to my child and I."

"And to the woman who saved me, please protect her from any harm, for she is someone worth protecting," Lena finished. She separated her hands and gazed out at the moon.

"Wherever you are, Aphrodite Areia, goodnight…." Lena whispered.

"Zala In-Ze….What a perfect name for a perfect child. To think, she will be born only to die on this planet…."

"If our plan works, we can save Krypton."

"And if we can't?"

"Then the best we can do is send our daughter far away from here."

Sweat began to fall down Sam's face as she tossed and turned in bed.

"But what will happen to her?"

"We'll send her to a planet we can retrieve her from. The closest one is Earth."

"And you promise we'll be able to bring her back if we succeed?"

"I promise you that we will…."

Sam's body began to slowly rise from the bed as she gritted her teeth. Her right eye opened briefly and it revealed a burning red iris. She closed her eyes again and began to pant hard.

"Hopefully everything will be alright. She will be okay."

"Inah, we will see you soon. Get to Earth safely."

"We love you."

Sam suddenly woke up, which sent her falling back on her mattress. She slowly rose off the bed, her body soaked with sweat. "W-What was that?"

Kara switched off the television as Alex slept on the couch beside her. Kara gingerly laid Alex on the couch and covered her with spare covers.

She shed her chiton as she walked into the bathroom and hand-washed it for the following day.

After hanging it up to dry in her window, the naked Kryptonian laid down and covered herself with her covers and looked out her window at the moon. It had been a long day and she deserved a little rest.

As she closed her eyes and began to doze off, she could hear two faint heartbeats. They were nice and slow, which told Kara that whoever hearts she was listening to were asleep.

She knew whose hearts they were and while there was a mild confusion as to why their hearts were the last thing she was hearing as she dozed off, it didn't matter.

So Kara drifted off as a gentle breeze entered the room, with the last thing her ears caught being a gentle, "Wherever you are, Aphrodite Areia, goodnight…."

A week has passed since Kara returned to Man's World and Kara could admit that things were a little better.

When Alex approached her with the suggestion of clothes shopping after their sister's night, Kara refused. She preferred her Amazonian clothing to the clothing of Man's World.

But she was In the public eye more due to her heroics in the past week, and she didn't particularly enjoy cameramen when she sought out a night of pleasure.

So after day three of being on the news with a one-time lover, Kara decided to re-adopt her human identity of Kara Danvers, just to avoid being bothered.

But unlike before, she was going to do things her way with the Kara Danvers Persona.

"It feels weird being in normal clothes again," Kara noted as she walked beside Alex.

Kara wore a simple white tank top, a pair of pale-blue jeans that had a ripped-up right knee, and a pair of white sneakers. The tank top and jeans were short/tight on Kara due to the article of clothing belonging to Alex, but she managed to keep her abs barely in view.

"It's weird seeing you in those clothes too, considering you spent an entire week wearing that chiton," Alex added.

"I mean, it's all I wore when I was in Themyscira," Kara told her. "Outside of my armor."

"Armor?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. I did have to enter combat all the time," Kara said. She then flexed her bicep, unaware that a woman who saw this, blushed and bumped into a stop sign. "I didn't get these muscles, or scars, for nothing."

Alex narrowed her eyes and said, "Those scars are very faint. Were you fighting people using Kryptonite?"

"No. I've learned that Kryptonians are weak to a few more things. Mental/psi energy, magic, and power of the gods themselves," Kara answered. "In my first year on Themyscira, I fought Ares."

"I'm sorry? Ares? The God of War?" Alex asked.

"Certainly wasn't Kratos," Kara joked. "Yes, Ares. He kidnapped me and tried to use my then-resentment toward Diana as a tool to get me to serve him. It didn't work."

"Wait. The Greek Gods are real?" Alex breathed.

Kara nodded. "All of them. I managed to meet everyone except for Zeus. Then again I was terrified of him finding me attractive and trying to get me pregnant. I did not want Hera to get on my case."

Kara noticed that Alex was gobsmacked by the reveal and asked, "You alright?"

"I-I'm just trying to understand," Alex said. "So the Greek Gods are real. They are real-life beings?"

Kara nodded.

"So, does that mean that Hades exists?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. But he's a neat guy. Both him and Sephi," Kara answered.

"Sephi?" Alex questioned.

"As in Persephone," Kara clarified.

"I need a drink," Alex muttered.

"Same. Are we done shopping?" Kara asked as the two made it to Alex's car. Alex popped open the trunk and the pair placed their shopping bags into it.

"We have enough clothes for you I think," Alex muttered. "But there is one more thing we should do…."

Kara bit back a groan.

"I know, I know," Alex sighed. "But we've been putting off seeing Hank for days now. We should go to the DEO and talk to him before he sends agents after us."

Kara shrugged. "Sure. I do have to thank him for putting you on the right track, so might as well," Kara told her.

Alex flushed.

Outside of Kara's nightly heroics and sometimes hookups, Alex and Kara had worked on their relationship. They recounted everything that happened during their four years apart. Alex told her that Hank had helped her heal after the incident that caused Kara to be taken, while Kara told her about her many years on Themyscira.

"I owe a lot to him," Alex softly admitted. "But that's for another discussion. You never did tell me what caused you and Clark to get into last week."

Kara blinked.

She was so annoyed about Clark, that she returned home to her worried sister and ranted at her about him instead of telling her about Lena and Naomi. Kara got into the passenger seat and slipped on her seatbelt as Alex got into the driver's seat. Once the engine started, Kara said, "Well, I saved a woman and her child."

"A woman and her child?" Alex asked.

"Yeah," Kara replied.

The image of Lena with Naomi in her arms filled Kara's mind. She almost smiled at how gentle Lena's green eyes were as she looked at her, but fiery green eyes immediately filled her mind, which made Kara feel guilty.

What in the world was she doing? She shouldn't be imagining the woman she saved. It hadn't even been a week since Artemis shattered her heart. This wasn't the time to start thinking about another woman.

Sex was fine, but emotion? Pining? Out of the damn question.

"Her child was adorable but Lena was nice to look at," Kara softly told her sister. "They had been kidnapped by some gang. My Sunblade led me to their unconscious friend to save her, and then led me to them."

"That sword with the sun emblem on the knuckle guard?" Alex questioned.

Kara hummed her confirmation then said, "Yeah. It led me right to them."

"I've never seen you hold a baby before," Alex noted. "What was it like?"

"It felt…." Kara drifted off. She remembered how wonderful it felt as she held Naomi. It was like the baby fit in her arms perfectly, despite her strength. "Nice…."

"And what did you think of this Lena?" Alex questioned.

"She seemed grateful for my actions," Kara answered. "She offered to take me to dinner or something one day."

"You going to take her off on her offer?" Alex asked.

Kara let a small, sad smile form on her lips as she replied, "Nah, I don't think I can handle something like that right now," Kara told her sister.

"Why? It's not like you're betraying the woman who broke your heart. Besides, it's only a thank-you dinner," Alex told her.

"True…." Kara murmured.

The car slowed to a stop in front of the DEO building. The pair stepped out of the vehicle but as Kara closed the door, she heard a familiar heartbeat spike. "Kara?" Alex questioned as Kara fully turned around in the direction of the sound. "Everything alright?"

"It's Lena and Naomi," Kara whispered. "Something is wrong."

"You can hear their hearts from here?" Alex asked.

"Not on purpose," Kara answered. When she helped Sam and rescued the little family, she had memorized their heartbeats. She refused to acknowledge to herself that she would listen to Lena and Naomi's heartbeats whenever she zoned out or went deep into thought.

She refused to acknowledge that at night, their heartbeats filled her ears like a lullaby that never failed to lull her to sleep.

It shouldn't be like this. The only heartbeat that had that type of ability was the woman who left her behind.

What was going on with her?

She noted that their heartbeats calmed down. Whatever caused the spike was quickly amended. And while Kara was concerned, the Sunblade in the back seat of Alex's car did not glow.

Everything must be alright with them….

"I think everything is okay now," Kara murmured. "Come on, let's go see Hank."

Alex nodded.

"I just can't believe it," Lena breathed.

She stared at the unconscious body of the assassin as Sam looked on with a stunned expression. Sam had several crushed bullets on the ground in front of her, and her shirt had holes in it, but she was untouched.

"Sam," Lena began. "What did you just do?"

"I-I don't know," Sam whispered. "I didn't even know I moved until he hit the ground."

It had happened so fast. Sam and Lena were in the middle of a conversation when a man with a machine gun charged into her office and fired. Sam threw herself in front of Lena and Naomi without hesitation and knocked the man out.

The duo knew the man had fired, but Sam remained on her feet.

"Sam, you should be dead," Lena whispered. "Y-You saved my child and I…."

Sam took a shuddered breath. "I should be dead, but I'm not….I'm still alive. I'm not even bleeding…." Sam whispered.

"I know you said you've been experiencing some odd things since that day but…." Lena drifted off.

A day after the blonde Kryptonian saved her life, things had gotten odd with Sam and Ruby. The Arias family seemed extremely exhausted at times, to the point where they were on bed rest for three days in a coma-like sleep.

Then, the family bounced back.

They were super-boosted somehow, with more energy and bigger appetites. It was insane to Lena how they could go from near comatose to energizer bunny levels of energized.

And their eyes.

Their irises were a bright hazel and seemed to shine in dark areas. It wasn't the golden irises that Naomi had, but it was close.

"Sam…." Lena breathed as she looked at her friend with concern.

"We should go pick up Ruby," Sam softly told her without looking back at her. "If this just happened to me, there is no telling what is going on with her…."

Lena nodded.

Seems like this week is going to be as hectic as the last.

Chapter 8: The DEO and CFO


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Welcome to the Department of Extra-normal Operations," Alex announced to her sister as Kara entered the command center of the DEO.

Admittedly, it looked pretty nice. It amused her that all of this high-tech technology and all of the armed soldiers sat within a building that looked like an average office building.

"It looks nice," Kara told her sister with a slightly forced smile. It wasn't because the place wasn't cool, but she was still worried about Lena and Naomi, despite the calmness of their hearts. "Too much technology though," Kara joked.

"There's never enough technology," A voice chimed in.

Alex rolled her eyes as a boyishly handsome man in a chair turned around with a grin. "About time you got here, Alex," the man teased. He looked at Kara and asked, "And who is this tall glass of water?"

"Her name is Kara Zor-El of Themyscira," Kara introduced herself with a grin on her face.

"And that is my sister," Alex warned.

"Sisterly bond. Noted. Nice to meet you, Kara. Winn Schott Jr. is the name," Winn introduced himself with a friendly smile. " Being the resident handsome technician of the DEO is my game."

Alex snorted and muttered, "He's more big-headed than handsome."

Winn stuck his tongue out at Alex, who flipped him off in reply.

Kara let out a boisterous laugh. "I like him already," Kara noted to Alex. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you, Winn."

"Likewise Kara. Themyscira, though? That's the place where Wonder Woman hailed from, right?" Winn asked.

Kara nodded.

She often forgot that her Queen had once been a well-known hero in Man's World. "That's right," Kara answered.

"Wowzers," Winn breathed. "But wait, if you came from that place, how are you two sisters?" He suddenly gasped. "Alex, are you from Themyscira, too?"

"No," Alex swiftly answered. "My sister lived there for a while. And that fact should be on a need-to-know basis." Alex shot Kara a look, but she shrugged.

"I know," Kara said. "But you seem close to Winn, and you're a good judge of character. I have a feeling you trust him as you trust me."

Alex faltered.

Winn smiled.

"So, I have no qualms about him knowing," Kara stated. "But I will refrain from introducing myself as that, and just go by Kara Danvers."

Kara felt a little glum by this.

On Themyscira, she was free to be who she was and not hide her gifts, considering her Amazonian sisters are slightly weaker than her, Nubia and Artemis are just as strong as her, and Diana is currently stronger than her.

She didn't have to hide who she was….

Just another thing Themyscira was better at than Man's World.

Alex must have noted her dimmed expression because she said, "No harm, no foul. Winn's the brother I never wanted."

"Hey!" Winn gasped, offended.

Kara grinned.

"Well, dear brother, how did you find yourself a part of this organization?" Kara asked.

"Oh, Lore drop," Winn stated. "Well, could you believe I hacked into the DEO to prove there were more aliens out there other than Superman?"

"You hacked this place?" Kara asked, impressed.

"Oh yeah. It was hella hard," Winn answered. "But I did it and got proof. The only reason I hacked this place was that I hacked the White House and saw that this place was referenced, dug in a little deeper, and ta-da."

"Oh! I get it," Kara breathed. "You met Alex when she came to arrest you then, I bet."

"Got it in one. Thankfully, I wasn't looking to spill the secrets. The Director was impressed with my work and offered me a job here," Winn summed up. "Alex was cold to me at first, but she warmed up and we became bros."

"I'm glad," Kara said, relieved.

Alex looked at her in confusion.

"Really? Why?" Alex asked.

"Well, I was worried that you were all alone while I was gone," Kara answered. "Knowing you had someone with you, someone you see as a little brother—"

"I'm older than her by two years," Winn groused.

"—Fills me with peace," Kara continued as if Winn never spoke.

"Thanks," Alex whispered.

Kara nodded.

"But, there is one other person that has been with me since you left. Honestly, if not for him, I wouldn't be around," Alex admitted. She took Kara's hand and asked Winn, "We up for Al's tonight?"

"When aren't we?" Winn joked.

"Fair," Alex stated.

"Nice to meet you," Kara got out as she allowed Alex to tug her to their next destination.

"You looked exhausted," Lillian cooed as she held the small child in her arms.

"I am," Lena replied.

"I was referring to my granddaughter," Lillian swiftly replied. Lena looked up from her desk and saw a ghost of a grin on her stepmother's face.

Did she just tell a joke?

Lena shook her head. She had to have imagined that. "But, I will confess that I am concerned about you as well," Lillian stated as she pulled out a bottle of formula from Lena's baby bag and began to carefully feed the baby in her arms.

"Well, when someone tries to gun you down in your own office, you tend to be a little more than exhausted," Lena said. She drank a sip of her coffee, set the cup down, and sighed. "If not for Sam, I wouldn't even be here."

"Hm, speaking of your newest CFO, where is she?" Lillian asked.

Lena frowned.

"Mama! I can't believe that I can fly!" Ruby excitedly said as she hovered beside her mother.

Lena and Sam glanced at one another, their expressions troubled. After they arrived at Ruby's school, they were told by the principal that while in class, Ruby began to float toward the ceiling. That then changed when she decided to fly around the hallway.

The Principal had to calm down the entire school before all the excited kids could riot.

Now, the trio sat at Sam's penthouse, her glass dining room table covered with documents that regarded Sam's past. "I just don't understand it," Sam muttered in annoyance. "This sh*t doesn't happen out of nowhere."

"I agree," Lena stated. "You took several bullets for me, Ruby can fly. It seems it all came about after you met Aphrodite Areia."

"I mean, that is feasible," Sam muttered. "But I was knocked unconscious. Perhaps that did something too?"

"Sam, we're not finding anything," Lena told her. "I think you should—"

"I refuse," Sam cut her off. "I am not going back there. Besides, she may not know anything."

"Counterpoint, she might," Lena shot back.

Sam glowered at her.

Lena reached out and placed a hand on Sam's forearm. "Sam, I love you. You know I wouldn't suggest this lightly," Lena told her. "But your adoption papers give nothing away. You need to talk to her."

Sam sighed.

"I'll have to leave for a little while then. Who will be your CFO until then?" Sam asked.

Lena looked glum.

"There's only one person who could take your place right now," Lena replied.

Sam winced.

"That's why I reached out to you," Lena told her stepmother. "Sam was shaken up by nearly dying today and took some time off….I was hoping that you would…."

Lena couldn't finish her sentence. She never thought, on her wildest day, that she would ask Lillian for a favor like this.

"I will be happy to accept the temporary CFO position," Lillian calmly interjected. "But only until she returns. After that, I have my own affairs to work on. And I can't have your company be involved in that."

Lena did not want to know what those affairs were, so she left that comment alone. Instead, she said, "Thank you."

Lillian replied with a curt nod.

"Now, I believe there is another issue that needs to be addressed," Lillian said. "And that is the safety of yourself and my granddaughter."

"I know," Lena began.

"A kidnapping attempt last week, an assassination attempt this week. We need to start looking into getting you a bodyguard," Lillian told her.

"Judging from the sound of your tone, you already have one scouted?" Lena asked.

"You know me well, dear," Lillian replied with a hint of pride. Lillian removed the bottle from Naomi's mouth, leaned her against her right shoulder, which already had a towel draped over it, and patted her back until the baby burped.

"I've already compiled a dossier for potential bodyguards. All you have to do is look into them. I have made sure to add aliens on there as well, despite my displeasure with them," Lillian explained.

"How very open-minded of you," Lena stated with a blink.

"I despise them, Lena," Lillian said. "But I will push aside my dislike of them to keep my granddaughter safe." Lillian pulled Naomi away and couldn't stop her smile when Naomi giggled. "Honestly, who would want to rob this beautiful child of her mother?"

Lena frowned.

That's what she wanted to know. Not just for herself, but for Naomi's birth mother as well.

Alex was nervous.

There was so much in Alex's life that changed after Kara was whisked away.

The first was Winn.

Kara was on the money when she made her statement about Winn. Somehow, Winn had weaseled his way into her heart as her brother.

She hadn't meant for it, but she missed Kara so much, and when she met Winn, he seemed down as well. They just gravitated to one another.

The second was her relationship with her boss.

She first knew him as Hank Henshaw but after an incident with an alien, she knew him as J'onn J'onzz.

After their big blowup and the subsequent reveal from Clark that Kara was whisked away to Themyscira, Alex had gone into a dark, self-destructive place that he saved her from by giving her the kick she needed.

He became her mentor and, as she realized during his time imprisoned, a father figure to her.

She worried about how Kara would react to it, especially since she didn't know the whole truth behind Jerimiah and J'onn. All she knew was that he, as Hank, put her on the right track.

She just prayed things went smooth between the two.

"This is his office," Alex announced.

Kara narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"Kara, I need you to have an open mind, please. There is so much you don't know," Alex told her. "And I don't want you to jump to conclusions, alright?"

"I understand," Kara confirmed.

Alex mustered up a smile and held up her hand to knock on the door, only for it to open to reveal the stern expression of J'onn J'onzz, in his Hank Henshaw persona. "Director!" Alex gasped.

J'onn gave her a brief smile then turned serious. "Agent Danvers," J'onn greeted. "I was just about to bring you in."

"You were?" Alex asked.

"Yes. We have a situation," J'onn told her.

"What is going on?" Kara spoke up.

J'onn looked to Kara and said, "It's funny that you're here as well. Considering this situation involves you."

Kara blinked.

"I'm sorry?" Kara asked.

Astra In-Ze stared at the image of the blonde heroine on the screen and sighed.

"So it is true," Astra murmured. "My niece still lives."

"And Vartox is in the middle of the city she resides in," Her husband, Non, added. "She could be a threat to our plans."

Astra nodded, and while her face remained cold, her heart cried out at the sight of the various heroics her niece was seen doing.

"Then let's hope Vartox does what he does best," Astra softly murmured as she stared at the screen, which revealed Vartox as he stood in the middle of the street, his ax strapped to his back and his arms crossed.


And that is the end of this chapter. So, Kara and Alex love each other dearly, and missed one another, but I decided to give them both that person that became their sibling, with Nubia and Winn for Kara and Alex respectively.

I had to change Winn's past on how he got to the DEO since he never met Kara, but their friendly dynamic will blossom soon. I also decided to have J'onn and Alex bond sooner than in the show.

I will explain the details of that in the future.

Also, I spent the last two days debating on if Lillian would pair with Eliza or Alura. Both have interesting storylines I could do....

So, I decided on doing something I don't think anyone has done with Lillian before. If you're curious, take a look at the tags.

The next chapter will deal with Vartox and will deal with an appearance for Naomi's Lady Akira. This chapter, the next chapter, and potentially the one after that will be the last time Lena and friends and Kara are in separate cities.

I had to build up their stories. So for SuperCorp lovers, our time is coming. Just a little bit more world building.

Chapter 9: Supergirl Areia


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Him….That's a Valeronian, alright," Kara hummed with crossed arms as she stared at the screen. "And you say this person is looking for me?"

Hank nodded and motioned for Kara to look at another screen, where a reporter stood in front of the Valeronian. "This was taken right after you showed up at the DEO," Hank told her.

"Excuse me, sir," the kind reporter said as she held the microphone to the man. "I'm Linda Lee Lang, a reporter from Secret Hearts News. I've come to ask you a few questions. If you don't mind, of course."

"She looks exactly like you," Alex noted to Kara in a small whisper.

Kara grinned.

The alien smirked and said, "Speak."

"What brings you here in the middle of downtown National City?" Linda Lee questioned.

The Valeronian turned his head and said, "That Kryptonian woman that showed up. Alura Zor-El's spawn."

Kara's eyes immediately hardened.

The Valeronian knew her mother's name.

"She's been doing heroic deeds, according to the news. I've come here to National City to take her life," the Valeronian explained. "And if she doesn't appear, I will bring the city down to its knees. And trust me, nothing is stronger than a Valeronian man."

"Oh!" Linda Lee exclaimed. She turned back to the camera and said, "Then perhaps Supergirl should get here soon!"

"Ew, she called me Supergirl," Kara answered.

"Cat has been pushing that name for you," Winn said, announcing his presence. Alex jumped in and immediately punched him in the arm, which caused him to groan in pain.

"Ouchies," he whined as he rubbed his arm.

"Next time you startle me, it'll be that "Handsome mug" you call a face, got it?" Alex warned.

Winn whimpered.

"Why is this Cat Grant calling me 'Supergirl?'" Kara asked.

Winn shrugged. "I mean, you and Superman share that same dazzling cobalt-blue eye color that's not seen on our planet," Winn explained. "Not to mention, she coined the name the minute you popped onto the scene."

"I prefer Aphrodite Areia," Kara murmured, her mind flashing back to the moniker Lena had given her. "The one calling me out is also incorrect. A Valeronian male is strong, but they are no match for someone like me."

"You're going to fight him?" Alex asked.

Hank narrowed his eyes.

"I will not allow someone to destroy things because I'm their target," Kara answered as she turned around and walked away. "Besides, I'm not going to allow a race more arrogant than the Daximites to talk down to me. So sit back and relax. This will be done in a breeze."

"What do you plan to do?" Hank asked.

Kara paused, turned her head, and smirked. "Deal with him as an Amazonian would," Kara answered.

She then looked at the ceiling and flew through it.

But as she flew in the direction of her apartment, she could hear Alex let out a deep sigh and grumble, "The roof opened, Kara…."

"Interesting," Lillian murmured as she and Lena stared at the television screen. Lena had decided to take a half-day from Luthor Corp and returned home with a sleeping Naomi. Lillian naturally remained by her daughter's and granddaughter's side to ensure their safety.

Little did she know, the news would be playing an alien in the middle of downtown National City. And that alien would supply her with information she wasn't expecting.

Lillian knew a lot about Kryptonians thanks to her son's journal, which was filled with stolen information from one of Superman's bases out in the North Pole.

'So, this mysterious Greek Goddess is a Alura Zor-El's spawn....And knowing the naming scheme of Kryptonions, this means the new face is a Kryptonian," Lillian thought.''How annoying. They're multiplying....'

"Two Kryptonians," Lillian voiced. "And here I thought Superman was the only one."

"Well, I thought that too until recently," Lena stated with a faint smile.

Lillian tilted her head in thought.

Why was her daughter smiling?

What did she know?

Lillian then caught something on the screen.

"There she is," Lena breathed. "Aphrodite Areia…."

On the screen was the mysterious Kryptonian, with a sword in hand and dressed like a Greek goddess. "Is that what she is called?" Lillian asked, having caught what her daughter called the woman on screen.

"No, it's what I call her," Lena replied.

Lillian observed her daughter for a moment.

It felt like Lena knew this woman somehow.

But how?

She shook her head at the thought and gazed back at the screen. The woman was beautiful, Lillian could not deny that, but she held a weapon in her hand, which made Lillian quirk a brow.

"A sword," Lillian noted. "Why would she be carrying a sword? Aren't all Kryptonians invincible?"

"No idea," Lena said. "Superman often touted he was invincible, but Lex was able to combat him in many ways."

Lillian hummed in thought. "Well, let's see what this one can do," she whispered, more to herself than to her daughter.

"It's about time you showed, Kryptonian!" the Valeronian exclaimed once Kara landed on the ground, dressed in her chiton and the Sunblade strapped to her back. "I thought you would never show."

"As I told my allies," Kara said as she withdrew the Sunblade from its scabbard. "I will not allow someone from a race more arrogant than the Daximites to talk down to me."

The Valeronian spat at the mention of the Daximites. "One thing I will say about Krypton blowing up. I'm glad it took down that sh*tty planet with it."

Kara narrowed her eyes.

"But now that our mutual dislike of Daxam and its dead race has made itself known, it's time for you to act like the women in my world and bow to me," the Valeronian ordered. "If you do this, I will make your death sw—"

"And that's time," Kara suddenly cut in. "Before you dig yourself into an even deeper hole, I have a million other things to do today. So, here is the deal: I'm going to give you a chance. A chance at walking away to enjoy another day of being an arrogant, sexist, breathing Valeronian."

"You must be—" The Valeronian started.

"No, no," Kara swiftly interjected. "I want you to seriously listen to me. Despite you calling me out and putting my mother's name in your disgusting mouth, I'm giving you the chance to turn around and leave with your life."

"What if I refuse?" the Valeronian questioned with an air of defiance as he withdrew his Thermal Ax.

Kara smiled. "If you refuse my act of charity, please don't be too surprised when you appear at Charon's boat, okay?" Kara told him.

The Valeronian snarled and said, "The time for talk is over. Your mother owes me a debt, and you're going to repay it in blood."

"Don't say I didn't give you a way out," Kara told him as she walked in the Valeronian's direction. The Valeronian snarled and ran towards Kara with his Thermal Ax scraping the ground behind him, which caused a trail of fire to follow the ax head.

The Valeronian picked up speed as he raced to Kara, who placed the Sunblade at her right side with both hands on the hilt.

Kara leaned her body forward and began to jog at her opponent. Then, with a burst of speed, her body briefly flickered as she kicked her speed into overdrive, causing a trail of broken cement to shoot past the Valeronian's body, blowing the fire that trailed behind him away.

The broken trail of cement stopped as Kara's form swiftly appeared a few feet behind him with his Thermal Ax in her hand. She turned her head and watched as the Valeronian continued to run towards her afterimage until it slowly faded away into nothing.

"That was easier than I thought," Kara muttered as she sharply swung the Sunblade, cleaning the steel of the Valeronian's blue blood. She returned the Sunblade to the sheath on her back and hoisted her newly acquired Thermal Ax onto her shoulder.

Blood began to fall down the Valeronian's neck as the arm that should have been holding the ax fell to the ground in a bloody mess. Seconds later, the body tumbled to the ground as his head fell off his shoulders and onto the cracked street and rolled, a stunned expression frozen on his face.

"Holy sh*t," Winn breathed.

"I literally blinked and missed it," Alex whispered.

Hank remained silent.

While he was horrified at Kara taking a life in the way she did, he was also very impressed.

Diana had done a fantastic job in training Kara.

It may have been graphic, but it was quick, and judging from the look on the face of the dead Valeronian, it seemed to be painless.

He nodded his approval.

"That was amazing!" Linda Lee exclaimed as she and her cameraman ran to Kara. Kara halted and looked at her lookalike.

Kara smirked as the reporter blushed and said, "You were very impressive Supergirl."

Kara's right eyebrow twitched at the name but she let it go and offered a smile to the bashful reporter. "Thank you," Kara thanked as she nodded her head in the reporter's direction. "Glad to impress."

"You certainly did. You didn't even give him a chance to combat you. It was just done," the reporter stated.

"Of course not," Kara answered. "Fighting here would have caused major damage and potential loss of life. No sense in drawing it out."

"V-very true," The woman said. "Would you…. Mind saying something to the audience watching Secret Hearts News?"

"Considering you've decided to put your camera on me, I suppose I shouldn't deny your request, right?" Kara asked.

"I-I mean," the reporter bashfully replied. "Y-You can if you wish."

Kara let out a gentle laugh. "Calm yourself, Ms. Lang, I would be honored to speak to the audience."

Linda Lee looked starstruck by this.

Kara gently took the microphone from the reporter's hand and said, "Attention, all those willing to cause chaos in this city: My name is…." Kara paused.

As much as she didn't want to be compared to Superman, it was a name most were familiar and safe with. People would know that she was trustworthy if she put herself under the Superman banner.

However, thanks to Lena Luthor, there was a little piece that she would add to that name to make it her own.

"….Supergirl Areia," Kara introduced. "I am a heroine born from Krypton and a daughter of Themyscira. I have staked my claim on protecting those in this city and beyond, both human and alien alike. Anyone that comes and threatens the lives of those I have deemed worthy to protect, I will do as I have done to the Valeronian—"

Kara gave the reporter her microphone back, took a step back, and finished, "—and leave you to wander the shores of the River Styx…."

With that threat given, Kara winked at the reporter and then blasted off into the afternoon sky.

"That was something," Lena whispered with an awed tone in her voice. "Supergirl Areia...."

Lillian watched a touched expression appear on her daughter's face.

She was not going to question it at this time, because the sight of what she saw had greatly shaken her.

She would never admit it out loud, but she thought, due to Superman's strong stance on not killing, that all Kryptonians followed that rule.

But this Supergirl Areia did it without any hesitation.

She was aware that this Kryptonian had saved many during her time and even battled this alien at the risk of it wreaking havoc, but the fact that this Supergirl Areia would not hesitate to kill those that threatened both humans and aliens meant that Lillian had to quickly find a way to defeat her and Superman.

But, that would come after Samantha returns and she hires a suitable bodyguard for her daughter and granddaughter.

What in Rao's name was she doing?

That was the thought that ran through Kara's mind as she found herself in Metropolis in the middle of the night ever since she heard Lena and Naomi's hearts quicken early in the day, she couldn't keep her mind off of them.

She just had to make sure they were okay before she met up with her date in a little while.

Kara allowed their heartbeat to lead her to what Kara assumed was Lena's penthouse and with her X-ray, she noticed that Lena and Naomi were sleeping soundly in their beds. Kara let out a soft sigh of relief, only to see Naomi open her eyes and begin to sniffle, her little face scrunched up. Kara let a soft, sympathetic smile form on her face as Naomi began to cry.

Kara flew around the penthouse where Naomi's room was and once she found a window, she flew up to it and gave it a light rap. Naomi's cries turned into little whimpers as her eyes caught Kara's.

Kara smiled and wiggled her fingers as she whispered, "Hello, cutie." Naomi kicked her little feet as she babbled happily, no trace of sadness in her. "There's that smile," Kara cooed with a tender gaze. "You be a good inah to your Jeju and smile. No tears. Okay?" Naomi squealed, which seemingly woke Lena up due to the woman's heart rate increasing in Kara's ears.

"I better go. Okhahsh khiely, Kir Divi (Sleep gently, Little Light)," Kara whispered and quickly sped away.

Hopefully hearing Naomi laughing was a better wake-up call for Lena than hearing her daughter crying.

"Now to go have some fun," Kara told herself as she sped off back to National City.


I am so sorry if this chapter is a little messy. It won't be in the future. So, Supergirl Areia of Themyscira has officially arrived. I decided to hold off on Astra's reaction to Kara's announcement because that is going to helm the next chapter, along with Sam's discovery.

So, I'm thinking after the next chapter, Lena and Sam will be in National City, a certain cute cop and sassy CatCo owner will make their appearance, and SuperCorp will be setting sail!

I am so sorry but there will be no James Olsen, I actually like him, but in this fic, since Kara is feuding with his best friend, I doubt James is going to be in National City with Winn and Kara.

And because James is gone, so is Kelly. Which sucks because I ADORE Kelly Olsen. ;^; but I can't think of anyway to bring her over to National City. That may change in time, but for now, no Kelly or James.

Which means my original pair of Winn/James and M'gann/Kelly was ruined.

But that also means Winn gets an awesome Martian girl!

Chapter 10: Mother and Daughter


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Thank you," Sam thanked Patricia Arias as she sat in the recliner, a teacup in her hand.

"You're welcome, Sam," Patricia replied as she poured herself a cup of tea as well. "I see that you're alone."

"Ruby is sick. I didn't want to bring her to get you sick," Sam smoothly replied. She knew that Patricia's health was slightly poor in her old age, and knew exactly what to say to get her off her back.

"It would've been nice to see her again," Patricia said.

"Well, we all can't get what we want sometimes," Sam softly told her. "But when she's better, and if she wants, I will bring her here next time."

"That's all I ask," Patricia said.

The two drank their tea in silence.

If Sam had it her way, she would have never allowed Ruby and Patricia to meet, but when Ruby had gotten sick when she was five and Lena was out of the country, Sam had no choice but to return to Patricia for help.

As Sam looked at her elderly mother, the words she screamed at her mother on that fateful day echoed within her head.

"If you ever loved me, you will help me! I don't want to lose the only thing that I have left!"

It annoyed her how much her adopted mother adored Ruby, and how much Ruby adored her, considering Patricia had kicked her out, robbing her of a support system and leaving her out in the cold, with Ruby's near-death experience bringing some semblance of a hint of a relationship between them.

"So, what brings you by? I know you being here with me is something you strongly dislike," Patricia said, breaking the silence.

"It wasn't always this way," Sam noted.

"No, it wasn't," Patricia replied. "But you made your choice in having Ruby. You had to have known there would be consequences."

"I was a ki—" Sam cut herself off then shook her head. "Forget it, I didn't come here to rehash the same old argument. I came here for information."

"Information?" Patricia asked.

"Yes," Sam answered. "When I was a kid, did I do anything strange?"

"All children are strange," Patricia said. "You will have to be a little bit more specific."

"Okay, specifics," Sam muttered. "Well, did I ever fall and break any bones? Or lift things that a child couldn't have been able to lift? Did I ever get sick ever?"

She could see surprise and fear in Patricia's eyes at the line of questioning.

Surprise, Sam could understand, but fear?

Why was Patricia afraid?

Patricia stood up and walked to a table, where a picture frame sat. "No, no, nothing like that," Patricia stammered out.

"Okay," Sam said as she stood from the couch. "Well, if nothing like that has happened, maybe you can help me find out something about my birth mother."

The fear in Patricia's eyes grew at the mention of her birth mother, and it made Sam all the more curious. "Why do you want to know about her?" Patricia asked.

"Oh, you know," Sam shrugged with her hands in her pockets, her voice shaking due to the emotion she was trying to keep at bay. "When you get shot and the bullets don't penetrate your body as if you're bulletproof, you tend to wonder about a few things."

She could see a myriad of emotions cross Patricia's teary eyes but Sam didn't let up. "I should have died saving the life of my best friend and my goddaughter." Sam choked out, the reality of what could have befallen her setting in. "I should have been r-riddled with bullets, and Ruby should be without me, but I'm still alive."

Tears fell down Sam's face as she stared at Patricia's face. "I should not be here, standing in front of you, but I am. And now, All of these things are happening to Ruby and I, and I have no idea why. If you know something, Patricia, I need you to tell me what is happening to us."

Patricia looked at the floor, then back at Sam's tear-streaked face. "Follow me."

Sam followed Patricia outside and to the shack. She watched as Patricia took a breath, opened the door, and revealed a large object covered in a brown tarp. Patricia and Sam walked inside, with Patricia turning on the lights to show the large covered object.

"You ask about your birth mom. I lied. I didn't adopt you," Patricia revealed as she removed the tarp, to reveal this high-tech space pod. Sam took a step back in disbelief.

What the hell was she looking at?

"I found you…. In this," Patricia continued.

Sam took a step toward the pod and ran her hand against the smooth and cool metal. She couldn't think, she couldn't speak. All she could do is stare at the large machine before her.

"I didn't know where you were from, or who left you in this thing or why," Patricia told her. "And you just... You looked so damned helpless... that I took you home."

Sam finally looked at Patricia and asked, "Were you ever gonna tell me?"

"No, Samantha, I swore that I would tell you when you turned eighteen," Patricia told her. "But you were gone by then. And I thought, well, maybe that's better. That you would be better off out there on your own without knowing."

"W-Was…." Sam swallowed. "Was this why it was easy for you to get rid of me? Because I wasn't human? Because I was an alien this whole time?"

Patricia gasped. "No, of course not. What happened between us wasn't because you were an alien. If it was, I would have never have adopted you, or taken care of you, or loved you," Patricia told her with conviction in her voice. "I just wanted you to have a normal life as a normal child."

Sam walked over to the machine and when she placed her hand against the side, the machine began to power up. Sam jumped in surprise as a beacon rose from the machine. Sam approached it slowly and plucked the crystal out, depowering the machine again.

Sam glanced at the crystal and watched as it slowly ebbed with a blue light.

Sam gave a sad smile as she looked at Patricia.

"Well, I guess that was never fated to be, now was it?" Sam asked.

There were so many emotions that Astra was feeling as she sat in the conference room with Non, and their trusted underling, within their base of Fort Rozz.

She was relieved that Kara was alive. Next to their daughter, Kara meant the world to her and it made her happy to her niece again.

Then the feelings of bitterness and sorrow came when Kara proved herself as an efficient warrior when she killed her opponent. Astra was a proud daughter and warrior of Krypton. She had served their world well through several wars, all to protect her family.

Even when she tried to use Myriad, she did it so she and Non could save Krypton from themselves, and would do anything and everything to see a world where her niece and her daughter, the lights of her eyes, could play together.

She was of Kara, that much remained true. She was thrown on this planet, far from her own, but she protected it, but seeing her take the life of Vartox had told Astra that the innocence she often adored Kara for, and hoped her daughter would share, was gone.

Replaced, by the efficient warrior Kara became.

Astra always told her sister that Kara's hands were meant to better the lives of their people, not to end them. It was part of the reason why Astra was relieved to see Kara become the youngest member of the Science Guild instead of the Military Guild.

But now, Astra felt as if she had watched a younger version of herself kill Vartox, and it unraveled her heart.

"It seems Kara is going to be a problem," Non stated as he sat across from Astra. "The way she dispatched of that Valeronian was brutally efficient. She's also deemed herself a protector of these humans."

Astra remained silent.

"Astra, your thoughts?" Non questioned.

"I will deal with Kara," Astra told her husband. "A warrior she has become, but at the end of the day, she is my family. She is my responsibility."

"Very well," Non said as he stood from his chair. "For now, we shall not interfere. But something must be done eventually, Astra."

Astra nodded and Non walked away.

'No doubt in seeing his mistress,' Astra thought with narrowed eyes. Astra turned to her underling and said, "Gor, since my niece is this world's protector, I want her tested. Send the Hellgrammite."

"You want to send him so soon after bringing him back?" Gor questioned.

"Are you questioning me?" Astra coldly asked.

"No, General Astra. It will be done," Gor told her. He stood up, bowed, and quickly left the room.

Astra sighed and placed a hand on the necklace that hung around her neck. On the necklace was a tiny crystal with the name "Zala In-Ze" etched into it in Kryptonian.

'Once this is all done, I'll find you Zala…. I promise….' Astra thought.

It was then that the crystal began to glow, which caused Astra's eyes to widen in disbelief.

"So you were found in a pod?" Lena asked as Sam plopped down on the hotel room bed. "A space pod."

"Yeah," Sam confirmed.

"And I thought last week was crazy," Lena told her."You always find a way to outdo me."

Sam let out a mirthless laugh. "For the first time, I wish that I didn't outdo you," Sam admitted. "This is all so strange."

"Don't kid yourself. You were always strange. I'm shocked at how not shocked I am at you being an alien,"Lena joked.

"f*ck you," Sam laughed.

"We tried that. It didn't work out," Lena laughed. "So, what's the plan with you?"

"Follow where this beacon is leading me," Sam answered as she stared at the device in her hand, the crystal on top of it ebbing with light. "After that, who knows."

"Well, whatever you find out at the end of this, just know you will always have a home here with me," Lena told her. "Alien or not, you'll always be my big sister."

Sam's eyes watered at the sincerity in Lena's voice.

"Thanks, Lee, for everything…." Sam whispered.

"Anytime. Now come home soon," Lena instructed. "Ruby misses her mom."

"How is my little heart?" Sam asked.

"Despite missing you terribly, she's been excited about her powers," Lena explained. "And feels sad that she has to hide them until you get more information about how you both got them."

"Good…. Is she awake?" Sam asked.

"She's sleeping. Did you want me to wake her?" Lena asked.

"No," Sam immediately replied. "Unless you want a sleepy kid whining about waking her up, then by all means."

The two shared a chuckle.

"Before I go, I have to ask. Is it official?” Sam asked.

"Is what official?" Lena asked.

"Guess. Just the biggest thing you've been planning since after you were named the official owner of Luthor-Corp," Sam answered.

"Oh...That..." Lena murmured. "Truthfully, with everything that has been going on, I let it slip from my mind. But, if you must know, everything is official. I'l be going to National City in two days to prepare for the announcement and for my interview with Cat Grant."

“I can see the news now. ‘Lena Luthor Skips town?! Wealthy socialite, Sister of Maniac, Lex Luthor, and new CEO of Luthor-Corp is taking her ball and moving to National City. Home of Supergirl Areia,’” Sam teased.

“And what of it?” Lena asked. “I need a fresh start for both myself and L-Corp. It is entirely coincidental that I’m going to the same city that Supergirl Areia protects.”

Sam stared at the ceiling with a blank look. “Sure, and bullets harm me again,” Sam drawled out.

Lena huffed.

“It doesn’t hurt to admit that maybe you have a little bit of that hero worship in you,” Sam said. “I mean, I’ve seen that bombshell. I’d be kneeling at her alter all night if she was the one that saved me the way she did you.”

“Sam!” Lena exclaimed, scandalized.

“What? Have you seen Supergirl?” Sam asked. "I'm not blind, girl. that Amazonian Kryptonian is hot."

Lena chuckled and said, "You're incorrigible."

"I can be," Sam replied.

"Anyway, Lillian and I have packed up my place and your place so when you come home, it'll be to National City. I'll have your place set up so when you arrive, you can just flop into bed," Lena said.

"Did I mention how much I love you?" Sam asked.

"Not today," Lena answered with a smile in her voice. "Sam...Be safe out there, okay? And don't forget that we'll be in National City, alright?"

"I will be safe, and I won't forget," Sam whispered. "Love you. And give Rubes my love."

"Love you too," Lena answered back. "And you know I will."

"Thanks," Sam whispered and then hung up the phone. She then stared at the beacon and whispered, "Where will you take me?"


So, this is a Sam and Astra centric chapter. Since Sam is going to be a very important character in Kara's life, Lena's life, Alex's life, and Astra's life as a bridge to Kara and Lena and Astra and Kara, I figured she deserves her time in the spotlight.

Not to mention, this moment will also reflect heavily on Lena as well, considering she is in Patricia's shoes right now.

The next chapter is Lena, Lillian, Naomi and Ruby going to National City for good. And her reuniting with Kara. See you all later!

Chapter 11: Official Debut


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kara was awakened by the gentle patter of raindrops hitting the window. She rose out of bed, twisted her body so her feet were on the floor, and sighed. Behind her lay that cute reporter she had met, and been sleeping with, for two days since her victory against the Valeronian.

Surprisingly, it was the reporter who invited her to her home instead of the other way around, which was great, considering she didn't put her identity at risk.

But just like many of her previous nights of passion, it failed to distract her completely from the woman who had shattered her heart.

What was it going to take to get her out of her mind?

Kara stood and walked to where she discarded her chiton. She slowly slipped on the garment, followed by her golden wreath and winged sandals. Once she slung the strap that held her sheathed blade around her shoulder, she heard the tired groan of the reporter.

"You're leaving?" Linda murmured.

Kara walked over to the reporter and kissed her forehead. "I am. Thank you for the night. I won't forget it," Kara told her.

"Ditto…." Linda mumbled as she drifted back off.

Thankfully, they had already discussed the previous night that this was a one-time thing for both of them, so there was no awkwardness between them. Kara walked to Linda's balcony, opened it, and then shut it behind her.

She then took off to the sky to the other side of the city where the DEO building resided. She landed on a balcony that led to Alex's office. She watched as her sister typed away on the computer in front of her, her face contorted in concentration.

She had been working hard on a recent case regarding the Valeronian and had made great strides. Thanks to some intel, they had located his hideout and found out he was the one who sabotaged the plane Alex was on.

But the burning question was why?

Kara knocked on the door, which prompted Alex to turn around and smile. She pressed a button on her desk and the balcony doors opened, allowing her inside. "Working hard I see," Kara noted.

"Yeah," Alex groaned as she rubbed her eyes. "If I had to look at one more file, I'm going to shoot my screen."

Kara grinned.

"I see the lipstick marks on your neck and chest," Alex noted. "Fun night?"

"There is even more on my body. If there is one thing that Amazonians and normal women have in common, it's that they love kissing between my thighs," Kara said, which caused Alex to cough wildly as she sat down her cup of water.

Kara might have invoked that reaction on purpose.

"You ass," Alex wheezed.

"Couldn't resist," Kara said with a wink.

"Well, if you're done torturing your big sister, what's up?" Alex asked.

"Well, I was wondering if Winn was done with my suit and if Hank has the paperwork set up," Kara said.

Alex nodded and answered, "Yeah. Hank has all the official paperwork ready for you to sign. But are you sure?"

Kara thought about it.

After she defeated the Valeronian, Hank had sat her down and explained that normally, they would come after her considering she's been acting as a vigilante since she's shown up. However, he was more than willing to call her an agent of the DEO so she could continue her hero work unimpeded by law enforcement.

Kara had agreed.

She didn't need to have any problems while saving lives out there.

"Positive," Kara said. "Besides, this means they'll spring for a uniform for me. My chiton cannot last as long."

"Then we should go get you all settled," Alex told her as she pushed her chair back and stood. "I outta kill you for that comment."

"You'd have to catch me first," Kara replied with a smile.

The sisters walked down the long hallway from Alex's office toward Henshaw's office, but during the trek, Kara asked, "So, what's really the deal with the DEO?"

"Well, originally, they were to stop aliens from arriving on Earth, up until the situation with Dad. After that, they decided to pivot and protect both humans and alien refugees alike from invaders, as they realized from you, not everyone that comes here is looking to enslave the human race," Alex explained.

"I see," Kara said. "But something is troubling me about Henshaw."

"Oh?" Alex questioned.

"Well, when I first met him, he was evil, or at least evil to my mind, but talking to him, he seems stern, yet fair," Kara explained. "He actively offered to work with me instead of trying to lock me up for killing the Valeronian. It seems inconsistent, I suppose…."

"There is a lot you don't know about that night Dad left," Alex told her. "Maybe one day, when you've earned Hank's trust as I have, he'll tell you."

Kara nodded.

The two got to Hank's door and opened it to see Hank at his desk. "Ah, Agent Danvers. Kara Danvers. Please, sit down," Hank said as he motioned for them to sit. Hank glanced at Kara for a moment and said, "It seems you've had a fun night, Kara."

"Like I told Alex—" Alex interrupted Kara by nudging her side, which caused Kara to laugh. "Okay, I'll be good," Kara promised her sister.

Hank chuckled. "The paperwork is right here. It's pretty simple, the president of the United States has already signed off on it, all you have to do is go over it and see if it is to your liking," Hank told her.

Kara lifted the paper and began to read.

Everything seemed above board.

She was to use her powers to protect both humans and aliens alike and stop any threat, human and alien or other. And in turn, she would have the full force of the DEO behind her. Not to mention an annual six-figure salary of $237,330, and her rent/all utilities paid for.

There was also a clause stating that she had to fill out paperwork for any that she tells her identity to and it had to be approved by her handler and partner, which was Alex. If approved, the partner would have to sign an NDA.

The contract also stated that if the time came for her to retire or leave Earth, she was more than welcome to cancel her contract to do so, and would pay severance.

Kara didn't expect that she would tell anyone her identity, but it was good that she only had to ask Alex about it.

"Seems fine to me," Kara said. She handed the contract to Alex, who looked over it as well.

"Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with this either," Alex said.

"Then, I guess it's perfect," Kara said as she signed on the dotted line.

"Perfect," Hank smiled, stood up, and held out his hand to her. "Supergirl Areia, welcome to the DEO."

"Thank you, Director Henshaw," Kara replied as she shook his hand.

"Now that you are an official member of the DEO, it's time to get your suit and let you in onto what we know so far," Hank announced as he removed his hand, walked past them, and headed toward his door.

Kara and Alex quickly followed after him and the three walked down the hall. "So, how much do you know about Fort Rozz, Kara?" Hank questioned.

"It was a maximum-security prison located in the Phantom Zone," Kara answered. "I haven't heard that name in so long…. Why?"

"Well, when you came out of the Phantom Zone and landed on Earth, Fort Rozz came with you," Hank revealed.

Kara frowned. "I do remember encountering something large when I was woken up briefly in the Phantom Zone," Kara revealed. "But it's all blurry. You're saying I dragged it out somehow?"

"Considering you were just a small girl, I doubt you knew what was going on," Hank told her. "But something happened and whatever it was, it dislodged Fort Rozz from its resting place and allowed it, and all of the criminals on it, to crash land on our planet."

"I see," Kara murmured.

"They were dormant for the past decade but now, in the past year, they've been very active. And despite Superman's skills in capturing a few of them, there are still many more out there," Hank explained.

"That explains the Valeronian's appearance. I'm willing to bet that he was one of the escapees from Fort Rozz," Kara said. "And if so, something is being planned, and they don't want the DEP involved."

"Which is why they attacked my plane," Alex said.

"Exactly," Hank said with pride in his voice. "And now, with you on our side, Kara, we'll be able to stop whatever plot is being planned."

The trio entered a large room with a podium in the middle of it. Winn stood at one of the consoles. He waved at the trio and said, "Hello, hello, my friends, just in time."

"In time for what?" Alex asked as she exchanged a high-five with Winn.

"In time for Supergirl Areia's uniform unveiling," Winn said. "I've been working on it the past two days." Winn bought up two holographic blueprints of two uniforms, which Kara instantly recognized.

One was of Diana's Wonder Woman uniform, and the other was Clark's Superman uniform.

"I wanted to make a suit that would be the combination of Amazonian and Kryptonian," Winn explained. "And with the armor you gave me, Kara, I found the perfect mix. Mind standing on the podium for me, Kara?"

Kara nodded and stepped onto the podium.

Winn typed a few buttons on the console before him, which caused a blue ring to circle at Kara's feet. Slowly, the ring went up her body, every inch covering her in her uniform, Once the ring went above her head, it vanished.

"Whoa," Alex whispered.

Kara now wore a sleeveless black skintight short suit with ornate platinum cuirass that proudly bore the metallic gold House of El emblem on the front, a black leather skirt that fell just above her knees with a platinum belt that had platinum pteruges attached to it, which hung on top of the skirt.

She also wore platinum bands around her biceps and thighs, platinum gauntlets and greaves, with the bonus of her winged sandals turning platinum as well, and on Kara's forehead was a platinum headband tiara that held the golden House of El emblem in the middle of it.

Kara then looked at her left arm and saw a large circular shield that was the size of Captain America's with the House of El's emblem in the middle of it, strapped around her forearm, with the Thermal Ax she had kept, holstered inside of it.

There was another empty holster within it, which she assumed was for the Sunblade she always carried.

"That suit looks nice on you," Alex noted as Kara smiled.

"Thanks. It feels…." Supergirl placed her hand on the cuirass and whispered, "Nice…."

"The Golden House of El on your chest and shield also absorbs sunlight, so if you're ever in a jam, you have a backup," Winn said. "So, what do you think?"

"I love it," Kara said. "I feel like a true warrior wearing this."

"Woo! Score one for me!" Winn exclaimed with excitement. "I thought about adding a cape, but I decided against it since we don't have a cape laying around."

"That's fine with me, I'm not the type for capes," Kara told him as she stepped down. "How long does this take to take off?" Kara asked.

"That's the neat part, all you have to do is press the button on your left gauntlet where your inner left wrist. It'll change into a watch and your suit will disappear. When you press the button on the watch, it'll appear on you again," Winn answered.

"Perfect," Kara said.

Suddenly, Kara heard two familiar heartbeats going wild. She easily recognized it as Lena's and Naomi's. She could also hear another heartbeat nearby them. It was nearby, shockingly enough.

Suddenly, klaxons went off as Alex and Hank turned their heads.

The foursome, with Hank leading the group, walked out of the room and into the main command center of the DEO, where they saw a scene of chaos.

It was Hellgrammite, she knew it by its Predator-like mouth. It was a dangerous alien with stingers that could kill a normal person. The alien was at the mall. As the footage moved, Kara spotted her.

For a brief moment in time, she saw Lena, with Naomi and another little girl in her arms. She was shielding them. There were two men, most likely her bodyguards, with stingers embedded in their chests and heads.

"I need to go," Kara announced with an urgent tone in her voice.

"Open the ceiling exit," Hank demanded.

Above them, the ceiling opened to reveal the cloudy sky above. "Alex, get there when you get there," Kara told her. She then took the sky at top speed, causing cracks against the floor.


So this chapter is basically revealing the suit and that Kara now works at the DEO. The next chapter will have Kara battle her newest opponent and meeting Lena again. Until then, have a good night!

Chapter 12: Hello, Again


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lena Luthor has never felt more frustrated in her entire life.

After a long day of moving and filling out paperwork for the new L-Corp building, she just wanted to take her daughter and her goddaughter shopping at the mall. Instead, she's not under a desk while some man with the mouth of the Predator is stalking the area.

At least, it wasn't another assassin that had come for her.

"Auntie, I'm scared," Ruby whispered as she held a crying Naomi. "I wish mom was here."

"I know sweetie," Lena murmured as she held Ruby's head to her chest. "But don't worry, we'll get out of this somehow, I know it."

Lena wished she could feel as confident as she sounded.

"Listen up, humans!" The Predator-mouthed man shouted. "I'm not here to hurt or kill most of you. I'm here to just send a message. It's not personal. It's just business, that's all. Once my business is done, I will leave and you all will never see me aga—"

The man was interrupted when a blur collided with him, sending him through a wall to the outside. Through the hole, Lena watched as something flew out of it and heard something catch it.

She looked down and noticed a pair of feet walking from left to right, only to stop in front of her table. "We have to stop meeting like this," a familiar voice said.

Lena's eyes widened.

It couldn't be….

Moments later, the familiar face of her savior came into view.

Naomi, who had been crying moments before, calmed down at the voice and gave a gummy smile.

"Hello, Ms. Luthor," the woman gently greeted.

The woman's eyes then turned to the baby in Ruby's arms, and Lena almost melted on the spot as she watched the woman's eyes brighten and soften. "Hello pretty girl," the woman cooed at Naomi.

Naomi reached out for the woman while Ruby looked awestruck. "You're Supergirl Areia," Ruby said. "Wow…."

"That's right, however, introductions can wait. Are any of you hurt?" the woman asked.

Lena shook her head, unable to get the words out.

"Good, stay here, this won't take long," the woman gently ordered. The heroine stood and seconds later, a large shield slammed against the floor in front of them, protecting them from outside harm.

Supergirl Areia pulled her Thermal Ax from its sheath in her shield and withdrew the Sunblade from her back and walked toward the large hole she made with the alien's body.

"You know, I never expected to fight a Hellgrammite in my lifetime. Your race is usually peaceful," she noted as the Hellgrammite popped up and fired three stingers.

She effortlessly sliced through each stinger with her ax, which burned the halves of stingers upon impact, and added, "But, there is a first time for everything, isn't there?"

The Hellgrammite snarled and jumped from the hole toward her. Supergirl Areia launched herself into the air and delivered a mid-roundhouse kick to the right side of his body. Beneath her left greave, she felt his exo-skeleton fracture from the hit as he was launched out the front of the mall and into the street.

She flew outside as he bounced on the ground like a skipping stone. He managed to recover and skidded on his hands and knees where he then coughed up the acidic blood that Hellgrammites were known to have.

The mist of the acidic yellow blood floated into the air as a bird passed by, and it immediately fell to the ground, where it struggled for air until it finally ceased moving. Supergirl Areia said, "I knew my time learning xenoscience biology on Krypton would come in handy. Just never knew it would be for a situation like this."

"Smart," the Hellgrammite spat as he stood on his feet. "Can't kill me like you did Vartox, because the vapors from my blood would have killed everyone In there."

"Oh, was that his name?" Supergirl Areia questioned. "I always forget to ask the name of those I send to the shores of the River Styx."

"You sound so at ease with murdering….Just like a Kryptonian," the Hellgrammite hissed.

"No, I abore killing," she truthfully stated. "But villains that go out of their way to harm the innocent have already deemed themselves guilty to my steel. It is only when they smack away the hand of mercy that I lead them into Lady Nyx's cold embrace. The Valarian turned my mercy away, and thus accept that embrace. Will you follow his lead?"

"Pompous and arrogant. Deeming yourself the judge, jury, and executioner. Oh, you are Alura's child alright," the Hellgrammite laughed. "I spit in the hand of your mercy and unlike Vartox, I'll let my poisonous stingers bring you into your eternal night!"

"Lady Nyx, please tell Kharon that another roams the shores of the Styx by my hand," The Kryptonian whispered. She twirled the Thermal Ax in her right hand and focused on the charging Hellgrammite.

Because of the poisonous vapors that his blood emits once spilled and the number of heartbeats she could hear around her, dispatching him as she did Vartox would only endanger many lives.

She exhaled.

When she felt the cold sting of her breath against her lips, her eyes widened in inspiration. She charged forward, fast enough that she left an afterimage, but slow enough that she could stop on a dime if she needed.

And unfortunately for the Hellgrammite, that speed still meant he would be too slow to react.

The moment the pair met in the middle of the street, the Hellgrammite's right arm was sliced off by the Thermal Ax, burning the limb into ash. She quickly blew her ice breath, freezing the empty place where his arm was to keep his blood in place.

She turned around on the tips of her toes, as if she were a ballet dancer, and cleaved his head off his shoulders with the Sunblade. She immediately followed it up with another burst of her ice breath, freezing his head and neck in place.

The body took two steps and she quickly froze the remainder of his body until it was a solid chunk of ice. She sheathed the Sunblade, stabbed her Thermal Ax into the ground, grabbed the ice, and began to spin.

She spun so fast that she involuntarily began to lift off the ground as a medium-sized twister formed around her. Finally, she released him and launched him into the sky at such a fast speed, that there was a twinkle in the sky once he left Earth's atmosphere.

"And just like that," Supergirl Areia grabbed the hilt of her ax, yanked it out of the ground, and placed it on her right shoulder. "Another one dealt with it."

"I think it stopped."

Lena looked at Ruby with an inquisitive expression on her face. "How do you know?" Lena asked.

"I heard them talking, then a lot of wind, and then it was only her left," Ruby answered. "He's gone now. She saved us."

Lena normally wouldn't take someone else's word for being out of danger, but considering that she was half-Kryptonian, she was going to trust her goddaughter's hearing. She moved from under the table, with Ruby behind her, and saw that the alien was gone.

Aphrodite Areia really saved her again.

"We should go thank her!" Ruby announced as more people started to come out of hiding. "Oh! And bring back her shield," Ruby added.

Lena nodded and got in front of the shield and with some difficulty, she plucked the heavy metal from the ground and stared at the front of it.

The black and platinum-silver shield was beautifully made.

There were five layers, each with different imagery crafted within it.

In the center of the shield was the familiar emblem that she saw on Superman's chest.

The second ringed layer held images of the Earth, sky, and sea.

The third ringed circle held the image of the sun, the moon, and the constellations.

And the fourth, and the outer edge of the shield held the image of the great stream of the ocean.

It reminded her of the "Shield of Achilles" that Lex had bought from a museum a few years ago. Ironically enough, it now hung on her wall at her penthouse.

Lena observed the shield and then glanced out the window to see that the heroine had amassed a huge crowd around her. "Keep a good hold on Naomi, Ruby," Lena instructed.

Ruby nodded, and together the two walked out of the mall.

"Can I get your Autograph?"

"How do you feel about being a hero?"

"You're so cool, SA!"

"Where did you get your uniform?"

Kara frowned as she looked at the swarm of faces and noises around her. While her attacks weren't as strong as before thanks to her training, she could never quite conquer her fear of claustrophobia.

She just needed everyone to shut up and back away before she snapped. The glint of the Sunblade's handguard shined, which caused Kara to wince and close her right eye, but when she did that, a familiar face caught her attention. At the very back, with her shield in her hands, was Lena.

The noise and the people faded into the background as Kara and Lena stared at one another. It felt strange that the uncomfortable panicky feeling she had moments ago faded away into the recesses of her mind when she looked at the woman she had saved a week and some change ago.

Kara saw the woman smile as a gentle breeze swept over them, causing a few strands of hair to wisp across her face.

She looked so ethereal at that moment to Kara, that she almost couldn't think straight. Slowly, Kara walked through the crowd without taking her eyes off of the green-eyed woman but was also careful with the people around her.

Once she cleared the group of people, she slowly approached Lena. Something felt right about this. Seeing Lena. She was aware that Naomi was there, in the arms of the mysterious girl, no doubt due to her mother holding her shield.

But as she walked to them, this odd feeling struck her chest. This feeling she had never felt before. It was like she was looking at a glimpse of something, but what was it and why did make her heart feel flutter?

Once she was close enough, Kara rubbed Naomi's head, causing the small baby to laugh, then smiled at the older girl, who shyly smiled back.

And then finally, she was in front of Lena Luthor.

Kara noticed how soft and gentle Lena looked as the shorter woman looked at her. Kara had to resist the urge to caress her face. There was so much that Kara could see reflecting in the woman's eyes.





Even when Kara would stare into Artemis' eyes never showed the final word.


And it made Kara feel, different.

At this moment in time, she wasn't Supergirl Areia, the vanquisher of evil, the heroine of National City, or even the Kryptonian from Themyscira.

She felt like Kara.

The person she was before Krypton became a bitter memory. The person she was before the night she lost her cousin to the Clark Kent identity. The person she had, on some level, wanted to be again.

"Hello again," Kara softly greeted.

"Hello again," Lena whispered.


The urge to not have them kiss at the end of the chapter was too f*cking strong. Thank goodness I stopped it. So, I don't usually name my chapters after songs but for this chapter, and the general mood I was feeling, I had no choice.

Please listen to "Hello,Again ( The "Tales of ARISE" version) by Ayaka. Its on Youtube and boy, did it lead my hands in this surprisingly soft (imo) chapter. The next chapter will be full SuperCorp Family and also, an update on Sam.

Also, i've been thinking on doing a Life is Strange Fanfic for a minute now. Do any LiS fans here want to see that? I know, weird question, especially on a Supergirl fanfic, but just want to check lol

okay, bye!

Chapter 13: Reunited


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lena was captivated.

She knew that she shouldn't be. She had seen this woman before. She had been saved by this woman before. But at this moment, it was like she was seeing the woman for the first time again. There was such a tender look in her eyes that made Lena feel…. Whole.

"Your shield," Lena whispered as she lifted the heroine's shield up toward her.

Supergirl Areia smiled and tenderly took the shield from Lena's grasp, their fingers brushing against each other. Lena calmed her heart as the taller woman said, "Thank you."

Lena noted the gentleness in the heroine's words and struggled to not look away from those cobalt blue eyes to duck her head. "No, thank you for saving my daughter and goddaughter's lives. Once again, I don't know how I could ever repay this, or you," Lena softly said.

"You never have to thank me for saving their lives or yours," Supergirl Areia replied. "I'll always be there to keep you, and them safe."

Lena's eyes widened in surprise, and she noted that the heroine seemed surprised by her own words as well. "F-Forgive me," Supergirl Areia said, her cheeks slightly reddening. "That was very—"

"Don't worry about it," Lena interrupted, her cheeks also reddening. "I thank you for your words, all the same. I never thought a Super would willingly want to save a Luthor, not just once, but twice."

"As I said to your friend, whatever quarrel Superman faces is his own," The Kryptonian answered. "Not mine. Not ours."

Lena stared at her for a moment.

The woman's tone was sincere, but Lena was still unsure until she looked into her heroine's eyes.

She couldn't find any deception in them. Instead, Lena saw the same genuine sincerity that was in the heroine's earlier words.

She was telling the truth.

Something about that cemented a feeling in Lena's heart that she had denied since the night she was saved.

"Are you willing to cash in your raincheck, Aphrodite Areia?" Lena gently asked. "Because I would like it if you did."

Lena was aware of what she asked the blonde woman. She was grateful to the woman and wanted to repay her for saving their lives. She wanted to find out more about the heroine before her.

"I would like that very much, Ms. Luthor," Supergirl Areia softly replied. Lena watched as the woman tilted her head and said, "I apologize but there seems there was a car wreck nearby…."

"Wait," Lena said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a business card. "Here, my number. We can talk about the details later."

Supergirl Areia took the card and tucked it into her right gauntlet and smiled. Without hesitation, Supergirl Areia turned around, gave a smile to Ruby and the babbling baby, and took off into the sky.

Lena watched the woman fly off as the crowd of people finally reached her. Lena could hear all of the people asking her about Supergirl Areia, but Lena didn't respond. All she could do is stare after her savior, completely unaware of a camera flashing in the distance.

Sam followed the beacon from Patricia's home in Washington to California's portion of the Mojave Desert, having driven for nineteen hours until her car broke down near the entrance to the desert.

Sam didn't allow that to deter her and hoofed it on foot. She had walked for seemingly hours, letting the beacon lead the way and while she was nowhere near tired, she was highly annoyed.

How long did she have to walk until she reached the end of her search? As Sam entered a vast and desolate area of the desert, Sam glanced at the beacon in her hand, sneered at it, and said, "f*ck how long do I have to ke—"

Sam was interrupted by the ground sand shaking beneath her. Fascinated, Sam watched as spikes of crystalline rock emerged from the ground and formed a huge structure that seemed to pierce the sky from where she was standing.

The crystalline spikes continued to explode from the ground until they stopped right in front of her, giving her a clear view of the entrance. "Whoa," Sam whispered as she slowly approached the structure's entrance.

The inside of the place was stony. That was the first thing Sam noticed as she traversed the hallway of the structure. At least, what she thought was the hallway, she wasn't too sure of anything walking in this place.

She entered a large clearing, which revealed that the rocky structure had a second floor, thanks to the staircase in the middle of the chamber. She also saw that there was a console in the middle of the area.

The console was in the shape of Superman's crest, but it didn't have the "S" inside of it. Instead, it had a large circle, with a smaller circle beneath it with a line going from left to right across the smaller circle.

She walked around the podium and noticed that it was a console. Sam saw a port that had the shape of her beacon. Hesitantly, she placed the beacon at the port and watched as it sunk into the console.

Radiant light stretched across the console, bringing it to light as a hologram flickered to life. It was of a woman. A beautiful woman. She had long dark brown hair, otherworldly bright green eyes, and a warm smile.

She wore a black uniform of sorts, with the emblem that was on the podium resting on her chest.

"You have come, Zala In-Ze," The hologram proudly said.

"Your voice," Sam whispered as she approached the hologram. "It's the voice from my dreams…. Who are you?"

"I am General Astra In-Ze of Krypton," the hologram answered. "And your mother."

"M-My mother?" Sam breathed, unwanted tears filling her eyes. "Y-You're my mother?"

"I am a hologram of your mother," the hologram Astra replied. "With all of her memories and information about all you wish to know."

Sam reached out to the hologram and asked, "I-I don't understand. I'm Kryptonian? Like Superman?"

"I have no knowledge of Superman," Hologram Astra replied. "But, you are from Krypton, Zala In-Ze. And this is your Fortress of Sanctuary, made from a piece of our world, Krypton."

Sam was floored.

She knew that there was always something about her. Something that made her different from everyone else. And despite her surviving being shot and Ruby flying, Sam didn't want to fully put all of her eggs into the basket of having powers.

But now, in this Fortress, being called a name she only heard in her recent dreams, and being told she was from Krypton, the same place Superman came from, it was shocking but also relieving.

"What else can you tell me? About You? About Krypton?" Sam whispered.

"All that wish you to know," the hologram answered.

"Then tell me everything about you," Sam whispered.

"Another day, another villain defeated," Alex said as she sat the bag of Chinese food on the table. Alex then turned her head and saw Kara staring at her phone and asked, "What's up, Kara?"

"Huh?" Kara asked as she turned her head to look at Alex.

"You had pensive look on your face while you were staring at your phone. The city's been quiet, so I doubt you're waiting for action, so what's up?" Alex asked.

"Remember the woman and the baby I saved a while ago?" Kara asked.

Alex walked to the couch, plopped beside her sister, and replied, "I sure do. Lena and her child, Naomi? Is that right?"

Kara nodded. "Well, they were at the mall today. Which is why I left as fast as I did," Kara revealed.

"What? Wasn't this person in Metropolis? Why would she be here in National City?" Alex asked. She then formed an impish grin as she said, "Why Kara, I know you've been busy in terms of your sex life, but I was unaware that you were that good to have a woman run cross country for a second round."

Kara blushed. "No!" she exclaimed. "I-I didn't sleep with her. She was just here. I don't know why!"

Alex laughed and said, "Relax, I'm teasing you."

Kara frowned and muttered, "Jackass."

"Well, that's payback for flaunting your escapade earlier," Alex said. "All jokes aside, it's still weird."

"I mean, she is a Luthor," Kara said. "Perhaps she's here for business."

Alex stilled.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. You said she was a Luthor?" Alex asked.

"Yes," Kara answered. "Is that a problem?"

Alex wanted to grab Kara's shoulders and shake her, but she stopped herself. She had just gotten her sister back after the biggest f*ck up in her life. She couldn't f*ck this up again. "No," Alex lied. "It's not a problem."

"Good," Kara replied. "Because I'm trying to work up the courage to text her. I said I would cash in my raincheck for dinner, but I'm a little hesitant to be the first one to text."

Alex swallowed her concern and said, "Why are you so hesitant? I told you that It's not like you're betraying the woman who broke your heart. It's only a thank-you dinner."

"I know but…." Kara sighed. "Something happened today when I saw her. It was like I felt something shift in my heart. Like, it blossomed or something. I've never had that happen before, not even with Artemis…."

"Like, you felt your heart blossom like a flower?" Alex asked, wanting clarification.

Kara nodded.

"That is weird," Alex agreed. "But did it hurt?"

Kara shook her head.

"Was it even uncomfortable?" Alex asked.

Kara shook her head again.

"Did it feel nice?" Alex questioned.

Kara nodded.

Alex hummed. "Well, maybe you should, I don't know, take a day and think on it?" Alex suggested.

"Yeah," Kara murmured. "Maybe I can take a day to reach out. That'll give me a chance to not get so tongue-tied, I guess…."

"Perfect. Now let's go eat before the food gets cold," Alex said.

Astra had spent the past thirty minutes flying over the Nevada portion of the Mojave desert, the crystal beacon on her neck flashing. When the beacon around her neck began to flash, she had thought it was a trick of the light.

But over the past nineteen hours, she noticed that the light's flashing slowly increased. Was it truly possible that her daughter was nearby? Astra decided that she wouldn't just sit there and wait, so she flew out of Fort Rozz and out into the world.

Astra let the beacon guide her as she flew against the night sky. The flashing continued to quicken until she came across a familiar structure.

Astra's heart quickened.

The Fortress of Sanctuary…..

This wasn't here when her group previously surveyed the desert. This had to have just happened.

Astra flew down to the fortress' entrance and walked inside. The moment she did, she could hear her voice coming from deeper in the fortress.

"After discovering Krypton's oncoming destruction, you were sent to Earth, to survive until we could come and retrieve you," Astra heard her voice explain.

"So Krypton was going to be destroyed," another voice said. "So, instead of keeping me there, I was sent to Earth. But then, why did you never come for me? Did you fail in convincing the council?"

"I wouldn't know. The memories that the original Astra gave me stop at this point," Astra heard her hologram answer. "But if I had not arrived, it means that something must have happened."

Astra walked into the clearing and she saw a woman there. The woman looked so lost, and so scared, yet she was still beautiful in her eyes. She looked like a perfect mix of herself and Non.

It had to be her daughter.

The Fortress of Sanctuary wouldn't have formed if it wasn't.

But for the first time in a long time, Astra felt fear. Fear of what her daughter would say when she spoke up. Fear of what her daughter might think of her. For the first time, Astra wanted to turn around and walk away.

But as she looked at the woman, it was obvious she needed answers. She needed her mother….

"I did fail," Astra spoke up, which startled the woman. Astra walked into view as the woman took a step back. "Don't be afraid," Astra pleaded as she raised her hand to placate the woman.

"Y-You…." The woman whispered in disbelief.

"I failed to convince the council of the upcoming threat to Krypton. So I did something drastic to try and find a way to save our home. It caused me to be locked away in Fort Rozz, a prison within the Phantom Realm," Astra explained.

Astra took a breath. "Somehow, we were freed from that realm and crashed here on Earth. We spent all this time trying to survive and find you…." Tears fell from Astra's eyes as the woman teared up. "I'm sure you already know this, but I am Astra In-Ze, former General of Krypton and I—"

Without warning, the woman lunged forward and hugged her tightly as she began to openly sob. Astra's arms wrapped around the younger woman as she said, "It's okay…. I have you, and I will never let you go again…."


So, a lot of reunions here to take in. SuperCorp and Sam and Astra. The next chapter will deal with Kara summoning the courage to reach out to Lena, and Astra bonding with Sam. Also, an appearance from a certain someone.

Chapter 14: Heart to Heart


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cat Grant was an observant woman.

In her line of work, she had to be and it paid her well throughout the years. When Supergirl Areia first came into the scene, Cat was immediately drawn to her. She knew the girl was Kryptonian, those beautiful, otherworldly blue eyes gave it away, despite the clothes.

Another Kryptonian on Earth was a big deal, and like the first, she was as heroic as the Big-Blue Hero. So Cat observed, waiting until the right moment to try and meet the heroine.

What Cat didn't expect was for their meeting to be quite so explosive.

"Thank you, Supergirl," Cat said as she dusted off her pink dress as her former apprentice, Leslie Willis forced into the back of a police car, ranting and screaming her name. "I appreciate the assistance. Why that silly girl would try to bomb me is quite curious."

"Supergirl Areia," the heroine corrected.

"Too wordy," Cat swiftly replied as she looked at her nails. Pristine as always. "I will call you Supergirl."

Supergirl Areia's eye twitched in annoyance.

"But, I suppose this meeting was fated to happen one way or another, considering I've been struggling to find the right way to introduce myself to you," Cat stated.

"You were?" Supergirl Areia questioned.

"Why of course," Cat replied. "I've been told about how…. Friendly… you are to reporters."

The heroine smirked.

"Is that right?" Supergirl Areia drawled. "Are you looking to test my mettle like the others?"


Cat liked spicy.

"While I'm curious about bedding a goddess," Cat admitted. "I don't want to mix business with pleasure."

"Alright," the heroine murmured. If Cat wasn't so driven on proposing this idea, she could have melted at the deep, yet sultry tone the woman had taken. "Business first."

"I've been watching you for some time, Supergirl Areia," Cat said. "You seem to have captured the hearts of those around National City, and the world. I want to propose something."

"You have my ear, Ms. Grant," Supergirl Areia stated.

Cat smirked and said, "Good. Since my office is…. Out of order, we shall meet at my residence."

"I thought you didn't want to mix business with pleasure," Supergirl Areia slyly said, a smirk on her face.

Cat laughed.

This hero was far more interesting than Superman.

"Goddess or not, you couldn't handle me, Supergirl," Cat smoothly retorted. "I've acquired moves that would have you worship me by the end of the night. This is strictly a business meeting."

Cat pulled out a business card from her purse and held it out to the heroine. "Tonight at Seven," Cat ordered. "I'll bring the food. You bring your charming personality."

"I look forward to it," the heroine replied. Cat then watched as she took to the skies and shook her head.

A part of her hoped she could resist those blue eyes.

"But still, a meeting with Cat Grant. This is big, Sis," Alex told her. "The Queen of all Media doesn't normally initiate things."

"Well, she did with me. And we both know why she did. Cat Grant so wants me," Kara stated as she wiped the sweat off her brow, her Supergirl Areia armor removed, leaving her in a black sports bra and black leggings. "I saw her checking me out when I flew away. Maybe after this meeting, I can rock her world."

Alex frowned.

"What's up?" Kara asked with a tilt of her head.

"Kara?" Alex began. "You're going to sleep your way through National City at this point. I think you should slow down a tad. You may not be able to catch any diseases, but the fact Cat knew of your reputation could lead to some unforeseen sh*t."

"I know, I know," Kara sighed. "I can be a little ravenous sometimes."

"But how much is that due to your actual sex drive, though?" Alex asked. "I mean, when you left, I did just about anything to fill the emptiness in me. I slept with a lot of guys, drank myself under the table, and even smoked pot. It wasn't until Henshaw saved me was when I felt complete again."

Kara frowned.

She didn't know Alex had gotten that bad after she was kidnapped.

"I mean, I don't want to pry or project onto you, Kara," Alex continued. "But how much is bedding every woman you see scratching that itch or filling the loneliness you have?"

"Real talk?" Kara asked.

"Real talk," Alex confirmed.

Kara walked away from the demolished hanging car and sat next to her sister. "When I arrived on Themyscira, I was angry and alone. I was separated from Eliza, Siobhan, and Kenny, my crush and best friend were murdered, my relationship with you was in ruins, and Clark turned his back on me," Kara said.

"Siobhan was your crush?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. We were mutually crushing on each other," Kara answered. "The entire time, I was confused at my feelings. It wasn't until I got to Themyscira and went on that downward spiral did I realize I was really into women."

Alex nodded.

"I'm sorry you had to realize your sexuality under duress like that," Alex whispered.

"Don't sweat it," Kara said with a sad smile. "But yeah, I spiraled hard. I slept with a lot of girls, but I wasn't looking for someone to save me or help me. I wanted the pain I felt inside to stop. And having sex, really good sex, numbed me of that pain. Then I met Artemis…."

"Nice job, Kara. You're really getting into the swing of it," Nubia praised as Kara panted, her body hunched over and her hands on her knees.

"Thank you, Dáskalos Nubia," Kara panted.

She felt Nubia ruffle her hair as the taller woman instructed, "Tomorrow at sunrise, we will work on your ax training with Akila. Noon, it will be Lyla with your spear and sword training. Evening, Helen will take over your hand-to-hand training."

"Wait, what about you?" Kara asked.

Nubia sighed. "I have a mission with Barda. Diana doesn't quite trust her fully, considering her former allegiance to the deceased Darkseid as a fury, so I'm babysitting," Nubia explained.

"But why? She was the only reason Batman, Diana, and….him, were able to obtain enough Radion to kill Darkseid. Why not trust her?" Kara asked.

"You'd have to speak with Diana on that one, Kid," Nubia answered.

"Can I come with you?" Kara asked.

Kara would easily admit that the only person she was able to lean on was Nubia. She reminded her of a calmer, friendlier Alex. She didn't want the only person she could rely on to be gone for a long time….

"This mission is pretty dangerous," Nubia said. "We are to broker peace between Themyscira and Asgard before taking on the Frost Giants. And for a fledgling, I don't think that would be best."

Kara swallowed the disappointment and glumly murmured, "Okay…."

Nubia ruffled her hair again and said, "Don't look so down. When I come back, I'll take the next mission and bring you with me. I promise."

Kara slightly perked up at this and nodded. "Alright," Kara agreed.

Nubia smiled and walked out of the courtyard, leaving Kara alone as the stars appeared in the sky. Kara could feel that emptiness creeping up on her and rubbed her arms. It was about that time to go to the local hang-out spot and see if she could convince Lyla to share her bed tonight.

"Zor-El!" an angered voice shouted from behind her. Kara turned around, only to sigh as a furious Artemis stomped toward her.

In another setting, Kara would have found Artemis beautiful, with her long red hair, her dazzling green eyes, and slight freckles that were on her cheeks. But every time they met, Artemis was always scowling or frowning.

The closest she had ever seen Artemis smile was when she would smirk.

"Artemis," Kara hesitantly greeted as Artemis stopped in front of her.

"You have a lot of nerve sleeping with Akila!" Artemis raged.

Kara blinked.

"Who?" Kara asked with a tilt of her head as she looked up at the taller Amazonian.

"Akila, My girlfriend," Artemis answered. "How dare you sleep with her?"

"I-I didn't know she was your girlfriend, Artemis," Kara sincerely replied. "Truly I didn't."

"You didn't know? You've seen us in our classes! We were never apart at any time," Artemis stated.

"I thought you both were friends," Kara said, genuinely apologetic.

Artemis scowled and said, "You think that doe-eyed look is going to convince me, Zor-El? Well, you're dead wrong."

"I didn't know," Kara insisted as she took a step back. "I'm so sorry I slept with her, but I didn't know you two were together…."

"Well we were, and I don't appreciate your ass sleeping with her," Artemis said. "Lady Artemis above, I know that you're Diana's pet project, but that doesn't give you the authority to ruin other people's relationships!"

Kara flinched at Artemis' shout, unaware that the taller woman noticed. For a moment, Kara felt like she was in front of the drunk and furious Alex again.

"God, everything you touch, you ruin!" Alex's voice echoed in her mind.

"I-I'm so sorry, A-Artemis," Kara tearfully said as tears fell down her face, struggling to get the words out due to how upset she was. "Alex was right, everything I touch, I ruin!"

Kara turned and attempted to run, but Artemis grabbed her by the arm. "Hey, hey," Artemis whispered, her tone softer than Kara had ever heard it. "Wait, Zor-El, I'm sorry…."

Kara sniffled as she looked at Artemis and saw both compassion and concern in her bright green eyes. "I shouldn't have shouted at you like that," Artemis said as she released Kara's arm from her grasp. "I got so angry at the thought that you intentionally ruined my relationship…. I had no right to hurt you."

"You didn't h-hurt me," Kara murmured. "Alex hurt me…. You were rightfully upset. Even if I d-didn't know, I still ruined your relationship."

Artemis sighed. "Look, blue-eyes, why don't we just sit down and talk for a bit?" Artemis suggested. "Just so I can full story…."

So Kara did.

She relayed how Akila had sought her out and spent the majority of the night flirting with her until she accepted. Once she was finished, Kara looked at her feet and said, "If I had known you two were together, I would have never slept with her…."

Artemis sighed. "I was hoped that Lyla was wrong, but when she has vision, she's proven right every time…. We're square, Blue-Eyes."

"No, I ruined your relationship," Kara said. "There must be something I can do to make up for that. Maybe I can take you out for breakfast or something?"

Artemis stared at her for a moment. Slowly, a small smile formed on Artemis' face as she said, "You know what? Sure. Breakfast sounds great."

"We ironically became friends after that breakfast. It was touch and go for a bit. She was afraid of being betrayed and I was afraid of being lonely again, even when Nubia came back. Somewhere along the way, we fell in love," Kara said with a smile.

"That sounds…." Alex sighed. "Kara, I can't apologize enough for what I put you through."

"I already forgave you," Kara said as she wrapped an arm around Alex's shoulders and gingerly pulled her close. "Besides, maybe it was a blessing in disguise that I lost everything…. I'd always been listless. While the cost was too high to pay, it still lead me to where I am now. A repaired relationship with you, my true calling as a hero, and feeling more comfortable with my body and my powers."

"Still, I wish we could have eased into all of that together," Alex said.

"We're together now, Lexie," Kara said with a smile.

Alex smiled, leaned her head against Kara's shoulder, and whispered, "Yeah…."

"Artemis meant the world to me, Alex. She filled the whole that losing you, Kal-El, Siobhan, and Kenny left," Kara murmured. "I thought she would come with me, you know? That's why we broke up. I wanted her to come with me, she wanted me to stay there…. It hurts being without her after being together for so long. It's like having a phantom limb….."

"I know that feeling," Alex whispered.

"Maybe I am doing the same thing I did then. Drowning myself in my desires to avoid that empty feeling…." Kara admitted.

"Yeah. I would say just ease up on the sex. If you get that itch naturally, then scratch it, but don't do it just to fill that hole," Alex murmured. "Besides, you have me and Winn. We can't replace the friends you left behind, but I would be honored to be placed beside them…."

"Silly, you already are," Kara mumbled.

Alex sniffled as Kara kissed the side of her head. "Love you," Alex murmured.

"Love you too," Kara whispered.

But as Kara held Alex, she couldn't stop going back to the memory of her standing in front of Lena Luthor.

That was the first time since she arrived here that she felt whole….

What did that mean?

"It was so awesome, mama!" Ruby excitedly said. "Supergirl Areia flew in and defeated that alien like it was nothing!"

"That's great, my little treasure," Sam said as Lena watched her through the video screen.

"When are you coming back?" Ruby asked. "Auntie Lena invited her to dinner when she saved us. Maybe you'll be back by then?"

Lena watched as Sam gave her a sweet smile. "I'll be in National City next week. I'll have a guest coming with me too," Sam answered.

Lena's eyes widened in surprise. "A guest?" Lena asked.

"Yeah, a guest," Sam said. "I…..Ruby, Treasure, do you mind if Auntie Lena and I speak privately for a second?"

"Yeah, why don't you go feed Naomi some formula?" Lena suggested.

Ruby nodded and flew out of the living room and into Naomi's room. Once Lena heard the door close, Lena asked, "What's going on Sam?"

"Lena, I found my birth mother," Sam excitedly said.

Lena's eyes widened in shock. "You did?" she asked.

Sam nodded, a wide smile on her face. "Her name is Astra In-Ze. She was general on Krypton. She had been locked away after trying to save Krypton from themselves," Sam explained. "Somehow, the prison she was in was freed. Tomorrow, she's going to train me more in using my powers."

"Wow, that's amazing Sam," Lena sincerely said, happy for the woman she called her older sister. "When we will be able to meet her?"

"I'm going to run it by her to meet Ruby, Naomi, and you next week," Sam answered. "Rao, it's been amazing being able to learn so much about my heritage. I never felt so complete before."

"I'm so glad this ended happily for you, Sam," Lena said. "Admittedly, I was worried you would hit a dead end."

"I was too, but thankfully, everything went and is going great. Lena, Astra is so amazing," Sam expressed with glimmering eyes.

"I can't wait to meet her," Lena said.

"So, what's this about a dinner with Supergirl Areia?" Sam asked with a coy smile.

Lena flushed, ducked her head, and shyly said, "I owed her a dinner for saving me from those goons back in Metropolis. She decided to cash it in. She hasn't texted me yet…."

"Aww, look at my little kitten. Making her own dates," Sam gushed. "But considering I saw your interaction on the news, she'll probably reach out to you soon."

Lena blinked. "How did you see that?" Lena asked.

"You don't know?" Sam asked. "There were so many pictures of you two gazing lovingly into each other's eyes that it's been trending on Twitter all day. #SuperCorp."

Lena blinked again.



So, fluff on top of fluff. So, fun fact, I was a big SuperCO (Kara/Cat) shipper before SuperCorp consumed me so I wanted to write a little flirty scene about that. As you all saw, Leslie Willis will not be in this story due to her arrest....

But there will be a Livewire *winks* can anyone guess who that might be?

The next chapter will be Kara meeting with Cat, Lillian reaching out to Lena, A little Sam with Astra, and our blue-eyed puppy finally reaching out to our green-eyed kitten.

Chapter 15: Sweet Girl


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kara felt emotionally exhausted after her talk with Alex. She never meant to spill her innermost thoughts to her sister but now that she had, she felt a little lighter. Sure, the hole within her heart was still there, but knowing she could talk freely with Alex about these things was nice.

But it made her feel a little guilty as well since it was always Nubia she went to with her feelings. She knew it was silly to feel like she was cheating on Nubia with Alex, but it was hard not to feel that way.

After shedding her Supergirl Areia uniform, Kara stood in front of the mirror to view herself in her long, sleeveless peplos. She fastened a gold armband on each bicep, her golden wreath, a gold and garnet necklace with matching earrings, and finally, a golden python bracelet on her right wrist.

Kara's fingers touched the bracelet and smiled as she felt its warmth. Behind her, the Sunblade glowed with a gentle light. Kara walked over to the weapon and swung the sheath's strap around her and tightened the strap against her torso.

Kara slipped on her winged sandals, walked to her window, and took off for her meeting with Cat.

Astra stroked Zala's hair as the woman's head rested on her lap, conflicted feelings raging within her. She had spent so long just hearing about her daughter's life, from her sister-ship with this Lena Luthor, her daughter in Ruby, and her strained relationship with the woman who took her daughter in that Astra felt unsure about her mission.

Sure, she wanted to toss this Patricia into the sun for treating Zala the way she did, but her daughter had a wonderful life on Earth.

Was she right in trying to use Myriad to create a new Krypton?

Astra felt her communicator vibrating on her belt, but she ignored it. She knew that it was her husband. He must have finally gotten tired of dealing with his little affair for the evening and realized she had been missing.

Astra paused.


He didn't know that she had found Zala….

He didn't know about their granddaughter or the life Zala had made as Samantha Arias….

But despite this realization, she did not pick up the communicator. How could she? Astra wasn't deluded enough to believe that Non was still the man she had taken the bonding vows with so long ago. He had changed and for the worst.

He was just like his brother, Dru-Zod, in that way. Both got a taste of power and it corrupted them. Even if his corruption was her fault.

Introducing Zala to her father could jeopardize the connection they had just built, and Astra couldn't go with losing her daughter again.

Especially knowing that she was a grandmother now. "I have to keep you and my granddaughter safe…." Astra whispered.

So Astra let the communicator vibrate, as another idea began to swirl within her mind.

"All of this just for a business proposal. Good thing you clarified, otherwise I'd feel as if I was being wined and dined," Kara playfully teased as she and Cat Grant sat in Cat's Penthouse, with the dining room table sitting beside a large window that overlooked the majority of downtown National City.

The two had gone through dinner making polite conversation, but Kara was a little antsy to get through the business portion of the night.

Cat chuckled and replied, "Honestly, with how marvelous you look, Ms. Areia, I may have made a mistake making this into a simple business dinner."

Kara smiled.

"Well, there is no time like the present, Miss Grant," Kara proposed with a wink.

Cat nodded. "I mentioned that I've been watching you for some time now. And after your exploits yesterday, I noticed something very interesting," Cat stated. "You don't do well with the public, do you?"

"Admittedly? No," Kara answered. "I can do well with one, maybe two people, but a large group like that, I have difficulty with."

"How refreshing to get an honest answer," Cat remarked with a smile. "Well, as you must know by now, I am the Queen of Media. Especially in this lovely city. Many people both within and outside of National City are quite interested in the "Greek Goddess Next Door." And I know many have offered you an interview, correct?"

"Surprisingly, only Linda Lee was the one who offered it," Kara answered.

"Was that before or after you had your wicked way with her?" Cat inquired with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Definitely before," Kara answered. "At the time, I wasn't interested. I just want to be the hero this city and the world deserve. I didn't get into this for the limelight."

"Well, unfortunately, my dear, the moment you make yourself known, you've become part of a limelight," Cat announced as she pulled out her phone and held it out to her.

Kara took the phone and was immediately hit with an image of herself and Lena staring at one another, with LKena holding her shield on . Kara almost lost her breath at the tender expressions on both of their faces.

It was so gentle, so sweet….

Kara was unaware that she could ever make an expression like that.

It seems Nubia's teachings of keeping her heart under lock and key had failed. Nubia was going to be annoying when she eventually sees this.

"Hashtag: SuperCorp?" Kara questioned.

"Yes. That's the name people have called the two of you. And that name been trending since after your battle at the mall yesterday," Cat divulged. "But it's not just the civilians commenting on this. The news, politicians, and even President Olivia are keeping their eyes on this."

"Why?" Kara questioned.

"Hm, The newest heroine and the recent heir to the Luthor fortune, caught gazing into each other's eyes as if they were lovers separated from time and space itself and had finally reunited. Can you guess why they are interested?" Cat queried.

"I suppose I understand," Kara murmured as she scrolled down the screen. There were some flattering comments, horny comments, and even fanart of the two of them, but Kara couldn't help but remember how she felt standing in front of Lena.

"But I need to know, what is your goal in all of this? Why did you invite me to this dinner?" Kara inquired.

"I'm offering to be your publicist, Ms. Areia," Cat revealed. "Like it or not, you're in the spotlight now, and you're going to need someone like me to help wade you through it all."

"I see…." Kara murmured.

"There are a lot of advantages to this deal," Cat explained. "While many are interested in you, those politicians that I mentioned? They do not trust you. They feel that you are a ticking time bomb. And many others feel the same way. People in very high places."

Cat took a sip of wine, and Kara followed suit.

"Both President Olivia and I know that you're here for good," Cat continued. "And while I would normally say "Actions speak louder than words," in a situation like yours, words have meaning. The people want to know you, your ideals, and if you're a threat to this country and the world."

"I think I understand," Kara whispered. "Will it just be you, or will all of CatCo be in this?"

"I am CatCo," Cat remarked. "With that, it means you have the full force of my company behind your image as a hero."

"I can understand the benefits of having the Queen of Media on my side…." Kara stated. "But I need to know, what will have I to do in return?"

"Supply interviews with us, maybe attend some events on our behalf, among other little things," Cat answered.

"Is there anything I have to do that will betray who I am?" Kara prodded.

"Not at all," Cat replied. "Why I would have you do something unscrupulous after presenting you with this deal? I'm not going to have you shake down my competition, reveal your identity, or do anything that can harm your image."

Kara nodded to herself.

Cat seemed trustworthy to her but something still ate at her. "Why me? Why give me this deal?" Kara wondered.

Cat looked away from Kara and stared out at the city. "Before you arrived, this city was on the verge of the west coast version of Gotham City. The crime was rampant in both human and alien communities. The only difference between the two cities? We didn't have a cape crusader in Batman and later, Batwoman."

"And even though we have other heroes in the world such as The Flash in Central City, Green Arrow in Star City, The Teen Titans in Jump City, The Green Lantern in Coast City, The Bat family in Gotham, Black Lightning in Freeland, and Superman in Metropolis, all of them are too busy to assist those in need here….This city had no hope in it…. Until you came along."

Cat turned back to Kara and said, "Seeing both humans and aliens alike swell behind someone like you is something that has never happened. Not even Superman, with all of his boy scout light, could replicate what you've done since your arrival. You're the small flame within the city's shadow, Supergirl Areia, and I believe that with my help, you can become the beacon of hope this city needs."

Kara was legitimately surprised at her words.

"Wow, I expected you to say something like this being good for business. Not something so…." Kara drifted off.

"So candid? So complimentary?" Cat cheekily inquired. "I may sit upon my ivory throne, but I remember being in a world without hope before Superman arrived here."

Kara nodded. "This is a wonderful offer, Ms. Grant. While I need to run this over with my lawyer, I tentatively accept this offer."

Cat Grant smiled. "Marvelous. We can talk about lawyers and other details later on. For now, the business is done. We can now enjoy each other's company. However way you see fit," Cat offered.

Kara smiled, only for the smile to falter. For a split moment, she wanted to make some flirty comment and woo the woman in front of her into bed, but she couldn't. Was it because of what Alex had said earlier in the day? Or was it because of something else?

Or was it because of someone….?

"I would love to spend more time with you tonight, Ms. Grant," Kara admitted. "However, there are other affairs that must attend to tonight."

"A pity," Cat stated with an understanding, yet amused, smile on her face. "Well, this evening has been delightful all the same, Ms. Areia. I look forward to cementing our partnership soon."

"Likewise," Kara agreed.

"There, there, sweet lómhara," Lena cooed as she bounced Naomi in her arms with a warm expression on her face.

Naomi had woken up near the end of her conversation with Sam, and honestly, she was grateful for the distraction. She didn't know how she could deal with the entire world viewing her surprisingly tender moment with the heroine yesterday.

What also surprised her was that Lillian had not reached out to her yet. She knew the older Luthor must have known what was going on and how she was involved, but there was nothing.

Lena didn't know if she should be disappointed or not.

Lena watched as Naomi tilted her head and began to giggle wildly. "What's so funny, silly girl?" Lena asked the little one.

Just then, Lena heard a knock on her balcony door. She turned around to see Aphrodite Areia at her door.

She looked more like her nickname than ever before. Lena slowly walked toward her balcony door and slide it open as she greeted, "Why, isn't this a surprise? What are you doing here? Aphrodite?"

"I came to see you," Her heroine replied. "I know I should have called but I figured seeing you face to face would be more proper, yes?"

Naomi babbled happily as her hands reached out to the heroine.

Lena watched as the woman's eyes flashed down to Naomi and once again struggled not to melt at the softness that appeared in those otherworldly blue eyes. "Aww, hello, sweet girl," Aphrodite cooed.

"I think she wants you to pick her up," Lena revealed.

Aphrodite's eyes widened as she looked back up at her. "I-Is that okay?" Aphrodite fretted. "She's awfully tiny…."

"I think it'll be fine," Lena answered.

"O-Okay," Aphrodite whispered as she carefully scooped Naomi into her arms. The baby gave Aphrodite a gummy smile, which made the taller woman beam. "You are so beautiful, Sunshine," Aphrodite gently announced.

"She is," Lena replied. "Naomi is going to be awake for a little while so I was just going to make a cup of coffee. Would you like to stay for a cup?"

Aphrodite smiled and answered, "I would love one."


And that is the end of that one, folks!

Originally, Kara was going to sleep with Cat but my fingers did not like that apparently and instead decided that Kara was going to visit Lena and Naomi, which I think is a much better deal. The next chapter will be some sweet bonding between Lena and Kara, and also checking in on Lillian.

Until the next chapter!

Chapter 16: A Chat


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lena had to admit that she was caught off guard by the sight of Aphrodite Areia being in her apartment. Not because she was shy or anything like that. Far from it. But it was due to how enchanting the heroine looked in her outfit.

She looked and carried herself like she was royalty.

And ironically, for someone many thought of as a modern monarch considering the Luthor family's long history of wealth, fame, and scorn, Lena felt off balance dealing with someone like this.

"What type of coffee do you like?" Lena inquired as she looked at Aphrodite in the living room, but paused when she saw the woman making funny faces at Naomi, causing the baby to explode into happy babbling and wiggling.

It was strange to see her daughter acting like this with a stranger. Naomi mostly kept to herself in front of unknown people, only being the silly happy baby around herself, the Arias family, and Lillian (To her displeasure) but seeing her so lively with the Kryptonian beauty was strange.

'Perhaps she feels safe with Aphrodite because she remembered that this woman saved our lives a while ago,' Lena thought as Aphrodite lowered Naomi into her lap and smiled.

"The sugary the better," Aphrodite answered. "I tried it like an adult once and well… Never again."

Lena chuckled and turned away, only to hear Naomi's happy laughter again. By the time the coffee was done and sweetened, Naomi's laughter turned into her soundly sleeping in the other woman's arms.

Lena approached Aphrodite and placed both of their cups on the coasters that sat on her dining room table and gingerly whispered, "Let me put her into bed…."

Lena noticed that Aphrodite looked a little sad at having to let go of Naomi and found that very sweet. Her daughter did have a way of melting people, and it seems the heroine was no different.

She carried Naomi into her room, laid her down in her crib, and placed a light peck on her forehead. "Sweet dreams, sweet lómhara," Lena whispered and then softly crept out of the room and back into the living room, where the heroine sat.

"Thank you for keeping my daughter company while I made our coffee," Lena thanked as she sat down on her loveseat that sat across from the lunar couch that Supergirl Areia sat on.

"Trust me, you can't thank me for something I enjoyed," the heroine replied as Lena lifted her coffee and took a sip of the hot liquid.

"Aphrodite enjoys watching over other women's children?" Lena teased with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Hey, being a hero, you have to have a particular set of skills," Aphrodite replied. "Children watching is one of them."

"Really?" Lena prodded.

"Oh yeah, when I was younger, I would babysit all of the time for many different mothers in my neighborhood," Aphrodite explained. "That was how I met one of my first best friends."

"What were they like?" Lena asked.

"Very nerdy," Aphrodite answered. "But very sweet and loyal. Helped me out of many sticky situations. Even to this day, I miss him."

"Did you two have a falling out?" Lena asked with concern.

The woman shook her head and answered, "No, he and my other best friend were murdered by a psychopath…."

Lena felt the air leave her gut and her face turn red. She was not prepared for that answer, and she knew it showed on her face because the heroine across from her looked at her in concern. "Ms. Luthor, are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine, and please, c-call me Lena…." Lena softly said.

"Okay, Lena," Aphrodite replied. "But are you alright?"

"I-I'll be fine but I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have pried," Lena answered, but Aphrodite laughed and waved off her apology.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. It doesn't hurt like it used to," Aphrodite answered. "I've made peace with their deaths. It took a while and a lot of tears, but I did."

"How?" Lena asked. Lena knew from the creeping memory of a warm smile amongst a field of sunflowers that a familiar face was getting ready to rear its head, and she desperately wanted to hold back that image.

"Well, for one, realizing that even though they have departed from this plane of reality, it doesn't mean that they are forever gone," Aphrodite softly answered. "I know that they are at peace, frolicking in the Elysian Fields, waiting for me to join them one day when I sleep for that final time. They'll have to wait a while since my job is not done on this mortal plane. Knowing Siobhan, she'll tease me about taking so long."

Lena smiled at the woman's teasing tone at the end.

"The second is knowing that a piece of them is always with me," Aphrodite continued. "It shows in different ways. Sometimes, it's in the shows I watch, the way I interact with people, some of the things I eat, just little pieces of them are mixed in here with me. Anytime I realize that a little bit of Kenny or Siobhan popped out of me always brings a smile to my face."

"That is a beautiful way to put it," Lena admitted.

"Thanks. I hoped all of that made sense," Aphrodite said.

"It does, truthfully," Lena answered. "It reminds me of a song I listen to. It's called "Always Know Where You Are" by John Rzeznik."

"Wait, is the song that goes, 'And when I feel the sun, I'll always know where you are?'" Aphrodite asked.

"You know that song?" Lena asked.

"Yeah. It's from Treasure Planet," Aphrodite chirped. "It was one of my favorite Disney movies."

Lena smiled. "What a small world, it's one of my favorites as well," Lena admitted.

"Okay, now we have to talk about this," Aphrodite announced as she took a quick sip of her coffee and then leaned forward in her seat. "What are your favorite Disney movies?"

Lena was somewhat thankful for the change in subject. It was getting far too heavy for her liking. "Okay, in order from favorite to least favorite. Pinocchio, Mulan, Treasure Planet, Tarzan, Aladdin, Mulan, Atlantis, Oliver and Company, Robin Hood, Princess, and the Frog, and the Sword in the Stone."

"Oh, some nice ones in there," Aphrodite stated. "I guess I should tell you my favorite list too. Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, Alice in Wonderland, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quest for Camelot, Oliver and Company, Treasure Planet, Hercules, The Little Mermaid, and the Lion King. From favorite to least favorite."

"Those are some nice selections. Although Quest for Camelot is not a Disney movie," Lena noted.

"It's not?" the heroine blinked.

"Not at all. Although I can understand the confusion," Lena said. "Warner Bros. were the ones that created it."

"Oh…." Aphrodite breathed. "Can we count it as one?"

"Of course," Lena replied. "Although, I've never seen it before."

"Y-You've never seen Quest of Camelot before?" Aphrodite blinked. "Oh Rao, you're missing out. It's a silly, cute movie based on Arthurian legends, like Sword in the Stone is. Maybe we can watch it sometime."

"I think I'd like that," Lena sincerely replied.

Aphrodite smiled.

"So, I know that you are Kryptonian, and you came from Themyscira, but where were you raised once you got to Earth?" Lena inquired. "Were you raised on Themyscira too or did you come from someplace else in the world?"

Kara took another sip of her coffee and stared at the raven-haired beauty in front of her. Despite her wearing a simple turtleneck with long enough sleeves that it hid her hands, and a pair of jeans, the green-eyed woman was enchanting to Kara.

There was such an otherworldly beauty to Lena Luthor and Kara was stunned that she's been able to not get tongue-tied around her.

Kara figures that it was due to her training on Themyscira. "Well, I was raised in Midvale," Kara easily answered.

"Midvale? That's only a few hours' drive from here," Lena stated, clearly surprised by her answer.

"Shocked?" Kara teased.

"Admittedly," Lena replied. "From the moment I saw you, you carry yourself as if you're a goddess. Not to mention, you dress like a Greek goddess. That's why I call you Aphrodite Areia."

Kara let out a sweet laugh. "And again, I'm so flattered by that," Kara chirped. "While I was born in Midvale, I count Themyscira as my true home. Don't get me wrong, I adore my Earth family dearly. However, on Themyscira, I could be myself more freely than I can in Man's World."

"I think I can understand that," Lena remarked.

"Really?" Kara asked.

"You know that before I moved here, I lived in Metropolis, but that was not my true home, and neither was the place before it, Smallville," Lena stated. "I was born in Ireland. Most of my fondest memories are from there. Being in Smallville, Metropolis, and now National City is nice, but I long to return there."

"Then why not go back?" Kara asked.

Kara noticed the faraway look in Lena's eyes. She had noticed this earlier when Lena asked how she found peace in Kenny and Siobhan's death but seeing it a second time made Kara realize that there was a story behind this look.

"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, you know that, right?" Kara asked.

"I know," Lena replied. "But I believe in the law of Equivalent Exchange. You revealed your loss, and so I would like to reveal mine…."

"Then I won't stop you any longer," Kara softly acquiesced.

Lena took a moment, no doubt trying to find the introductory words she needed to explain her story. Kara patiently waited for the next two minutes before Lena began. "Before I found out my heritage of being a Luthor, I was adopted by my father. I originally lived in Ireland with my birth mother, Elizabeth Walsh," Lena said.

"Walsh…. That's a beautiful last name," Kara offered.

Lena smiled. "Thank you," she replied. "Her name matches who she was, according to my father, of course. She, and even my brother, Lex, often recounted how warm, tender, and loving she was to them and everyone around her. As warm as the sun itself…. And for a long time, I experienced that warmth."

Kara didn't like how this story was turning out.

"One day, we were visiting family. We had gone swimming…. Suddenly, she was pulled down under the water…. And that's where she drowned," Lena revealed.

"Oh, Lena, I'm so sorry…." Kara whispered.

"It's quite alright," Lena said, but Kara could see her eyes slightly watering. "I wish I could say that I've made peace with it, but I haven't…. And it's because of those memories that I can't return to Ireland…."

Kara's eyes softened at this.

Kara suddenly was struck with an idea.

"Lena," Kara softly started. "There was one more thing that I did to help me get over what happened to Siobhan and Kenny…."

Lena looked at her and whispered, "And what was that?"

Kara stood from her spot, walked toward Lena, and held her hand out to the raven-haired woman. "I'd like to show you…." Kara softly said. "If you allow me that opportunity…."

Lena's eyes flickered from Kara's face to her hand. Kara could see that Lena was thinking about it but before Kara could apologize and withdraw her offer, Lena slid her hand into hers. "I trust you," Lena whispered.

Kara smiled.

"And that trust will never be misplaced," Kara promised.


So, I didn't expect this chapter to go this way. It was supposed to be a light conversation about where they came from and their favorite Disney movies, but of course it had to go to a deeper place of trauma.

Darn fingers.

The next chapter will have something I borrowed from my dear twin's (BluesoftheCobaltSoul) story, "(Let Me) Belong to you" (With their permission of course) so I hope I do it right.

Like, I try to make something cute and fluffy but hurt/comfort comes out. DARN YOU FINGERS!

Also, I bolded some of the movies the pair had on their favorite lists. I wonder if anyone can guess why those movies are our girls' favorites.

Chapter 17: A Somber Dance


Note, the song choice for this chapter will be Kainé's Salvation from Nier/Nier Automata.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lena was starstruck.

The pair had flown, to Lena's worry, for a long time but when they finally landed, Lena stood in a vast open field filled to the brim with these beautiful flowers within a large cave.

The silver-white flower was long and shaped like a star and as large as her hand, with the upper left and right petals lower than the middle and lower left and right petals.

She had never seen a flower like this before.

Thanks to the large slanted cave entrance, Lena was able to see the night sky, and the soft glow of the moon, which had the added effect of making the flowers around her glow with radiant light.

"Wow," Lena whispered.

"These are Lunar Tears," Aphrodite whispered. "They are a rare flower on Krypton. It is said that they were able to grant any wish if you were able to find one." Lena watched as the women plucked the Lunar Tear off the ground.

The soft glow of the flower softened Aphrodite's features, increasing how much of a Goddess she looked in Lena's eyes. The woman allowed a soft, wistful smile to appear on her face, which caused Lena's heart to flutter.

"When Krypton exploded, my father gave this to me. He was going to surprise me with it," The woman gently recounted. "Other than my pod and my life, the Lunar Tears are the last things I have of Krypton."

A gust of wind passed over them, causing petals of the Lunar Tears on the ground to gently sway. The flower in Aphrodite's hand floated from the breeze and landed at Lena's foot. Lena reached down and picked it the plucked Lunar Tear as Aphrodite turned and glanced up at the sky.

"When my grief was at its worse, I took the flower and came here to perform my planet's funeral rites,'" Aphrodite started. "A few years after that, I came back here again to perform it for Kenny and Siobhan and all of these were here…."

Lena was awed by her story but she was curious about the funeral rites she was talking about. "The funeral rites….What does that entail?" Lena questioned, only to tack on, "If you don't mind me asking."

The heroine turned back to her and nodded.

"On Krypton, when someone passes on into the eternal night, their soul becomes lost in that endless twilight. Only by using the flame of Rao as a torchlight can they shine their path," Aphrodite explained.

"There are only two parts into lighting their way to their final resting place," Aphrodite continued. "The first, is we recite the Prayer of the Dead. The second is the Sending."

Lena could see somberness in the woman's eyes as she continued, "The Sending Is an intricate dance that is performed to guide those that are lost to their final resting place in Mishidh."

"Mishidh?" Lena questioned.

Aphrodite let out a gentle laugh, her eyes twinkling in delight as she replied, "You said it perfectly."

Lena's cheeks lightly reddened at the praise.

"Translated, it means "Eternal Paradise." I guess you would call it 'Heaven,'" Aphrodite clarified. "Most of the time, it is only done for those close to the departed souls, however, anyone can do it as long as their heart means it."

"I know what it's like not being able to say goodbye to the people you love," Aphrodite revealed. "And that's why I bought you here."

"Y-You want to perform your funeral rites for my birth mother?" Lena stammered, putting all of the pieces together, unbelievably touched by this gesture. "I-I…."

"Perhaps I'm acting too boldly, but this was the only way I could make peace for my two friends and my planet," Aphrodite replied. "But when I heard how sad you sounded about not making peace with what happened to your mother, I…I wanted to offer some sort of peace to that."

Lena was confused.

No one had ever done anything like this for her before. She didn't know how to respond to such a heartfelt gesture. Instead, she gave her approval with a watery smile and a nod.

Aphrodite nodded and approached Lena until Lena was in front of the taller woman. Gently, Aphrodite took Lena's hands into her won and whispered, "The first step is The Prayer. I want you to repeat after me, okay?"

"Wait...." Lena stopped her.

"Yes?" Aphrodite inquired.

"My daughter, Naomi.... Are you able to do this for her birth mother as well?" Lena asked. "Forgive me for asking but it wouldn't be right of me to have this done for my birth mother when Naomi is-"

Lena was stopped by a finger against her lips.

"I would be happy to perform the prayer and the sending for her as well, Lena," Aphrodite tenderly replied. Lena didn't know what it was but there was something in the taller woman's eyes that Lena couldn't place.

"Repeat after me," Aphrodite instructed as she placed her hand on top of Lena's. "You have been the sun of our lives…."

"You have been the sun of our lives," Lena softly repeated.

"Our prayers will be the sun that lights your journey home," Aphrodite led.

"Our prayers will be the sun that lights your journey home," Lena repeated.

"We will remember you every dawn and await the night to join you in the sky," Aphrodite continued.

"We will remember you every dawn and await the night to join you in the sky," Lena repeated.

"May Rao's will be done," Aphrodite finished.

"May Rao's will be done…." Lena drifted off, her chest heavy with emotion.

Gently, The taller woman pulled away from Lena and walked a good distance away from her. Aphrodite stopped and bowed her head, allowing for the gentle breeze to wash over the area once again.

The dance started slowly as Aphrodite swept her right arm against the petals in a gentle while she graceful twirled in place, causing the petals to fly around her body as she kept her right arm in the air.

She took two steps forward, lowered her right arm, and swept the flowers again as she repeated the motion, leaving her facing the original way. She lowered her arm and took two steps forward, with each step causing her to twirl her body.

Lena watched as the petals and the gown flowed with each fluid movement the woman made as she danced beneath the moonlight. But watching the woman made Lena feel overwhelming grief.

This woman, able to crush mountains with her bare hands, was performing such a delicate and graceful dance for a Luthor of all people. All because she couldn't let go of the grief she felt about her birth mother's death.

With every step and every move the Kryptonian heroine made during her beautiful and tragic dance, Lena felt emotion well up in her.

All of the hurt over watching her mother drown, the agony of the mental abuse and manipulation Lex, her father, and Lillian had put her through, the years of being alone in a world that despised her all because of her last name, the guilt she felt that she couldn't help Naomi's birth mother, and absolute touched feeling she had over someone she didn't know pouring their all for her finally caused the dam to break.

And for the first time in her life, Lena broke the chains around her own emotions and grieved.

She grieved until her voice was raw and her tears had ceased.

She grieved until the warm arms of Aphrodite surrounded her.

And she grieved until she drifted off into a deep slumber, in the hold of a goddess and in a bed of Lunar Tears.


I am so sorry for the shortness of this chapter but honestly, I think it felt right, As you all know, short chapters like this isn't my forte but I didn't want to add anything else to this. Also, I think I turned this "Simple stopping over" into an emotional date, and Idk how to feel about that.

And again, I borrowed these funeral rites from my dear twin's (BluesoftheCobaltSoul) story, "(Let Me) Belong to you" (With their permission of course). I hope you guys enjoyed the short and (hopefully) sweet chapter.

Chapter 18: Of Sweets and Yearning


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Five minutes.

It has been five minutes since Kara woke up to the sleeping face of Lena Luthor, and the heroine wasn't keen on waking her up.

The night had been emotional for Lena. A lot of grief was let loose, which Kara knew would occur either during the prayer or during the dance. Even after the dance ended, Kara consoled the woman and held her close until the both of them fell asleep.

Thanks to her internal alarm clock, Kara knew that it was six in the morning, and she knew that she had to wake Lena up to return her to her apartment for Naomi. However, Kara knew by Naomi's heartbeat that the little bumgorf was still sound asleep.

So Kara watched Lena.

As the glow of the sunrise bathed the cave, Kara drank in the sight of how soft and touchable the woman sleeping in front of her looked. She yearned to reach out and caress the Luthor's cheek, but Kara had better self-control than that.

Lena had been vulnerable with her, and Kara wasn't sure why, but she had a strong feeling that Lena was never as vulnerable in front of anyone else that wasn't Naomi. And yet, she opened herself up in front of Kara.

Kara meant what she said last night.

Lena could trust her and Kara was not about to betray her trust after such a night.

But that begs the question.

Why did Kara want to touch her so badly? Lena was just a woman and Kara never hesitated in touching any woman that struck her fancy before. And yet Lena, someone who Kara could easily admit struck a deep chord within her, was someone she was scared of touching in any way.

Why was Lena the outlier?

"You're staring," Lena softly whispered, which caused Kara to jump in surprise and then flush at being caught. Kara watched as Lena opened her eyes and was struck at how beautiful they were. Thanks to the glow of the sunrise, Lena's eyes seemed to glitter.

"I didn't want to wake you," Kara admitted.

A lazy smile formed on Lena's lips as she replied, "Thank you. I appreciate it."

"How did you know?" Kara wondered.

"Thanks to living as a Luthor, I've kind of developed a sixth sense for knowing when someone is watching me," Lena divulged. The human then stretched against the flower bed and curled up slightly, like a kitten.

Kara smiled.

"But I think I prefer when you stare versus anyone else," Lena admitted after she closed her eyes. "When others stare, it's always as a predator, looking for weakness to expose in their prey, meaning me. When you look at me, I don't see that."

"What do you see?" Kara gently prodded.

Lena opened her eyes and smiled. "You look at me like I'm not a Luthor. You look at me like a normal person," Lena paused. "No…. Your gaze is warmer, somehow. It reminds me of the sun in the fall. Everything is cold and crisp, then for one moment when the sun is high in the sky, you feel its warmth on your cold cheeks. It's for a moment, mind you, but it's a moment you cherish…."

Kara was touched by the comparison.

Lena then blushed and mumbled, "Forgive me, I'm usually more open when I first wake up…. That comparison must sound stu—"

"I've never had anyone say that to me before," Kara whispered.

Kara watched as surprise crossed Lena's face. "Really?" Lena whispered.

Kara thought back.

While Artemis would compliment her, it was always when Kara was in the throes of passion. Outside of that, never. Kara knew that Artemis showed love by her actions and not her words, so she never minded it, but deep down, she always wished Artemis would tell her how beautiful she was, without her fingers within her.

"No," Kara softly answered.

"Then everyone who failed to tell you that are fools," Lena whispered.

The two then blushed but neither took their eyes off one another. Kara realized how intimate this was. They were on their sides beside one another, their hands, which were near their heads, were inches away from one another.

They were also in a flowerbed of Lunar Tears in a cave that gave them access to view the skyline where the sun was rising. If Kara wanted, she knew she could just lean her head forward and take those oh-so-inviting lips into a kiss.

If Kara wanted, she could have slowly stripped Lena's clothes off, and drink in the sight of her pale and naked body before giving Lena the tender lovemaking that Kara needed to give the Luthor.

But despite craving this, Kara couldn't.

For the second time, Kara had backed down from her desires.

Yet for some strange reason, she felt that she had just made a good choice.

Slowly, Kara rose to her feet and held out a hand to Lena. "Would you…. Like to go to breakfast with me before I take you home?" Kara asked.

"I'd like that a lot," Lena answered as she put her hand in Kara's.

The location of the cave was very close to Hawaii, as Lena found out as the pair flew over it. Aphrodite decided then and there that they would eat at a Hawaiian restaurant for breakfast.

They found a little nice looking restaurant called "Waffle and Berry" It was here that Lena learned two things.

One: The heroine had a very large following.

And Two: No one attempted to bother her, which was nice.

Aphrodite looked so cheerful as she signed autographs and took pictures, but thankfully, the crowd died away and they were allowed to go inside the restaurant.

They were led to a seat by a very starstruck employee, tucked away from most prying eyes, and given a menu. While the choices all looked appealing, Lena was unsure about how sugary everything looked. In the end, she decided to throw caution into the wind.

She could always offset the sugary breakfast with extremely healthy foods, such as the Acai Bowl, which had Strawberries, bananas, blueberries, mandarin oranges, and kiwi within it, alongside a Berries and Cream Waffle, which had a traditional golden waffle, served with fresh strawberries, fresh blueberries, vanilla ice cream and topped with thick handmade whipped cream.

Aphrodite on the other hand got two plates of the Aussie in Paradise waffle which consisted of two Piece Waffle, two scoops of ice cream, loads of Nutella, strawberries, banana, and powdered sugar along with a plate of Aloha Chocolate Waffle, which had Chocolate Chip Waffle, two scoops of ice cream, Powdered sugar, Whipped cream, and Chocolate chips.

"I think I found your weakness," Lena teased. "Sweets."

"Oh, big time," Aphrodite laughed. "Sweets are definitely my Kryptonite."

It was a magical laugh that left Lena feeling lighter than ever.

"Well, let's dig in before the ice cream melts," Aphrodite remarked.

Lena nodded and attempted to dig in, only to be caught off guard by Aphrodite. If there was one thing she expected from the living goddess, it was for her to eat in a very refined way.

This was not the case.

She ate as if the food was going to either run away or fight her. It was so different compared to the dancer she had observed last night and the heroine that had saved her twice.

Lena propped her right arm on the table and leaned the side of her face against the palm of her hand, unable to stop the fond expression from appearing on her face.

It was endearing to Lena that someone that looked so perfect could eat like someone who hadn't eaten in months. Wild and unstoppable.

Aphrodite looked up at Lena, her eyes slightly wide and her mouth full of food with the tips of the fork in between her closed lips. The woman blushed, chewed her food, swallowed, then mumbled, "Sorry."

"It's quite alright," Lena chuckled. "You must have been really hungry."

"I was," Aphrodite replied. "My powers burn through my metabolism like crazy, so I have to eat a ton to offset it. Doesn't help that I'm a massive foodie."

"What happens if you don't eat?" Lena asked.

"Well, thanks to Apollo's Yellow Sun, I kind of work like a plant," Aphrodite answered.

"Kryptonians work under Photosynthesis?" Lena gasped, awed by this discovery while also filing away the Greek God she mentioned.

"In a way, we do. We can survive without food and water a little while, but it does weaken us quite a bit," Aphrodite answered. "For example, under the sun of Earth, I can survive two weeks without food or water. However, that does weaken me day by day."

"That is so interesting. How did you discover you had powers? Did it happen instantaneously or did it build up over time?" Lena inquired.

"Instantaneously. There's no warning or anything. It's just one minute, powerless. The next, Powers of a goddess," Aphrodite answered.

"That must have been terrifying," Lena sympathized.

"Yeah, it was," Aphrodite softly answered. "I remember everything was so loud and bright. I couldn't think. It was the worst." Lena watched as Aphrodite leaned back into her chair with a frown. "I don't regret my powers. I survived Krypton and was gifted these powers for a reason…. But living on Earth often feels like I live in a world made of cardboard, always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment, or someone could die."

Lena was surprised at how candid this woman was to her of all people. "Does that… worry you at all?" Aphrodite hesitantly asked.

"You've always been gentle with Naomi and me," Lena softly answered. "And for all the others you've saved since coming here from Themyscira. You haven't given me any cause to worry, so why should I?" Lena asked.

She was awarded with a large smile from the heroine.

"You're unlike anyone I've ever met, Lena," Aphrodite stated.

"I can be sometimes," Lena replied, smiling back.

Lena then watched as the woman across from her tilted her head. "Naomi's awake," Aphrodite murmured.

"How do you know that?" Lena asked.

"Heartbeats," Aphrodite answered as she lifted her hand for the waiter. "Since I saved you and your daughter, they are kind of saved in my mind. I can hear them from any distance."

Lena felt touched by this. Not only at the fact that this woman had recognized her and Naomi's heartbeats, but she was actively listening to Naomi's heart this entire time. The waiter came over and informed both of them that the meal was on the house, as long as Aphrodite took a picture with the owner of the restaurant.

A quick snap of a picture and Lena found herself high in the air in her Goddess' arms.

It took a little over thirty minutes for Aphrodite to get back to National City and by then, Lena felt slightly queasy due to eating and then flying, but she was able to quell her stomach by the time Aphrodite landed on her balcony.

Lena rushed into the penthouse, only to come out seconds later with a relieved smile. "She fell back asleep," Lena announced.

"That's good," the heroine sighed. "I'm sorry for quite the bumpy flight. I wanted to make sure you got here in case Naomi needed something, you know?"

"And I appreciate that dearly," Lena replied. "I must know, why did you memorize our heartbeats?"

Aphrodite looked down as if she was searching for the answer. After a moment, Lena watched as something in Aphrodite's eyes changed. It was as if she was emboldened by something within her. "As creepy as this might sound, I don't know why. It just brings me comfort," Aphrodite revealed. "When I find the answer, if you want, I will be more than willing to tell you, okay?"

Lena felt her world tilt at the reveal but instead of being put off, she was once again touched by this. She could tell that the woman was being honest with her, something no one was when it came to Luthors, but her tone was so soft and hesitant, that it was as if Aphrodite was scared.

Lena found it foolish.

This woman was a goddess among mortals, and yet she was afraid of her response. It was so precious that it made Lena yearn for the taller woman. "I await the answer then, Aphrodite," Lena finally answered. " Until I get that answer, thank you for bringing me home, for treating me to breakfast….And for the last night. I've never had someone willing to bring peace to my life before."

"You never have to thank me for that," Aphrodite replied.

"Take the thanks, Aphrodite Areia. You don't have to be the noble hero with me," Lena softly suggested.

The blonde laughed.

"Thank you, Lena," Aphrodite said with a warm expression.

Lena flushed and nodded. "So, I guess this is goodbye…. Until my thank you dinner?" Lena asked.

"Oh! I almost forgot about that," The goddess sheepishly stated, red crossing her face. "The whole reason I stopped by before our night together."

Lena's blush deepened at this.

"Well, we jumped right into a conversation before we could solidify a date for this dinner," Lena said. "How about on Monday night?"

"Monday sounds fantastic," Aphrodite answered. "Well, I guess this is goodbye until then."

"I suppose it is," Lena replied.

"Then, I shall see you on Monday night, Lena," Aphrodite said. Once again, Lena caught something building up in Aphrodite's eyes. Suddenly, the woman bent down and kissed Lena's cheek, making her eyes widen.

"I hope you, Lena, and the little guest watching us from inside have a good day," the woman cheekily said before she flew off the roof.

Lena lifted a shaky hand and touched the spot the woman had kissed. A small smile formed on her face.

"Until Monday night, Aphrodite…." Lena whispered in a breathy sigh.


I felt really bad for having such a short chapter last time so I wrote this one to make up for it. Just some harmless fluff between our leading ladies. The next chapter will re-introduce Lillian along with Astra and Sam. Until then!

Chapter 19: Maybe Be my Baby?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lena felt like she was floating on cloud nine.

From the second Aphrodite had departed, Lena felt this strange jubilation in her chest. She had never felt it before in her life. Not with Andrea, or even with Jack.

Where did this jubilation lead her? First to her lovely and wide-awake little girl, and second to the kitchen to make the excited Ruby some pancakes while she played one of her mother's favorite songs on her Luther-branded Bluetooth Speakers.

"The night we met I knew I needed you so," Lena softly sang along as she twirled around in her kitchen with Naomi giggling in her arms and Ruby dancing alongside her. "And if I had the chance, I'd never let you go. So won't you say you love me? I'll make you so proud of me. We'll make 'em turn their heads every place we go. So won't you, please—"

"Be my, be my baby," Ruby stared, taking on the role of backup singer, which made Lena smile.

"Be my little baby? (Ruby: My one and only baby)," Lena continued to sing. "Say you'll be my darlin' (Ruby: Be my, be my baby) Be my baby now (Ruby: My one and only baby) Wha-oh-oh-oh."

As the two sang, there was a knock on the door. "Ruby, mind getting that for me?" Lena asked with a wide smile.

Ruby nodded and rushed out of the kitchen and down to the front door.

"I'll make you happy, baby, just wait and see," Lena sang as she sat Naomi down in her baby chair and flipped the pancakes that had been sitting slightly too long. "For every kiss you give me, I'll give you three. Oh, since the day I saw you, I have been waiting for you."

Lena had never been the one for cooking, even though Lillian paid top dollar for her to learn from the best chefs, but today, Lena had a sudden urge. Of course, she wasn't hungry, thanks to her rather sweet breakfast, but she knew Ruby would enjoy it since it had been a little while since Sam had been gone.

You know I will adore you 'til eternity. So won't you, please—"

"Be my, be my baby," Sam and Ruby chorused, with Ruby on Sam's left shoulder. Startled at Sam's voice, Lena swiftly turned around to look at her niece and surrogate big sister, the latter with a bright smile on her face.

"Sam!" Lena exclaimed as she rushed over to Sam, who floated above the tiled floor and embraced her. Sam spun her around with a laugh and then sat her back on the ground. Lena observed Sam and saw that her clothes were slightly dirty and sandy, but Sam was one hundred percent whole.

And that's all Lena could have asked for.

"Welcome back," Lena greeted with a smile.

"Thanks," Sam cheerfully replied. "I could hear you singing and cooking those delicious pancakes on my flight back. What put my baby sister in such a good mood?"

"Supergirl did, Mom," Ruby chirped as she leaned her head on the top of her mother's head.

Lena watched Sam's happy smile change into a teasing one as she drawled, "Oh, really?"

Lena flushed and rubbed the back of her neck, a bashful expression on her face. "Well, I can't wait to hear about the woman who made my sister smile this much," Sam noted as she floated past Lena to assault Naomi's cheek with dozens of kisses. "Hello, my little bumpkin."

Naomi giggled wildly at the kisses and waved her arms up and down. Sam kissed the top of the baby's head and then moved away from Naomi as Ruby floated down on the stool beside her baby "cousin."

"So, what did the Amazonian Kryptonian do to get you so sing-y and cook-y?" Sam asked as she carefully hopped on the counter.

"It was amazing," Lena sighed as she sat two pancakes on a plate and started another batch for Sam, silently thankful she had over-made the batter.

"So you took her to that cave near Hawaii?" Winn asked.

Kara, still dressed in her outfit from last night, nodded with a faint smile on her face as she sat on the roof of the DEO with Winn and Alex, a large buffet of cheeseburgers and fries from Big Belly.

Alex swallowed the bit of food in her mouth and asked, "What happened next?"

"Well, since our light movie and "Where we were born" conversation got heavy with loss, I decided to perform the sending to give her closing regarding her mother and Naomi's birth mother," Kara answered.

Alex gasped while Winn looked on in confusion. "What's the sending?" Winn asked.

"It's an important ritual on Krypton," Kara replied. "Our funeral rites."

"Yes, very sacred ones," Alex added. "Ones you still haven't done for dad yet."

"Because I know he's alive out there. I won't perform. We still have one more year left to find him," Kara told her with a frown. "And we will. I know it."

"One more year…." Alex softly repeated with slumped shoulders. Kara placed a supportive hand on her sister's shoulder, which made Alex cover the hand with her own. "Thanks," Alex murmured.

Kara smiled.

The older Danvers' sister nodded in agreement and she swelled in confidence. "So, you performed the sending," Alex resumed. "What happened then?"

"I cried so hard," Lena admitted. "It was cathartic in a way. I had never properly grieved my birth mother and my father, Lillian, and Lex was so chaotic that I never even broached the subject with them."

"The sending…." Sam murmured with narrowed eyes. "Interesting."

"It truly was," Lena agreed. "I've seen her fight and I know it was rather graceful and intimidating. But when she performed the sending. It was weird. It was like I knew it was coming from a genuine place in her heart. To do something so monumental for a Luthor like me, after already indulging me with a day for my thank-you dinner, meant a lot."

"I'll say," Ruby interjected with her mouth full.

"Ruby," Sam playfully admonished.

"Sorry, mom," Ruby apologized. She chewed and swallowed her food and then said, "To perform something so sacred to her race. It's amazing."

A gentle smile formed on Lena's face. "Yeah…." She agreed once again. "She held me throughout the night once the dance concluded. I never felt so warm, protected, and so at peace. I slept better than okay."

"Wow," Sam said with awe. "You have a hard time sleeping anywhere that isn't your home. She must really be cuddly."

Lena flushed.

"What happened next, Aunt Lena?" Ruby asked.

"I woke up to her in my arms," Kara said. "She was so soft and she seemed to glow in the sunlight. A part of me was confused. I don't make it a habit of sleeping with someone and then sticking around. It's never been my style."

"Why?" Winn asked.

"Not only to cut out the awkward next morning talk but to not do or say anything that could constitute the relationship furthering after my one-night stand with that person," Kara answered. "We both knew what we were entering, and that's it. I'm not looking for another relationship, especially so soon after Artemis."

That was the first time she was able to say her name out loud without feeling sad. "Which makes it all the more strange that I not only didn't sleep with Lena in that way, but I stayed and woke up early enough to just watch her," Kara finished.

"That is pretty strange," Alex admitted.

"Right?" Kara laughed. "And yet I did…. Despite wanting, no, needing to touch her in some way. But not even in the sense of wanting sex. I wanted to just be near her. Also, did you know she kind of like a cat?"

"Really?" Alex asked with a smug tone in her voice.

Kara didn't notice it however and answered, "Yeah. After she woke up, she did a stretch like a cat does when they lay on their side after waking up. She then did this cute little curl-up. It was precious…."

Alex and Winn exchanged a glance at the fond smile on Kara's face.

"Okay, and what next?" Alex asked.

"We talked for a few minutes," Lena continued to her rapt audience as she held Naomi in her arms to feed her some formula. "Did you know Aphrodite was never complimented before?"

"Considering I only spared like a few words with her one time, nope," Sam answered.

"Well, she had never been complimented. And I changed that. And I made her speechless. Me of all people!" Lena exclaimed. "And then she blushed. It was so tender and gentle. I made a goddess blush."

A smirk formed on Sam's face. "You seem mighty proud of that achievement," Sam noted.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Lena said. "A goddess on par with Aphrodite in both beauty and skill was silenced and red-faced by my mere words. She didn't brush off my words because I was a Luthor or even human. She accepted them. Accepted that a Luthor's opinion mattered…."

"And then she asked me out to breakfast. Oh, and let me tell you about that," Lena continued. "The place she took us was Waffle and Berry. You two would utterly love it for how delicious and sweet that place is."

"How sweet?" Ruby asked, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

"Let me tell you about the Aloha Chocolate Waffle, which had Chocolate Chip Waffles, two scoops of ice cream, Powdered sugar, Whipped cream, and Chocolate chips," Lena answered. "And also the Aussie in Paradise waffle which was two waffles, two scoops of ice cream, loads of Nutella, strawberries, banana, and powdered sugar."

Ruby turned to Sam, who stared at her with wonder. "Mom…. Can we please go to Hawaii to go there? Please?" Ruby begged.

"Hell, I'll fly there right now to get a few of those Aussies in Paradise," Sam replied.

Lena smirked and told the pair, "The best part is that Aphrodite Areia shares the same weakness you two do. A love of sugary sweets. And the way she ate definitely didn't portray a goddess, but it was so cute."

"Cute? Watching a woman eat was cute?" Sam asked.

"No, but watching her eat was cute," Lena replied.

"Adults are so weird," Ruby mumbled.

"What else happened?" Sam inquired.

"We talked a bit about my metabolism and how I could survive off of Apollo's light if I don't eat or drink for a while, though it would weaken me," Kara recounted.

"You mean like plants?" Winn asked, stunned. "Kryptonians can sustain themselves via Photosynthesis?"

"Sure can," Kara answered.

"Kara, are you sure about telling her that sort of thing?" Alex gently questioned.

"I do," Kara answered. "I trust her."

"I can see that," Alex wryly replied.

Kara grinned and then continued, "After that, we talked about my strength and that I always had to be careful, but she made it a point to say that I was always so gentle with her and Naomi. Which made me very happy to hear, admittedly."

Alex and Winn exchanged another glance. "Sure, then what else?" Winn asked.

"It was cut short when—"

"—Naomi awakened," Lena said as she bounced the giggling baby in her arms. "That's when I realized that Aphrodite listens to Naomi's heartbeat. Mine as well."

"That's…." Sam drifted off, a look of disbelief on her face. "Really?"

"Apparently she has them memorized since the day she saved our lives," Lena said.

"That's weird," Ruby said. "Aren't you weirded out by that, Auntie?"

Lena shook her head. "Aphrodite Areia has proven time and again our protector," Lena softly admitted. "And for her to actively listen to Naomi's heartbeat that whole time is a level of care that even I couldn't predict…."

Lena laughed.

"And to kick it off, when I asked why, she said that our heartbeats bring her comfort! A goddess being comforted by a Luthor's heartbeat…. I couldn't find the words for how impactful that knowledge has been on me," Lena whispered, her tone soft, almost reverent. "Even her kiss comes second to those words."

"She kissed you?!" Sam exclaimed while Ruby squealed in excitement.

"On the cheek," Lena hastily replied. "I don't think my heart could take it if we shared a kiss after such a wonderful and heartfelt first date."

Lena blinked in surprise at her words.

"You're categorizing this as a date," Sam whispered. "Whoa, that's…. wow."

"Yeah," Lena breathed. "Wow…. I wonder if she thinks of it as a date?" Lena whispered.

"Kara, for someone who doesn't want to enter a relationship, taking a girl to your cave, waking up, trading sweet nothings in the glow of the sunlight, and then going for waffles in Hawaii is a date that certainly spells out relationship," Winn dryly noted.

"I know," Kara whispered. "I took her out on a date. And that's why I'm so confused. Isn't this all moving so fast? I only meant to inform her about the day of our dinner and now, my heart is fluttering, I feel like butterflies are in my stomach, and I've been giddy. Giddy! I stopped being giddy years ago! What does this mean?!"

"Oh honey, you've got it so bad," Alex whispered.

Winn nodded in agreement and patted Kara's shoulder as he asked, "So, when's the wedding?"

"There is no wedding!" Kara exclaimed. "This is….It's all so….Oh Rao, what do I do?"

"I mean, what do you want to do?" Alex prodded.

"I-I…." Kara whispered. "I need to think. I've only known her for a little while, and the first two times we've met before this date was where I saved her and her daughter." Kara's eyes widened. "Oh Rao, she has a daughter!"

"Kara, Kara, you're panicking," Alex said.

"You're darn right!" Kara exclaimed. "I can't be doing this! It's far too soon after Artemis!"

"Why does that matter?" Winn asked. "She's back on that island, probably getting hella laid by all the beautiful women or even in a relationship."

"Winn!" Alex hissed.

"I'm sorry, but she broke up with you, yeah? Which means you're off the hook, unless you still love her," Winn said to Kara. "Do you still love her?"

Kara opened her mouth, only to close it and look to the side.

"Think about it. Lena is making you feel all these things no other female you've notched on your belt has. You listen to both her heartbeat and Naomi's for comfort, your words by the way, and you want to be close to her without the sex, despite wanting to sex her up. Again, your words."

Winn once again patted Kara's shoulder and offered, "It sounds to me that you may have found someone you truly connect with. Why not explore that and see where it goes?"

Alex frowned at this, clearly having reservations about Kara being so intertwined with a Luthor, but she pushed that aside. Instead, she asked, "What do you have to lose in seeing where this goes?"

"But isn't all of this too soon?" Kara weakly questioned. "What if this is just a rebound or something? I could ruin a potential friendship."

"Then why on her versus the dozen of women you slept with?" Alex asked.

"Because I never gave them a chance!" Kara yelled.

"But you gave Lena a chance, twice," Winn offered. "Why?"

Kara frowned.

"I'm not saying to act on it now. Just, see where it all goes," Winn advised. "Who knows, you may have just come across your soulmate."

"Don't tell me you believe in that, Winn," Alex dryly stated.

"I didn't believe in the Greek Gods existing until recently," Winn remarked. "Anything is possible now."

Alex opened her mouth, closed it, and then gave a reluctant shrug of agreement.

"This has been enlightening," Kara whispered. "Thanks, guys…."

Winn smiled while Alex gave a supportive thumbs-up.

"So, it seems like a love match has occurred while I was away," Sam noted. "What will you do about it?"

"I don't know," Lena answered. "There are so many moving pieces. First, Despite being an Amazonian first, she's still a Super, and I'm a Luthor. Second, I have a child. A child that seemingly adores the woman from the jump. And lastly, my schedule is packed with stuff to handle with L-Corp and Naomi. Romance needs to be put aside until I settle everything. I mean, I still have to look at Bodyguards with Lillian later today."

"Won't need that if you shack up with Supergirl," Sam teased.

"Sam!" Lena admonished, albeit with a laugh.

"Lee, I haven't seen you so giddy and happy since…. Honestly? Andrea," Sam divulged. "Even Jack, the man you were proposed to, seemed more like two friends getting married instead of a couple. You didn't show any of this at all with him."

"I know, it's strange," Lena whispered. "But can you fault me for being so giddy about this?"

"Considering a hot blonde "Goddess" seemingly adoring you and your daughter while paying no mind to your name? I get it," Sam said. "And it seems, from her blush and other matters that she's interested. Just go for it."

"Sam," Lena started.

"Hear me out," Sam hastily requested. "You are busy, I know, but she's a bonafide superhero. A superhero who saves lives daily. She's as busy as you are. And yet she spent a whole night and morning with you…. She chose you over her hero duties. And it's known that she cares about you and Naomi. She doesn't care about you being a mother or the Luthor name. That must mean something, right?"

Lena paused.

"Perhaps," Lena whispered.

"Then see where it all goes from here," Sam advised.

Lena nodded.

"Alright," Lena conceded. "But I won't initiate anything. If she truly wants something, she'll come to me."

"Alright," Sam agreed.

"Now, enough about my love life. What happened with you?" Lena asked.

"Well…." Sam started. "Why tell you, when you can hear the story from my Jeju? She'll be in town on Monday to meet us."

Lena's eyes bugged out.



So, I know that I said it would be a Lillian, Astra and Sam chapter but then this chapter happened. This is what I get for letting my girls talk through these talented fingers *winks*

That's the end of this chapter. The next chapter WILL have Astra and Lillian and I'm excited for it. Also, I made a Twitter in case anyone wants to fangirl with me over Supercorp or even other ships, like Lumity! Or ViCait! Or Korraasami! Or Bubbline. I also might tweet about certain ideas I may have for fics or even talk about Commissions, since many have asked about that.

Hit me up @ElikaVioletAO3 on twitter!

Chapter 20: A Tale of Mothers


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Lillian, our newest subjects await dissection."

Lillian looked up from her phone to gaze at the face of one of her scientists of Cadmus, a grey-haired, hazel-eyed man named Emil Hamilton. Lillian nodded and tossed the newspaper that held the image of her daughter and the Kryptonian on the front page.

Lillian stood from her desk, walked around it, and walked down the long hallway alongside the man. "Has Henshaw awakened yet?" Lillian asked.

"He has. He is currently training his new body down in the basem*nt," Emil answered as he crossed his arms, his robotic right arm gleaming due to the trail of lights above them. "Do you think he'll be able to take down Supergirl Areia?"

"He will have to try. Worst case scenario, he will be a benchmark that tells us exactly how strong the Kryptonian is," Lillian coldly answered. Lillian knew that Henshaw wouldn't be able to stand up to Supergirl Areia. The Amazonian Kryptonian had no qualms about killing any that attempted to cause panic in both humans and aliens.

She was nothing like Superman, that's for sure.

And that made her even more dangerous.

But Lillian knew that Hank's eventual demise would help them find a better way to defeat the newest threat. But then Lillian thought back to the image of her daughter and the heroine. Lillian knew that her daughter was smitten with the woman and judging by how the other woman's expression in the images, she was also enamored with her daughter.

For a split moment, Lillian wanted to use this to her advantage, but she immediately banished the thought. It felt wrong for her to use her daughter as leverage.

Especially with Naomi in the crosshairs.

But the thought of that woman being anywhere near her daughter and granddaughter greatly angered her.

But did she have a right to be angered? Supergirl Areia had saved Lena and Naomi from the alien that had attacked the mall they were in. And again, the heroine seemed besotted by her daughter. Having someone like that would be advantageous to her family….

Lillian shook her head and bit back a huff.

No, she can't begin to think like that. Even if it would better benefit the Luthor clan, the heroine was dangerous! She had a job to do, and she was going to do it.

There was no time in her schedule to have a crisis of faith.

Lillian walked into the laboratory with Emil by her side and was met with a sight she wasn't expecting.

It was of a woman with black hair that moved like flames and bright emerald eyes. She was frightfully skinny and she held a small child in her arms. "This is our latest subject: T-1," Emil explained as Lillian stared at the frightened woman.

"We found her wounded in a crater near Jump City with the child in her arms. Judging from the DNA we collected, that small alien is her daughter," Emil explained. "We could gather valuable information from dissection."

Lillian could hear the man talking to her, but all she could do was stare at the woman and her child. For a moment, Lillian felt….guilty? No, she couldn't feel that. Not at all. But as she continued to look at the woman, she could see Lena looking back at her with Naomi in her arms.

This could not be happening right now!

"Well, shall I begin?" Emil questioned.

"Are there any other viable subjects?" Lillian questioned.

"Most of the others did not survive extraction," Emil answered as he opened the cell and forcibly pulled the child from the woman's arms. When the woman lunged forward, Emil kicked her in the face. "Get back you disgusting thing," Emil hissed as the woman moved to the far end of the cave away from Emil.

"Only these two did," Emil continued as if nothing was amiss. Lillian watched as Emil placed the terrified girl on the table and started to strap her down.

Lillian looked and saw the heartbreak on the weakened woman's face and then noticed the fearful one on the young girl's face.

"So, shall we sedate her and start?" Emil questioned.

"Things have been progressing nicely," General Non stated as Astra sat at the council's table with a blank expression on her face.

Despite feeling as if she were flying due to finding and spending time with her long-lost daughter, Astra had to keep herself emotionless. She could not allow herself to give away any sort of emotion.

"Our agent on the inside have told us that Supergirl Areia's weakness seems to be her lust," General Non continued as he motioned to Linda Lee.

The woman reached down and pulled off her ring. Her visage destabilized as the ring was removed, revealing her true identity as an Asian-looking woman with short black hair, reddish-brown eyes, and a faint scar that stretched from the side of her left jaw to the middle of her left cheek.

The woman was Dal Kir-Ta, Astra's right hand and current leader of the Midnight Shard, a reconnaissance unit within her military guild and one of her trusted soldiers. "Yes, the best way to defeat her is to find something that can affect her libido," Dal explained. "Can't stop us if she's busy drowning in sin."

"Is that the only weakness?" General Non asked.

"Other than that? Nothing yet," Dal answered.

"We must find something. Until then, you will continue your mission," General Non said.

"Understood," Dal responded.

"Astra," General Non said. "Are the Red Shard ready?"

"They are," Astra replied.

"Good, we shall send them to be Kara Zor-El's true test. If she can defeat them, well, we will have to kill her," General Non told her. "Dismissed."

The group cleared out but as Astra walked down the hallway, Dal joined her. "Gather the others and meet me in the desert," Astra commanded in a whisper. "It's time."

"I'll gather the others," Dal murmured as she swiftly split off.

Astra continued on her way until she made it to her chambers. There was a time when she shared her bed with Non until he decided to share his bed with the Coluan, Indigo. Perhaps, that was why it was so easy to do this.

Astra didn't bother to take anything else with her but her cloak and her choker. Both items in tandem would mask her presence and keep anyone else from overhearing her conversations. She activated the choker, causing an ebbing green light to appear in the middle of the accessory.

Astra then kneeled beside her bed and pulled out a small device. She pressed a few buttons, and the device lit up with red Kryptonian numbers, which immediately started to count down.

The bomb was set.

It was rather unfortunate that her chambers sat right beside the main command center that gave Non and his loyal team access to the world using Earth's satellites, but her success often led to others' misery.

Without hesitation, Astra placed the bomb on the wall nearest to the command center and walked out without sparing another thought.

As she walked outside, she was gifted with the sight of her loyal soldiers.

Alongside Dal Kir-Ta, there was Asha Del-Nar, Jeq-Vay of the Red Shard, a dark-skinned Kryptonian male with black hair that was cut into a neat fade, dark brown eyes, and a broad, muscular build.

Beside him was his twin sister and her intelligence officer, Shor-Vay, who had long black hair that was braided into a ponytail and a slim build.

There was also Sem-Re, another Red Shard member who had pale skin, orange hair, and a short, lanky build, and finally, Asha Del-Nar, her XO, who also had pale skin, short red hair, and a slim build.

All of them wore the standard Military Guild Uniform of a gray jumpsuit that had a gray tunic with a red stripe, a black undershirt, black boots, gloves, and the emblem of the Military guild fastened to the left side of their chest.

All except Dal, who had a blue stripe on her cowl, and Shor, who wore no cowl.

She and this group of Kryptonians had seen many years of combat together and fought for their world. When Astra decided to defect to attempt to save Krypton, they willingly joined her side. There were no others that she trusted but them.

"It's time," Astra announced.

She had told them of this hasty plan once Sam departed back to her city, and of course, their loyalty remained with her. She was thankful that she was able to instill such confidence in her team. "About time," Sem stated with a toothy smile. "I've been waiting for this day for so long."

"Should I be concerned about how easily you're willing to betray command?" Astra questioned with a teasing expression.

Jeq snorted and said, "It's true, Commander. He was practically buzzing all day."

"It was quite agitating," Shor sighed.

"But what happens next?" Asha questioned.

"We go to National City and find my niece and my daughter," Astra answered. "Once we do, we inform my niece of Non's plans. After that, who knows."

"Meanwhile, the bodies of our deactivate clones are in their designated areas," Shor announced. "Everything will think we perished in the explosions. Once the autopsies conclude, however, they will know the truth. So we have approximately 72 hours before discovery."

"Then, I suppose we should—" Dal was interrupted by a large explosion from Fort Rozz. It was so powerful, that it shook the ground they stood on. "Well, I think that's our cue."

Astra chuckled and together, she and her loyal team flew into the distance.

Now, all that was left to secure her daughter and granddaughter's safety was to meet with her heroine niece and pray everything worked out.

Lillian stared at Emil's body as it lay on the ground, blood oozing from the bullet wound in his head. Lillian's gun clattered to the floor as she looked back at the child and the woman and bowed her head.

It all happened so fast.

He was going to sedate the girl and Lillian didn't even hesitate to put a bullet in his head. But why? She didn't understand.

Lillian slowly approached the table and unstrapped the girl, and then moved to the cage and unlocked it. "Go," Lillian lifelessly commanded. "Tell anyone about this, and I will finish what he was going to start."

Lillian didn't know if the woman understood her or not but it didn't matter. Threats transcended language barriers, after all. The woman quickly fled with her child but Lillian remained.

Why did that happen?


While Astra is full on "Save the world to be a mom," Lillian is on the very start of her redemption. She still wants to take out Supergirl so she is nowhere near redeemed yet.

Chapter 21: Building Tension and a New Face


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A rain of sparks flew from Supergirl Areia's shield as the heroine blocked the fist of her foolish cousin's enemy, Reactron.

It was almost amusing at how on schedule this battle was. She had flown around, helping citizens, taking pictures, and giving autographs, to build a good rapport with the city she was protecting, when she was blasted out of the sky by a human.

"I want the Man of Steel to suffer. I want him to know what it feels like to lose everything. Starting with you," the man had told her when she faced off with him.

He then proceeded to give her a fight she wasn't expecting a human to give. It was honestly refreshing to fight someone so close to her strength.

Unfortunately for the radiation-infused human, she knew that this man, this ghost, would fall by her hand, much like all of her opponents. "Last chance!" Supergirl Areia shouted. "Stand down or be put down!"

"You're going to have to put me down!" Reactron shouted as orange-red energy flowed from his suit and to the fist that was against the heroine's shield. Supergirl Areia huffed and pulled out her Thermal Ax from the holster in her back.

"Very well," Supergirl Areia muttered.

The heroine pushed against the shield and sharply lifted it, knocking the man's arm up toward the air. Without hesitation, she swung her Thermal Ax and cleaved through the plutonium core on his chest. The man immediately looked down in shock as Supergirl Areia pulled her weapon from his chest and without hesitation, cleaved the head from his shoulders.

The body fell onto its knees and then to its side as Supergirl Areia swung her ax and then resheathed it. "I don't know why you decided to forgo my hand, ghost, but I hope you find peace on the shores of the River Styx," Supergirl Areia whispered.

"Supergirl!" A familiar voice cried out in horror. The heroine turned around and let out a sigh of aggravation.

"Superman. What brings you to my city?" Supergirl Areia questioned as she stared at the angered face of her baby cousin.

"I heard that Reactron had come here and I came to stop him….It seems that I was too late," Superman whispered as he looked at the deceased human.

"Yes, ironic, considering how fast we can move," Supergirl Areia chuckled.

"You laugh at this? You just killed a man, Supergirl," Superman harshly told her as he landed on the ground and approached her. "A man that needed help. A man that needed silk, not steel."

"Says the Man of Steel," Supergirl Areia remarked as she glanced at the body. "He didn't give me a chance. He blasted me out of the sky and engaged in combat. I couldn't even tell him to surrender until the end of the fight. He was the one that sought me out to hurt you."

"Even then, did you have to it that way?" Superman asked her, a disappointed look in his eyes. "He had been through enough. He already lost his wife and had severe radiation sickness."

"And he neglected to tell me, Cousin," Supergirl Areia responded. "Even if he had, he refused my hand. He refused to surrender and continued his assault on me and the citizens of National City. I mean, look around us."

The heroine motioned to the bridge they were on, littered with claw marks, fire, and crushed vehicles. "His rampage killed twenty people, Superman," Supergirl Areia continued. "Twenty innocent lives that will never see their loved ones again. How many husbands, wives, sons, and daughters has he stolen? Not only today but during the many years he's battled you, because of his loss, Cousin?"

"Many," Superman admitted. "But he could have been saved."

"That I doubt," Supergirl Areia replied.

Superman scowled at this and said, "When you were taken—"

"—Kidnapped," Supergirl Areia interrupted. "Despite me caring about Diana and learning how to be a hero, do not soften her actions, or the actions you allowed to carry out. She kidnapped me, as I begged you to not let her take me."

Superman sighed. "When you were taken to Themyscira, I knew that Diana would teach you to fight to kill enemies that were too dangerous to be left alive. But I've been watching you since becoming Supergirl, and every time I've seen you, you're standing beside a dead body. You've taken more lives in weeks than I have in years. And a lot of people are noticing," Superman told her. "Batman once told me that 'If you kill a killer... the number of killers in the world remains the same.' And I didn't understand that before, but now I do. I've been hands-off for as long as I can be, but now, it's time for you to stop."

Supergirl Areia stared at her cousin in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? Are you truly calling me a killer?" Supergirl Areia asked.

Superman remained silent.

Supergirl Areia's first instinct was to smack her cousin, but instead, she calmed down, took two steps back, and said, "You have done a lot of damage to our relationship since I landed on Earth. But this takes the cake."

"I don't enjoy taking the lives of others, but you, and every other hero in this world, sans Diana, seem to always turn the other cheek to the vilest and most evil monsters imaginable, which causes them to kill more people once they are freed from whatever jail cell they are locked in," Supergirl Areia remarked.

"Diana taught me to kill under extreme circ*mstances. The enemies I have fought have been in that category every time, Superman," Supergirl Areia hissed. "But you don't see that, you can't see that from that pedestal you sit on."

Supergirl Areia turned away and started to walk.

"Do not walk away from me, Supergirl," Superman commanded. "Our conversation—"

"Is finished," Supergirl Areia interrupted. "I will not change how I was trained. Especially for you and the word of a man who let the Joker run wild for years until a random citizen killed him in self-defense."

Supergirl Areia then paused, turned around to face her cousin, and said, ". I will kill any villain that threatens the lives and safety of those in this city. I will not have the blood of innocent people on my hands in trying to redeem the unredeemable."

Supergirl Areia then flew into the air.


Why had Lillian done it?

She couldn't understand it. Her entire goal was to rid the Earth of aliens so why? Why had she killed one of her best scientists to protect two aliens?

"Mother?" Lena's voice called out.

Lillian shook her head and look around in confusion.

That's right.

She was no longer at the Cadmus base.

She was in National City with her daughter with her granddaughter in her arms. They were having interviews regarding Lena and Naomi's new bodyguard. "Yes, Lena?" Lillian replied.

"You've been oddly distracted. Is everything alright?" Lena asked.

Lillian opened her mouth to respond, but she closed it.


She was not alright.

All of her plans have been heavily hindered due to the death of Emil.

Her mind was a confusing mess.

And what shocked her most of all was that she didn't have a single regret in saving those lives.


What was going on with her?

"My mind has been in other places, Lena," Lillian truthfully answered. She then looked into her arms and smiled at the sleeping Naomi and added, "But I will be alright."

"That's not like you," Lena noted. "But, I will take you at your word."

Lillian nodded and adjusted Naomi in her arms, careful as to not wake her. "Lena, what have you thought of the bodyguards so far?" Lillian questioned.

"I don't know. Most of them seemed fine but they seemed to care more about my safety than Naomi's," Lena sighed. "I don't need bodyguards like that. Naomi's life is paramount to mine."

Lillian was proud of Lena's answer. Despite Lillian's admittedly harsh parenting, Lillian truly did care for Lena and would die to protect her.

The image of the alien woman's heartbroken face flashed in Lillian's mind and she shook her head. Lillian had to sort out her mind sooner rather than later so she could return to her mission.

"Send the next one in," Lena told her assistant, Jess, who nodded and walked out of the room.

After a few seconds, Jess walked back into the room with a thirty-five-year-old caucasian woman that had long blonde hair, which was tied into a ponytail, and piercing blue eyes that reminded Lillian a little too much of Supergirl Areia.

The woman wore a simple black turtleneck, black pants, and black boots.

"This is…. Akira, No surname," Jess introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Akira," Lena started.

"The pleasure is mine, Ms. Luthor," Akira cordially replied. "I will cut right to the chase. I saw that you needed a bodyguard for yourself and your daughter."

Lillian noticed as Akira looked in her direction. There was something in the woman's eyes that Lillian couldn't place, but it was one of familiarity and warmth.


"I am offering my services," Akira continued as she looked back to Lena.

"Many have offered their services and I have turned them away. Why should I choose you?" Lena asked.

Akira chuckled. "Simple, I can protect your daughter in ways you couldn't imagine, and from enemies that you can't fathom."

Lillian was instantly put on guard.

"What do you mean by this?" Lillian asked.

"Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, you two women are known for your brutal honesty, but Lena Luthor, you value trust far more than your mother, correct?" Akira questioned.

Lena nodded.

Akira walked ahead as she pulled an item out of her pocket. It was a piece of something gold, and it had a glowing crescent moon that was facing downward. Akira placed it on the desk in front of Lena, who stared at it in shock.

What did Lena see in that piece of gold?

Lillian watched as Lena touched the piece of gold and then turned up to look at Akira, who looked knowingly at Lena. "Your daughter's protection means everything to me. More than you will ever know," Akira revealed. "Allow me to protect her."

Lena schooled her features and asked, "I will require a more thorough test of you, you do understand this, correct?"

"Of course," Akira smoothly replied.

"Very good," Lena replied.

Lillian never felt more out of the loop of things than she did now.


Ta-Da! Akira has finally made her appearance. And so has Clark. SO, Clark means well, but he has an awful way of coming across meaning well.

I will be taking a small break from updating my Supergirl Fanfics. Just need a tiny break because I've been running out of steam, truthfully.

I've consistently updated all of my SG fics since I started writing and with them, especially this one, I feel like I'm losing the plot. So I just need to refresh. I will resume uploading new chapters two weeks from now! Until then!

Chapter 22: A Sharp Mind and Electrified Hands


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been an hour since Akira and her mother had left with Naomi, leaving Lena to stare at the piece of gold that Akira had given her.

She had seen this type of gold and the design on it before.

"P-Please…." The weak voice of Naomi's birth mother pleaded within Lena's mind. "W-Watch over…."

She had been wearing golden armor with the same design on her chest.

The implication of Akira handing Lena this piece of armor was clear. She knew about Naomi's off-world origins.

She knew about Naomi's mother….

But how?

Lena made sure to bury the armored woman in the Luthor family plot with no fanfare. How did Akira know?

"Ms. Luthor," her secretary's voice called out. Lena looked up to see Jess at her office door. "The tests for Akira have been completed," Jess revealed as she walked into the office with several sheets of paper in her hand.

"Thank you, Jess," Lena thanked as she took the papers from Jess and stared at them.

Not only were they complete, but Akira also proved to be everything Lena was looking for as a bodyguard. Despite looking in her late thirties/early-forties, the statistics that were gathered proved that the woman's body was at Olympic gold medalist level, and her intelligence rivaled that of Lena's.

Not only that, the questionnaire that Akira had to fill out told Lena that the older woman was sharp and knew that she was there to protect Naomi and no one else.

All and all, the woman was a perfect candidate.

"Is Akira still around?" Lena inquired.

Jess shook her head and handed Lena a business card. "No, but she left this. She also told me to pass on a message to you," Jess answered. "She said that she looks forward to hearing from you soon and she looks forward to starting work as soon as possible."

Lena narrowed her eyes as she took the business card.

That woman thought she was so smart. "Thank you, Jess," Lena thanked. Jess nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Lena alone in her office.

Lena stared at the business card and tapped it against her hand. She finally sighed, picked up her phone, and dialed the number on it.

It only rang once before Akira picked up.

"I want to meet," Lena announced. "Tonight. At 7:30 PM."

"Should I meet you at your residence or your office?" Akira's smooth voice questioned.

"My office," Lena confirmed. "Come alone."

"Of course. I will see you tonight, Ms. Luthor," Akira replied before Lena ended the call.

Lena just had to learn more about this woman and what exactly she knew.

"I can't believe that jerk did that to you."

Kara frowned at Alex's words as her fists repetitively collided against the slab of metal hanging upside down in the DEO gym. "Like, where does he even get off?" Alex continued. "You've been doing great work as a heroine."

"I know," Kara replied without slowing the pace of her fists. "But that's like Clark. Just a big ball of pompousness and ignorance."

"So, what's the plan?" Alex asked. "For the rest of the day, I mean."

"I took down another threat and the city seems quiet enough. Maybe I'll take a small break, you know? Maybe fly around town."

"Or…." Alex started. "You can accompany me tonight."

"Oh?" Kara questioned.

Alex nodded and replied, "Yeah, I guess I need your advice on so—"

The alarms started to blare and both women glanced at one another. "Later?" Kara asked.

"Later," Alex confirmed.

The two quickly ran down to the main area of the DEO where Hank and Winn stood. "What's going on?" Kara asked as they joined the two men.

"Well, an electrifying enemy has shown up downtown," Winn quipped. "Causing some serious mayhem."

"I don't appreciate the levity here," Hank noted to Winn and then motioned to the television screen. Kara approached the screen and noticed that it was a large humanoid figure with deep blue skin and metal rods sticking out from its back.

"An Electro," Kara said. "They feed off of electricity. Once again, how are they even on Earth? Their planet is like an electric storm."

"Who knows," Hank replied. "Will you be able to defeat it?"

"Of course," Kara confidently answered as she pressed a button on her watch. With a shimmer of light, Kara was replaced by Supergirl Areia. "I give it less than two minutes."

"Alex, I want you to go with her," Hank instructed. "I could have sworn I saw another alien there with this one, and it would be good for Supergirl Areia to have someone to assist."

"I'm sure I can handle it on my own, even if it was a 2V1," Supergirl Areia noted.

"You never know," Hank replied. "Sometimes, a sure thing could turn into a disaster. Always keep that in mind."

Supergirl Areia nodded.

"Hank, are you sure?" Alex softly asked. "I mean, after Maggie, I… Do you think I'm ready?"

Supergirl Areia turned to Alex with confusion on her face.


Who was Maggie?

"I think you are," Hank affirmed as he placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. "I know you are."

The Amazonian watched as the unsure expression on Alex's face faded into a confident one. "Alright, then I'm game," Alex said.

"Alright. Now get moving," Hank ordered as Winn pressed a button on his console. The ceiling slowly split apart to reveal the afternoon sky. "Be careful, and good luck."

"Have fun!" Winn chirped.

"You want to fly there or take a car?" Supergirl Areia asked her sister.

"I'll drive," Alex replied.

"Then I'll see you there," Supergirl Areia said and then flew off into the sky.

When Supergirl Areia landed, the civilians were fleeing from the Electro, whose body sparked with electricity. "A Kryptonian," The electro hissed, his voice echoing and static-like. "I've waited a long time for this."

"Oh boy, another Kryptonian hater. How original," Supergirl Areia dryly said as she pulled out her ax. "Look, I've already faced down one villain today, and it didn't end well for them. I'll give you one chance to turn around and leave with your life. If you don't, th—"

The Electro gathered electricity in his right and then fired a stream of it at Supergirl Areia's chest. While Supergirl was able to block it with her shield, the impact of the bolt of electricity sent her flying backward at an angle into a coffee shop.

The Amazonian's body slammed through the bar counter and against the rows of coffee pots, sending the hot liquid pouring down her body.

Supergirl Areia took a deep breath and stood up from the rubble. "Well, I'm going to smell like coffee for a while," she grumbled and then flew out of the destroyed coffee shop and toward the electro.

She swayed from left to right to avoid the bolts of electricity that flew her way and then launched her ax at the alien.

The alien fired a bolt of electricity at the ax, sending it whipping back into a mailbox, but Supergirl Areia's fist slammed into the alien's face. The alien sailed off its feet, but Supergirl Areia grabbed him by the right ankle and pulled him back down into an uppercut, which sent the alien high in the air.

Supergirl sped to the mailbox, grabbed her discarded ax, and then sped up back to the still-airborne alien. Supergirl Areia jumped into the air and cleaved the electro in half, sending both halves of its body slamming to the ground.

"Not even two minutes," Supergirl Areia noted as she resheathed her ax. An unmarked black car drove up a few feet behind the Kryptonian and then slowed to a stop.

The door opened and Alex stepped out with her hand on her gun. "That's record timing," Alex noted when she saw the dead alien on the ground. "I sped down here too."

"I didn't expect to end the fight that quickly," Supergirl Areia explained as she turned around to face her sister with a grin. "Hopefully that will be the last fight I'll have for a bit."

"Yeah….Is it just me, or does it smell like coffee?" Alex asked.

Supergirl Areia huffed and replied, "It's just you. Now come on, let's head back to the DE—"

It was then Supergirl Areia heard crackling from behind her. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as she turned her head to see a bolt of electricity streaking past her and toward Alex.

Without hesitation, Supergirl Areia ran dashed to Alex, and pushed her sister out of the way as the bolt of electricity slammed into her back.

Unfortunately, the electricity moved from Supergirl's body, down her extended arm, and transferred to Alex's body, causing the older sister to scream as she felt the electricity course through her body.

Time sped up and Supergirl Areia flew backward into a car while Alex fell to the ground, streaks of electricity flaring around various areas of her body.

Supergirl Areia peeled herself off the side of the vehicle she crashed into, smoke rising from her back as she noticed that half of her enemy had his arm pointed in the air, where it then fell to the ground.

Her enemy was dead, but it had just enough juice to try one more shot.

A shot that was aimed at Alex….

Supergirl Areia staggered to where Alex was and noticed that her sister was on the ground, with faint traces of electricity streaking around her body. Her brown hair had been changed to white. "Alex!" Supergirl Areia exclaimed as she quickly lifted Alex off the ground, only to wince as electricity crackled around her.

"Hang on, Alex," Supergirl Areia whispered as she flew into the air and headed back to the DEO as fast as she could.


A short chapter but a necessary one. The next chapter will be a longer one and it will continue with Lena and Kara as they deal with their respective situations. Until that chapter, farewell!

Chapter 23: Conversations

Chapter Text

The beeping of the heart monitor filled the room as Kara sat at Alex's bedside, her hands clasped around Alex's right hand.

This was all her fault.

She had let herself be distracted, thinking that the threat was over. She let her guard down as it was Alex who paid for it.

Never again would she allow herself to falter.

The door to the hospital room opened to reveal Hank Henshaw, who looked as exhausted as Kara felt. "Director Henshaw," Kara murmured in her greeting.

"Kara," Hank simply greeted.

The older man grabbed a chair, pulled it until it sat beside Kara's, and sat down.

The two sat in silence, with only the sound of Alex's heart monitor filling the room. "How are you feeling?" Hank questioned.

"I should have been more diligent," Kara stiffly replied. "I allowed myself to relax and Alex paid for it."

Silence filled the room again.

"I didn't ask about what happened, I asked about how you were feeling," Hank told her.

Kara stared at her sister and a wave of emotions hit her all at once.

Kara wasn't going to lie to herself, despite the friendly air and forgiving Alex for her past transgressions, Kara had held a small amount of resentment toward her adopted older sister for what happened on that fateful day.

But all of that seemed like nothing the minute Kara found Alex's body on the street.

"Diana once taught me to close my heart to fear," Kara softly started. "To close my heart to death. Thanatos comes for all, and we should embrace him, not turn him away. Even on Krypton, we were taught to not mourn those that embrace Lady Night, for it is inevitable, but to instead light their way to Rao with the Sending…."

"I was able to perform The Sending for my lost planet, and her people. I was able to perform the Sending for Siobhan and Kenny, and I was able to perform the Sending for Lyla, but the minute my mind went to performing The Sending for A-Alex, I….." Kara's voice cracked at the thought.

"When I saw Alex on the street, It was like all of the teachings from Diana and from Krypton disappeared. I didn't feel like the heroine Supergirl Areia or The Amazonian Kryptonian Kara Zor-El. It was like I returned to the scared little girl that was found in her space pod, separated from her destroyed world…." Kara admitted with sadness and shame. "I was so scared, Hank. Scared that I would lose yet another person I cared about."

Kara then laughed. A sad, watery laugh.

"What's even worse was that I hadn't been honest with her. I forgave her, but I kept her at arm's length due to being afraid of being hurt by her again. I barely hung out with her, I only talked to her if I had to, and now, I'm scared I'll never get the chance to fully be her sister again," Kara tearfully finished while her grip around Alex's hand tightened.

A warm hand touched her shoulder, which caused Kara to turn to Hank with a tear-streaked face. "I know that it feels hopeless. That you've lost your chance to fully reconnect with your sister, but Alex…. Alex is so strong, Kara. Stronger than anyone gives her credit for," Hank told her. "You have not lost your chance, and I bet that if she was awake now, Alex would be the first one to tell you that."

Kara sniffled and looked back at Alex's sleeping face.

"Do want to know something?" Hank questioned. "I swore an oath to your father, Jeremiah, that I would look after Alex and you. When I found out from Superman that you were gone, I went to find Alex."

Immediately, several questions filled Kara's being, but she held back on asking them. Instead, she remained silent and allowed him to continue.

"When I finally found Alex, she was in a dark place, Kara. She was sitting behind a jail cell, looking resigned to whatever sad fate awaited her." Kara watched as Hank took a deep breath and revealed, "When I saw her, I didn't think of the promise I made your father, my heart told me to reach out to her. To give her the chance to become better. Not only better than herself but better than me and every agent in the DEO."

"Kara, I put Alex through so much strife in training, and where mere people would drop out or lash out, she never did," Hank smiled. "Because she had two goals. The second goal was to become strong enough to beat me in a fight."

Kara grinned.

"But the first? She wanted to become strong to protect her little sister, and to apologize to her for the pain she put her through," Hank revealed.

Kara turned back to Alex as more tears filled her eyes.

"Here is the truth," Hank said as he stood off his chair. "I should be scared and furious that the woman I watched grow from a troubled, insecure, and heartbroken young woman into a diligent, loyal, and capable woman is hurt, but I'm not. Because I know Alex at her core. I know that this isn't where her story stops. She will endure this, as she has everything else in her life, and come back stronger from it." Kara heard the man take a shuddered breath and for a moment, the scent of salt water filled her nose.

She glanced at Hank and saw that a tear fell from his cheek. "You just have to have faith."

Hank patted Kara's shoulder and then walked toward the door. "Hank?" Kara called. Hank turned his head. "Thanks…." Kara told him, her voice soft, but sincere.

Hank nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Kara by Alex's bedside.

"So," Akira started as Jess poured tea into her cup. "Ms. Luthor, I assume that I exceeded all expectations?"

Lena smiled in thanks at Jess as the woman finished pouring tea into her mug. Lena then turned back to Akira, her face firm. "Yes, your scores exceeded over one hundred and twenty-two applicants. I am thoroughly impressed."

"I am glad," Akira noted. "However, I'm sure I don't have the job quite yet, considering the questions that you may have."

"You are as smart as you seem," Lena noted.

Jess walked out of the room, but not without Akira glancing back at her. "Your assistant is quite fetching, Ms. Luthor."

"You have yet to be hired, and yet you are already making plays to my assistant?" Lena noted, her voice devoid of emotion.

"We both know the job is already mine," Akira noted. "I'm the only one capable enough to protect Naomi and yourself. All of the tests prove that. Besides, we are both women. We can admire beauty in others."

"I suppose so," Lena agreed. "But, do not presume that you have this position. Depending on the answers you give to my questions, I may dismiss you here and now."

"But we both know you won't," Akira noted. "A key difference between you and your mother is that you're as curious as a newborn kitten, Lena Luthor."

Lena narrowed her eyes.

"You're very arrogant," Lena noted.

"Is it arrogance in knowing everything that your opponent will do or say?" Akira voiced. "How they will react or what emotions they will feel? Because I don't see it as arrogance."

"Then what do you see it as?" Lena questioned.

"Simple. Emotional intelligence," Akira answered. "But enough about me, you want answers to the questions you have. Well, let me ask one question. How is my Goddaughter?"

Lena stilled as Akira sipped her tea and then sat her cup down on the table. Lena immediately recovered and replied, "You saw her today in my mother's arms. She is healthy, well-fed, and happy."

"I would hope so, all things considered," Akira remarked. "Have you received any unwanted visitors outside of Supergirl Areia?"

Lena narrowed her eyes and answered, "No, should I be expecting someone?"

"Yes, his name is Zumbado, he comes from the version of Earth that Naomi and I come from," Akira answered. "The earth that her mother came from."

Lena narrowed her eyes.

There was a hint of sadness in the woman's voice at the mention of Naomi's birth mother. "Were you two close?" Lena questioned.

"We were childhood friends and sometimes lovers," Akira answered. "However, while the lover's part faded when she met her husband, a good friend of mine, we remained close friends. Close enough to be Naomi's godmother."

"I see. You claim to be from another Earth? You do understand what you are implying, right?" Lena questioned. "That there are multiple Earths. Multiple universes."

"Did you really think your world was the only one?" Akira asked. She then chuckled and said, "There is a lot you must learn. And a lot that I must teach you."

"Teach me?" Lena asked.

"Do you truly think I would leave my Goddaughter in the hands of a woman that can't defend herself?" Akira questioned. "No, my second purpose is to teach you, so when Zumbado finds a way to come here, you will be able to combat him."

"And what makes you think I will believe any of this?" Lena asked.

Akira looked Lena in her eyes and said, "When Tali left our Earth with her final bit of power, there was a black box that came with Naomi. In that black box will have Tali's final testament and a message to Naomi. All you have to do is place Naomi's palm on the black box and the codeword….Sunflower."

Akira stood from her chair and walked toward the exit as she said, "And once you do that, we'll start your training. Until then, farewell."

Lena watched as Akira walked out and felt even more lost than she had been during their first meeting.

Chapter 24: A Message of Love

Chapter Text

Lena stared at the black box that sat on Lena's living room table. To say that she was apprehensive about putting it on her daughter's palm was an understatement, to say the least. While Akira seemed trustworthy in her words and what she revealed, she couldn't help but think that there was an ulterior motive.

It was the Luthor in her after all.

So, she sent a message for someone to meet her here. To ensure that the box would be safe in her daughter's hands. But that person had not answered her call yet, and she was starting to get concerned.

Lena didn't have to wait long, because she heard a rap against her balcony door. She turned her head and there she was, the beautiful Aphrodite Areia. Except, the woman had a somber expression on her face.

Lena stood and walked away from her couch and toward the balcony, where she opened the door and greeted the heroine with a soft, "Thank you for coming."

"Anytime you need me," Aphrodite answered with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Lena observed the woman for a moment and then asked, "Are you alright?"

"I—" Aphrodite paused as if she were deciding on what she should say until her shoulders slumped. "Forgive me, Lena," Aphrodite apologized. "My sister was hurt today and I'm having a bit of time trying to get my thoughts together."

Lena let out a gasp. "Oh, I am so sorry," Lena commiserated as she hesitated. She wanted to reach out and touch the goddess in front of her but then thought against it. "Do you want to talk about it?" she questioned.

"I do," Aphrodite admitted. "But it can wait until after we've conversed about this black box."

Lena nodded and motioned for Aphrodite to follow her to the couch. The two sat down and Lena plucked the box off the table to hold it in her hand. "Here it is," Lena said as she held the box out to the heroine.

The heroine gingerly took the box and Lena had to ignore the electricity she felt when their fingertips briefly touched.

Now was not the time for infatuation.

The woman observed the box, and Lena could briefly see the glow in the Goddess' eyes flare but as quick as it happened, they faded back into their soft glow. "It looks completely safe," Aphrodite said. "No weapons or poisonous substances. Nothing. Looks like a normal, functioning, high-tech black box."

"Have you seen something like this before?" Lena asked.

"On my planet, we had a box similar to this," Aphrodite easily answered. "We called it a "Memory Matrix." They were used pretty exclusively until the Memory Crystals were created." Lena watched as the woman narrowed her eyes at the box and added, "It's funny. This looks even more high-tech than a memory crystal. Where exactly did you get this?"

"It was found on my daughter's person when she arrived here," Lena answered.

"Arrived here?" Aphrodite repeated. "Did she come from space, as I did? If you do not mind me asking, that is."

Lena let out a chuckle and replied, "I called you here for assistance. I wouldn't do that if I didn't trust you, Aphrodite Areia."

Lena blinked in alarm.


That word had come out so easily. And yet, she found it to be true. This woman had saved her life, performed a sacred act for her that she was sure no one else would have ever done, and saved her daughter's and goddaughter's life as well.

But did that warrant the use of that word?

There was a glimmer of something in Aphrodite's eyes when Lena said that. "You honor me with something very precious, Lena Luthor," Aphrodite murmured, her tone as soft and tender as a summer breeze.

"Well," Lena flushed as she turned away from the heroine. "You've certainly made the best case for earning it. Saving a pair of Luthors not only once, but twice, without asking anything in return, along with the actions after that? They show me that your actions are genuine."

"And they will remain that way," Aphrodite promised. "For you offered me the greatest treasure that I could ever hope to have."

Lena struggled to not swoon at the sincere conviction in the woman's voice. "W-Well…. Now you know," Lena stammered, wanting to get back on track.

"Now I know…." Aphrodite drifted off with a small smile that DID reach her eyes. "Thank you."

"You are welcome," Lena replied. "Well, since you are here, I'm still a little weary about using Naomi to open this box. Would you mind remaining here while I see to this business?"

"Of course, I don't mind," Aphrodite said. "I shall remain seated here."


Kara couldn't believe that Lena had said that she trusted her. Diana often said that a person is never so vulnerable as when they trust someone. So for Lena to give her the gift of that trust made Kara dizzy.

Even Artemis, someone she was active in a relationship with, never trusted her. While Kara understood that this was possibly due to Akila breaking the trust that Artemis had in her, it was still disheartening that Kara trusted Artemis but never got that in return.

And yet this woman, a woman that Apollo himself seemed to guide her to, trusted her. And what was even crazier was that Kara trusted her too….

Kara placed a hand on her chest, feeling an unbelievable amount of fondness for the woman blossoming in her heart.

"It sounds to me that you may have found someone you truly connect with," Winn's voice echoed in her mind. "Why not explore that and see where it goes?"

No, this was far too soon!

She shouldn't be feeling this way. Not for someone she barely knows! And definitely not while Alex is fighting for her life!

"What do you have to lose in seeing where this goes?" Alex's voice asked.

"Who knows, you may have just come across your soulmate," Winn's voice followed up.

It was then Kara heard the happy babbling of Naomi as the two Luthors entered the living room. Kara looked up and saw Naomi reaching for her with that familiar gummy smile that made Kara's heart swell.

"It always astounds me that she always knows when you're here," Lena softly stated as Kara stood from her seat. "Would you like to hold her?" Lena asked.

"I don't think I could ever deny her," Kara thoughtlessly answered as she gently took the happy girl into her arms. "Hello, Sunshine," Kara whispered as she cradled the baby in her arms. "Did you miss me?"

Naomi waved her arms and let out another round of happy babbling. "I missed you too…." Kara revealed. She could feel the soft gaze of Lena as the other woman looked at her and slowly, Kara met her gaze.

There was such tenderness in the woman's eyes that had Kara been a weaker woman, it would have knocked on her back.

Why was Lena so beautiful?

Lena seemed surprised and her cheeks were a soft red.

And it was there that Kara realized she made a big mistake.

She said that out loud.

"Oh, Rao, I'm so sorry," Kara apologized. "Forgive my brazenness. I tru—"

"Did you mean it?" Lena softly asked.

Kara wanted to lie.

She needed to lie.

This was moving too fast for her to keep up.

"I do," Kara softly answered.

Why can't she just die right now?

"Thank you," Lena whispered, her emerald eyes glistening with an unknown emotion. "You have no idea how much that means to me."

"You are welcome, Lena," Kara replied. "W-Well, we should see to that black box, yes?"

"Yes, we should," Lena softly agreed. "Do you mind holding her while I…."

"No, of course," Kara quickly replied, barely avoiding tripping over her words. "I would be honored to hold her."

Lena nodded and picked up the black box. Hesitantly, she took Naom's hand and placed the black box on top of it. For a moment, there was complete and total silence. And then, Naomi's happy babbling slowly stopped.

"Naomi?" Lena questioned with concern.

Kara looked down and saw that the baby's irises were glowing bright gold. The black box floated out of Lena's hand as it started to rapidly spin around while deconstruction, revealing a bright light that nearly blinded the heroine.

The wind caused by the box's intense spinning started to pick up and Kara could feel her hair whipping around her. Kara moved in front of Lena and turned around to face her while also protecting Naomi from whatever was about to happen.

She handed Naomi to Lena and tucked Lena into her arms as the wind and the light show picked up. "Keep yourself close!" Kara yelled over the rushing wind around them. Lena held Naomi tight as the top of her head pressed beneath Kara's chin, which prompted Kara to tighten her hold.

The table, couches, and everything else in the living room began to tremble and slide closer to the spinning device and Kara was gearing herself for the explosion to happen. But then, it all stopped.

The wind, the intense light, the trembling, it all stopped, leaving the two women and the eerily silent baby in a quiet room.

However, it wasn't completely silent.

Kara could hear the slight hum of something behind her. Slowly, she peeled herself away from Lena and noticed that Naomi had fallen asleep, as if everything that just happened, didn't. "Are you and Naomi alright?" Kara asked.

"We're both fine. But what in the world was all of that?" Lena asked.

"I don't know, but it stopped," Kara whispered.

"I think it's set up, Akira," A female's voice spoke from behind them.

Kara turned around and a dark-skinned woman, clad in black and gold armor in what looked like a hellscape, on a holographic screen. The woman was holding her side and also leaning against a golden spear.

She was heavily wounded it looked like.

"It's her…." Lena whispered as the other woman moved from behind Kara. "Naomi's true mother…."

"Well, we don't have much time to waste, Tali!" Another woman's voice yelled from off-screen. "The portal is almost ready."

The woman on the screen nodded and said, "Naomi. If you're seeing this and I'm not around, that means that I've died either here or when we cross over to the other side to the next Earth. There's so much that I-I want to say...To teach you about...I want to stay with you...But that's not the world we live in…."

Kara took a shuddered breath.

This was a feeling painfully familiar to her.

"There i-isn't much time. Naomi, you come from Earth-37. A doomed Earth whose ozone layer collapsed thanks to the abuse we put i-it through. In the w-wake of this, undiscovered radiation leaked onto our Earth's surface which had previously been kept at bay. It wasn't harmful. However, twenty-nine r-random people across the planet, that included me, your f-father, and your g-godmother, were given access to godlike powers."

Kara watched as a bloom of fire rose into the sky from a distance.

"Some of the empowered sought to rule the world with these newfound powers, while others, like your father, Akira, and I, sought to stop them. In the end, there was a civil war, where only eight of us remained…." The woman continued.

She then coughed and Kara could see some liquid drip from between the woman's fingers. "We called a truce before our Earth could be destroyed, but then you, our little miracle, were born. T-This angered Zumbado, one of the strongest of us. He w-wanted to subjugate the remaining seven and then raged war again, all t-to kill you…."

Kara heard Lena take a sharp breath as another explosion happened, this time much closer to where the woman, Tali, was. "Your father, Shepard, h-he, and the others tried to protect you, but Zumbado killed them. W-We were barely a-able to make it out," Tali weakly recalled.

"Tali! The portal is activating!" Akira's voice shouted.

"Naomi, despite this potentially being my end….I can't help but f-feel blessed. For the s-short time we've had you, I've never loved anyone so dearly and so deeply as you, my little miracle. Like...If I try to imagine surviving and the two of us...l-living together as a l-little family...I can't think of anything beyond 'I'd be so happy.' but if I had any regrets...It would be that I won't see you grow up..."

Kara felt tears prick at her eyes as the woman started to cry with a weak, but a loving smile on her face. "I love you, Naomi and I thank you for m-making me the happiest mother in the entire universe. And I h-hope that whether it's Akira o-or someone else, that they give you the i-infinite love that I would have gi—"

Another explosion was heard and the image blipped out of existence. The screen then collapsed and the black box fell onto the carpeted floor, leaving Kara and Lena to stare at it in silence.

Chapter 25: That Thou Art Full of Promise


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Are you alright?"

Lena looked up at Aphrodite with a tired expression on her face. Lena didn't know how to answer her. How could she? Her daughter was from another earth, which confirmed the longstanding theory of the existence of multiverses, but what Akira said was true.

Her daughter was in danger….

"All things considered, I should be beside myself. However, being a Luthor does afford me the ability to remain calm despite the odds," Lena answered, her voice firm. "But having Naomi's history confirmed means two things. One, Akira was right and that annoys me more than I expected it to. And two, Naomi, unfortunately, has adopted my version of the Luthor Curse by being in danger."

She watched as Aphrodite's eyes narrowed. "Well, I hope you understand that I won't let this Zumbado harm Naomi," The heroine announced. "The minute he crosses over from his Earth to ours, I will put a permanent stop to him."

Lena was surprised at how protective the woman was over Naomi and it made her heart flutter. "You don't have to do that, Aphrodite," Lena told her. "You have an entire city to protect. Maybe even more than that. My brother, as cruel as he is, has exo-suits that can face down a Kryptonian. Not only that, Naomi will have bodyguards. I would feel awful for you to go through so much danger just for me and my daughter…."

Aphrodite nodded, seemingly absorbing her words, only for a handsome smirk of form on her face.

Oh, that smirk was doing dangerous things to her poor heart.

"While it is true that you have your brother's weapons and bodyguards galore, none of those things are me," Aphrodite confidently boasted. "I've yet to come across anyone that can best me on my worst day, let alone my best."

"And I don't doubt that," Lena agreed. "But still, I'd rather not run the risk of having you bail me out of danger every time. What if there is an event that pulls you away? I appreciate your concern and don't think that I'm anything but grateful that you want to protect Naomi, but you can't be everywhere at once."

Once again, Aphrodite nodded. "Alright," the Kryptonian said with a gentle tone. "But promise me something, Lena. If anything that you and your men can't handle come along, don't hesitate to call for me. Because I meant what I told you. I'll always be there to keep you and Naomi safe."

Lena could see the sincerity in her soft, otherwordly blue eyes, and found herself breathless. That emotion that often appeared whenever she and Aphrodite were in the same vicinity began to grow to newer heights.

It was both exhilarating and terrifying.

"if I may be so bold, why make that offer to me?" Lena finally asked. "We hardly know each other, even after our night together and I doubt you would make this offer to anyone on the street. Why Naomi and me?"

She watched as Aphrodite stalled for a moment and then nod, more to herself than to Lena. It was as if she came to some sort of decision that had been weighing on her mind.

Slowly, Aphrodite stood from the couch, which was still altered thanks to the black box that remained in the spot where it fell, walked to her, and fell to one knee. Aphrodite took her hand and then peered up at her with conviction in her eyes.

"Lena Luthor, there has been something I've been unsure of since our date," the woman started.

Lena felt like her heart leaped into her throat.

She thought of that night as a date.

"Something within me that I was afraid of. When I met you, I felt something shift within me. Something I couldn't, no, would understand. It has been a driving discussion between my sister, my friend, and I. But those doubts have all but vanished tonight," Aphrodite continued."Forgive me if there are any mixed signals and I hope that isn't the case, or I might combust into flames in this very spot, but I want to make my intention clear to you."

Aphrodite's eyes then widened in realization. "Oh Rao, I'm doing this the wrong way. Give me a second…."

Aphrodite stood, walked to the balcony, and said, "Give me three minutes."

Lean, confused, nodded with a small smile. Aphrodite smiled and then her form flickered until it slowly vanished into thin air.

What just happened?

Lena then heard a large "Boom" in the sky that slightly shook the apartment, which shockingly didn't wake up the sleeping girl in her arms.

Speaking of the little bundle of joy.

Lena took the time to place Naomi in her crib and pecked her forehead.

"I will let no harm come to you," Lena promised to the sleeping girl. She then crept out of the room and closed the door, just as another "Boom" was heard. When Lena returned to the living, she saw Aphrodite Areia was back on her balcony, holding an opened coconut?

What was happening right now?

She watched as Aphrodite strolled into the apartment while she explained, "Had I known I was going to do this tonight, I would have been more prepared. I'm sorry for being so impulsive."

The heroine laughed as she kneeled back one knee in front of Lena, which gave her the chance to observe what was in the opened coconut.

Inside the coconut was a nectarine seed strung onto a necklace and a silver bracelet that was partially wrapped in blue, red, and gold ribbons. "Normally," Aphrodite whispered. "The bracelet would be made of thorns but since you aren't an Amazonian, I didn't harm you if you accepted my gift…."

"A-And what is this gift?" Lena asked, her voice cracking as this strange feeling grew in her chest.

The woman smiled up at her, took out the necklace, and whispered, "That thou art full of promise." Lena then watched as the woman blessed the seed with one of the gentlest kisses she had ever seen, only to take the necklace and place it around her neck.

"With your permission, I, Kara Zor-El of Themyscira, Daughter of Alura and Zor-El, wish to court you, Lena Luthor of Man's World," Aphrodite recited. "If you accept this necklace and bracelet and agree to wear it until we mutually decide to form a lasting relationship, then thou shall know the heart of another…."

Lena felt her whole world freeze at this moment.

This can't be happening right now.

She shouldn't be happening right now.

And yet, Lena couldn't stop her eyes from watering.

"I understand that this is quite fast, but after that date, I felt something there," The heroine told her. "I know that me being a hero and you being a mother may complicate matters, only because I may throw myself into protecting you both over the lives of others, but I want to see where these growing feelings for you may lead. Please, will you do me the honor of accepting my offering?"

Lena let out a breath and while her gut wanted her to scream out an exuberant "Yes!" she needed to think this thing through.

Lena would not deny herself the truth.

She was dangerously attracted to the woman in front of her. To the point that it took every molecule in her body to not throw herself in the woman's arms and let herself be ravished.

And yes, being saved despite being a Luthor, once without the heroine knowing her affiliation with the most hated family in the United States, and the second time with the full knowledge.

However, Aphrodite Areia is a Super, no matter how distant the woman felt she was from Superman, that was what she was.

A Super.

And Lena was a Luthor.

Not only that, the woman was the protector of National City while Lena was the CEO of the recently taken over Luthor Corp.

But at the same time, Naomi adored the woman since the second they met, and babies were often good judges of character if Sam could be believed.

But there was something else that Lena had caught in that little speech the heroine gave.

When the woman told her in their first meeting that she didn't care about Lex's rivalry with Superman, Lena didn't truly believe it but now, after that comment, Lena was starting to realize that the woman meant what she said.

She truly didn't think it mattered that Lena was a Luthor, nor did she think it mattered that Lena was running the company whose funds fueled her brother's reckless crusade at killing the Man of Steel. Not even the heroine being a damned hero seemed to matter to the woman.

The only thing that the woman felt would complicate matters was her being a mother. And even then, that seemed to be complicated because Aphrodite made it clear that she would step in to save Naomi and herself if any danger came to them, even at the risk of other lives.

And then, there was the last part.

The biggest part.

She gave Lena her name.

Her real name.

Something that if a Super truly cared about her last name, would never give out.

Aprhodi—No—Kara truly accepted her, Luthor name and all….

Slowly, Lena kneeled in front of the heroine on both knees and said, "There is so much that I want to say to you. So much that I want to do. But I fear that would never be enough. Not only did you perform that sacred act for my mother, but you also saved the life of my daughter, my goddaughter, and myself time and again. And now, after you selflessly offer to protect my daughter through all sorts of harm, you offer me one of the greatest gifts I could ever ask for. How could I deny this?"

Kara's eyes were as bright as the clear blue sky as she kissed the bracelet and carefully slipped it on Lena's right wrist. "I, Lena Luthor, gratefully and humbly accept your gift, Kara Zor-El, and I vow to never take your gifts off until we decide to remain together…."

Kara let out a soft laugh and slowly took her hand, which prompted Lena to slightly squeeze it. "Is it weird that I'm absolutely terrified?" Lena whispered after a moment.

"Not at all," Kara whispered. "Because I feel the exact same way…."

And weirdly enough, that made Lena feel so much better.


And now, the courting can begin. Meaning this is where they truly get to know each other

Chapter 26: Busting In


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the sounds of birds chirping that roused Lena from a very comforting sleep. At first, she was confused as to why she wasn't on her bed, why the thing she was laying on was rising and falling, and why she felt a weight at the curve of her back.

But when she gazed at her wrist and then looked up, the memories of the previous night hit her.

Aphro—Kara had courted her.

A Kryptonian had successfully courted a Luthor.

And they spent the entire night getting to know each other until the two fell asleep on the couch, with Kara providing additional cushioning beneath Lena.

Who knew Supergirl Areia made for a perfect body pillow?

Lena knew all the problems that could bring, but for the life of her, she couldn't find the reason to care. Those problems were for Future Lena. Right now, Present Lena just wanted to lay back down on this Goddess of a Woman, and doze back to sleep.

And so, she did.

She rested her head back on the chest of the sleeping heroine and closed her eyes….only for the front door to open and Sam's voice to float in. "Lena! You will not beli—Oh!"

Lena's head moved off Kara's sleeping form and found Sam staring at her with a look of shock on her face. That shock slowly morphed into amusem*nt as she said, "Well….And here I thought I had some good news."

"Sam!" Lena whispered as Kara groaned and tightened her grip around Lena.

"Should I leave you and your gue—Wait, is that Supergirl?" Sam asked with disbelief.

A red-faced Lena groaned and laid her head down on Kara's chest, hiding her face against the sleeping woman's chest. She then immediately lifted her head from Kara's chest, even more, mortified at the fact she just nuzzled her face against Kara's covered breasts.

"Holy sh*t, that is Supergirl," Sam gasped. "And what is that around your wrist? Lena, what the f*ck?"

"Yes, this is Supergirl Areia," Lena whispered, knowing that Sam would be able to hear her. "There have been some….developments in our relationship."

"Relationship? It's a relationship now?" Sam asked.

Lena opened her mouth, but Kara sleepily said, "If we're going to talk, can we get something to eat? I am starving."

"Holy sh*t, that sounds like a tough night," Sam said once Lena finished explaining what occurred the night before regarding what happened with Naomi. "A good call on calling Ms. Areia over here for something like that."

"Yes, it was a good call," Kara noted as she dug into the homemade chocolate chip pancakes that Sam had made. "Wow, Ms. Arias, this is really good."

"While I doubt it compares to the food you two had in Hawaii, I like to think I can throw down in a kitchen," Sam joked.

Sam, to Lena's complete surprise, had quickly gotten over Supergirl Areia being in her home. Lena theorized that since those two met before Kara was officially a hero. Or maybe it was due to Lena's previous words regarding their relationship change.

"And please, call me Sam, got it? You aren't a business partner so you don't need to call me by my last name, Aphrodite," Sam told Kara, who nodded.

Kara shot Lena a grin as she asked, "So you referred to me as Aphrodite Areia to those you spoke to me about?"

"Well, I didn't have a good name to call you before, Aphrodite. So it just stuck," Lena replied, wanting to keep Kara's name just between them for now. She trusted Sam, but it wasn't her secret to tell. She would be no better than Lex was if she just tossed around Kara's real name without care.

Kara must have picked this up because she shot a thankful smile at Lena. "Well, I for one thank you, Lena," Kara said. "And I thank you, Sam, for these. Because I was running low on fuel."

Sam laughed and said, "Hey, I still owe you for saving my ass, my niece, and my sister in Metropolis that day. This is honestly the least I could do."

Kara tilted her head and frowned in displeasure. "It seems another villain is attacking the city. Although I do not want to, I must go attend to them," Kara announced as she stood from her chair.

"That's unfortunate," Lena admitted. She wanted to spend the day with her courter but she understood. She knew what she was getting into with accepting the courting bracelet from an actual Super Heroine.

"After I finish off this threat and check in on Alex, I can return here if you'd like?" Kara questioned, her tone slightly unsure.

Lena smiled and nodded. "I'd like that very much," she replied. "Naomi and I will be here waiting for you."

Kara beamed and leaned over to place a kiss on Lena's cheek, which caused Lena to blink. "Then I'll be back," Kara promised. After Kara gave her farewell to Sam, she walked to the balcony and flew off, leaving Lena at the mercy of Sam's teasing look.

"So," Sam drawled. "You and Aphrodite Areia, huh? You know, I kind of saw this coming, truthfully considering our talk the other day."

Lena played with the bracelet on her wrist and a small smile formed on her face. "I still don't believe it truthfully," Lena admitted. "A Goddess like her wanting to court me of all people? I feel like she's crazy for trusting me."

"You're easy to trust, Lena," Sam admitted with a smile. "You gotta give yourself more credit, girl."

"I suppose," Lena mumbled. She then turned to Sam and asked, "So before you busted in, what did you come here for?"

"Ah! Right. With finding my sister sleeping on a superheroine, I nearly forgot my news," Sam joked. "My Jeju is officially in National City."

"Really? When did she get here?" Lena asked.

"This morning. I put her up in the biggest suite at the Hilton so she can relax. She looked exhausted," Sam admitted. "I was wondering since you have your little hero piece and she's in town, why don't we move that dinner up to tonight?"

"I wouldn't see why not," Lena said. "I have been curious about your mom and maybe she has some questions regarding the powers you and Ruby have."

"Great!" Sam chirped. "Then I will let her know to swing by here tonight."


I am so sorry by how short this filler chapter is :( I know its been a while and I was going through a world of writer's block so I decided to just post this and start thinking on one of of the bigger things I've been thinking about. So, until that chapter!

Chapter 27: A Tale of Two Siblings


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I knew you would call," Akira's voice calmly stated as Lena sat in the living room of her home with Sam holding the babbling Naomi. "I take it you looked at the box?"

"That I did," Lena sighed. "There are so many questions that I have for you. But, I fear we don't have a lot of time for them. Especially with this looming threat of Zumbado over my head. Is he as fearsome as Naomi's birth mother, Tali, states?"

There was silence on the other end for five seconds before Akira answered, "Yes. He is truly a force that I doubt anyone could face head-on in battle….Even the Amazing Supergirl Areia."

"And yet you think you can protect Naomi from him," Lena stated.

"Because I can. I protected her mother until her kind heart led Zumbado to us. I will be able to protect Naomi from him," Akira said with conviction in her voice. "And yourself as well, of course. All you have to do is trust me and allow me to do this job."

It was Lena's turn to go silent, the faint sounds of roaring in the distance. "I will give you a trial period. If you are unable to protect her, I will find my own way," Lena finally answered.

"Perfect. When will this trial begin?" Akira asked.

Lena looked at Sam, who rubbed her face against a laughing Naomi's bare belly. "Sam, when is the rebranding ceremony?"

Sam took her face away from Naomi and answered, "Next Friday."

"You will start on Monday. I will have my new assistant, Jessica Park, reach out to you with the paperwork," Lena told Akira.

"I will be awaiting them. I will see you this coming Monday. Farewell, Ms. Luthor," A satisfied Akira said.

"Until then," Lena finished, ending the call. "There, Jessica and Akira have been taken care of. Now, I can take it easy until Monday and focus all on you, Ruby, your mother, and Aphrodite."

The lights suddenly dimmed and flickered, causing both women to look at them in confusion. "Did you forget to pay your bill?" Sam asked.

"Nonsense," Lena rebuffed. "I never forget my bills….And I doubt it's a power outage or shortage. It's not hot out and the skies are clear. I wonder what's going on."

"Maybe it's some wiring issue," Sam offered.

"Maybe," Lena said. "I'll call the maintenance man."

The body of a large, mutated version of a T-rex lay slain in the middle of the National City Park as Kara sat on top of its deceased head. She looked worn down from the battle. How the hell something like this could have landed on earth, she would never know.

But the giant beast wasn't the thing that had caught her attention. It was the thing that hung around its neck before her axe had removed it from the beast's body.

It was a pod.

A Kryptonian pod.

It had been so long since she had seen something like it, that it bothered her in seeing it. Not because it was empty.

But because it was occupied.

Whoever was in the pod was alive, and Kara was unsure of what to expect when she looked into it. Would it be someone she recognized? Or would it be a stranger? She didn't know and quite frankly, she was afraid to find out.

Oh, how she wished either Nubia or Alex were here.

A group of DEO agents, currently dressed as NCPD SWAT, strolled into her view, led by Director Henshaw, who had a pensive look on his face. Kara floated down, strolled up to Henshaw, and asked, "What took you so long?"

"Believe it or not, traffic," Henshaw answered with a faint grin on his face. "Among other things." Henshaw then turned his attention to the giant beast and said, "A Baalthieren Rex. It has been a lifetime since I've seen one."

"You know what these are?" Kara asked him.

Henshaw nodded. "They are a beast that comes from Mars. They are usually quite docile, as most herbivores from Mars are," Henshaw explained. "Which makes it all the more surprising that one was here and they caused such a rampage. It also looks very malnourished, as if it was starved. The poor thing."

Kara was in awe of the man in front of her. She would have never guessed in a hundred years that he would know what this strange creature was. "Where in the world could anyone hide something like this?" Kara questioned.

"That is what I am curious about as well. The reports came from the docks," Henshaw said. "Was there anything more from this battle?"

"Actually, yes. This thing didn't come alone," Kara revealed as she motioned to the Kryptonian pod.

Henshaw narrowed his and asked, "Was it empty?"

Kara shook her head and answered, "No. Someone is alive in there, Director. I…." Kara paused. "I was nervous to peer into the pod."

"I can understand that," Henshaw said with a sympathetic look. "Well, let us see who the mysterious being is, shall we?"

Kara nodded and the pair walked to the pod. But when Kara finally summed up the courage to look into it, she froze.

"Kara. Is everything alright?"

Kara heard the director's question, but her voice was lodged in her throat as she stared at the pod. There were a lot of things she expected, but she had never expected to see this face within it.

Sleeping in the pod was a thirteen-year-old dark-skinned male with black hair, wearing a suit that she recognized as Krypton's Military Guild's uniform.

The uniform consisted of a gray coat with a standing collar with black trim down the front of the jacket and the outer sleeve, gray slacks with a black trim down the inner legs, silver bracers on each wrist a metallic black glove on his right hand, silver shoulder pads, and black boots with silver bands around the boots.

But what Kara noticed was the red House of El crest emblazoned on the left side of his chest. Kara felt tears prickling her eyes as she covered her mouth and took two steps back.

She felt Henshaw appear by her in a flash as she fell to her knees, her breath coming out labored.

"Kara, what's wrong?" Henshaw asked as he knelt beside her, but his voice was coming in muffled as Kara could only stare at the pod.

"Kara. I want to introduce you to someone."

A five-year-old Kara stood beside her father as her mother stood across from her while a boy around her age hid behind her mother's legs. "What's going, Jeju, Ukr?" Kara asked as she looked from her mother to her father.

Alura looked down at the boy and said, "It's okay. You can come out, sweetie."

The boy stepped away from Alura's legs, and Kara saw the apprehension in the boy's blue eyes. "E-Ehrosh: bem," the boy shakily greeted.

"Ehrosh: bem!" Kara greeted with a friendly smile. "I'm Kara of House El. What's your name?"

"I'm Val-Zod o-of House…." the boy introduced before trailing off, a look of grief appearing on his face.

"Kara," Zor-El gently began. "Val-Zod's family have fallen into the Endless Night."

Kara let out a tiny gasp before she took the small boy's hands and said, "Rao, I'm so sorry…."

Val-Zod's eyes welled up with tears as he began to cry, causing Kara to immediately take him into her tiny arms to hug him as tightly as possible.

"Jeju, can he please stay here?" Kara asked, her own eyes glistening with tears.

"As long as he wants to," Alura tenderly replied as Zor-El nodded.

A ten-year-old Kara collided with the ground with a grunt while a nine-year-old Val-Zod stood above her.

It had been five years since the two had met, and the duo had become as close as siblings, something her parents silently approved of. Kara adored Val and vice versa, but Kara would forever be annoyed at how easily Val would defeat her during their sparring practices.

"Ouch," Kara groaned out.

"Kara, I didn't hurt you, did I?" Val asked with concern as he held out his hand to Kara with a shy smile.

"I think that's the point of sparring, Val," Kara groaned as she accepted Val's hand and was hoisted up to her feet. "Where are we at now?"

"4-4," Val answered as he walked back into place and held his left hand out with his left palm pointed at her while his right arm remained near his chest; his right hand also opened to reveal his palm while he spaced out his legs, taking up one of the many martial arts stances that Krypton held.

Kara nodded and stretched out both arms before bending both arms near her chest, her hands balled into fists as she bounced from foot to foot, her eyes locked on Val.

Astra, wearing her Military Guild uniform, smiled at the two and said, "The score is tied. Begin."

Kara ran forward towards her friend and immediately launched a right jab, but Val slapped it away with his extended right hand before he stepped forward and attempted to land a palm strike with his left hand to her left side.

Kara twisted her body to avoid the palm strike and threw a left jab at his head, but Val tilted his head to the side to prevent getting hit before Kara felt his right palm uppercut her, sending her staggering back from the hit.

Kara shook her head, rushed forward again, and feigned a right jab at Val's head before launching a powerful left hook. Val ducked the punch and delivered two palm strikes to her chest before leaping up and landing a palm strike to her face.

Kara moved her head with the palm strike before she turned around and managed to land a devastating left hook to Val's cheek, causing both of them to stumble away from one another, with Val rubbing his cheek and Kara rubbing her chest.

The two adopted their respective stances before Kara advanced again, but this time, Val met her head-on, causing Kara to stop her advancement and retreat as he began to launch palm strikes at her.

Kara swayed from left to right to avoid each strike, but when she ducked a palm strike, she quickly leaned back up to prevent getting hit by his right knee, only for his foot to stomp on hers, startling her enough for him to land a devastating strike to her left cheek.

Kara staggered back wildly to gain footing before she managed to catch herself, avoid his right palm strike, rushed forward, and slammed her right shoulder against his chest, causing Val to back up, where she delivered a brutal left hook to his right cheek.

Val and Kara fell to one knee as they shook their heads from their respective blows before the two looked at each other and smiled. The two rose to their feet, where Kara immediately ran forward before performing a slight jump with her right arm co*cked back.

Val lifted his arms to deflect her attack, but at the last second, Kara landed on the ground and stomped on his left foot, causing him to wince before she delivered a headbutt to his head.

Val leaned back from the blow and kicked Kara in the chest with his right foot, causing both of them to stagger back from their respective attack before they fell to the ground in unison.

"And draw!" Astra said with an amused grin as the two children panted on the ground.

"Man, that kick hurt," Kara whined as she held her chest.

"That headbutt was unexpected," Val said with a smile.

"You both did spectacularly well, you both keep this up, and you two will be Military Guild prospects in no time," Astra proudly said.

"You think so?" Val softly asked.

"I do," Astra said. "You both have the talent for it, but considering how fast you picked up on your art, Val, you might have the edge over Kara."

Val beamed at Astra's praise.

Astra then looked to Kara and said, "While Val shows more promise in the Military Guild, You, Kara, show a lot of potential with the Science Guild. A repulser glove at your age?"

Kara grinned and replied, "It was easy. I could make a twelve set of it."

Astra shook her head, smiled at the duo, and said, "With you two, I think Krypton has a bright future. Now come, you two have a meeting with a bathtub."

Val and Kara shared a smile.

"After observing you two over the last eight years, We've officially decided to adopt Val into our house."

A thirteen-year-old Kara and Val looked up in shock at this. "A-Are you serious?" Kara asked with a stammer. "Jeju, Ukr, please do not be deceiving us…."

Zor-El smiled and said, "No deception here, Inah."

"On this, the day of your birth, Inah, we have officially signed all paperwork," Alura. "Tomorrow, on the eve of your birthday, Val, you will be officially a member of House El and our Unah. If you accept, that is."

Val blinked as tears filled his eyes. "I would no longer bear the title of the House of Traitors?" Val asked.

"No. If you accept Val, you will become Val-El. The son of Zor-El and myself," Alura said.

Val lowered his head and said, "When you both took me in when I was little, I was all alone. My parents had betrayed Krypton with Betrayer Zod. I was scared. You all took me in when I was a vrazhium and treated me like one of your own….I would be honored to join House El and become your Unah."

Kara's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at Val with an excited smile. She then turned to her parents and asked, "It's official? I-I have a Ue now?"

"You have a brother now," Alura said with a gentle smile.

Kara nodded and smiled at Val-Zod and exclaimed, "I have a Ue!" before she hugged the boy tightly, who laughed as well.

"Ie!" Val-El shouted as he hugged her back tightly as tears of joy fell from both of their faces.

"Where is Val?! Where is Ynugh?" a Fourteen-year-old Kara screamed as Zor-El and Alura placed her in her escape pod.

"We've already sent your Ue to Earth in his escape pod after we helped get Kal-El situated," Zor-El told her. "And your Ynugh is gone, but she's safe as well. Now you have to focus."

Kara nodded as tears fell from her eyes.

"My beautiful Inah, You and Val must take care of Kal-El at all costs," Alura said as she kissed her forehead. "We've set the coordinates for Earth. Val and Kal should be landing there at the same time. You're the eldest. You need to be there for them, okay?"

Kara nodded.

"My darling Inah. May Rao's light guide you well," Zor-El told her as Alura began to sob.

"Jeju! Ukr!" Kara screamed as the pod door closed.

"Kara!" Henshaw exclaimed as Kara gave a wide smile, her eyes shimmering.

"He survived! He actually survived!" Kara cried out as she hugged Henshaw close, unable to believe that after all this time, after all the sleepless nights crying out for her little brother and the world she lost, he had come back to her.

She had to tell Al—

Kara felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach.

Alex was still unconscious.

Kara moved away from the confused director and said, "I know who is within this pod. We must take it back to the department."

Henshaw nodded, still looking out of sorts from the embrace. "Right," Henshaw said.

Kara suddenly stopped when she felt a strange energy in the air.

What was that?

Kara then heard Alex's heartbeat suddenly spike at a dangerous speed. "Director! Alex is in trouble, we have to go!" Kara exclaimed.

Winn frowned as the lights and his computer screens repeatedly dimmed and flickered. What in the world was going on? "Did the DEO not pay their light bills or something?" Winn joked to himself with a grumble.

Well, since work was not going to be done anytime soon with these strange power outages, he might as well go visit Alex. Winn barely got out of his chair when several computer screens exploded with sparks, startling him and some of the various DEO agents in the room.

Everyone was immediately on guard as more screens exploded, including the large screen on the wall, before the entire building went dark.

What in the hell was going o—

It was then a bright electric blue light flashed down the hall near his desk, followed by streaks of electricity tracing against the wall. Winn was nervous now. Was this an enemy who had found their base?

Did one of the criminals they had locked up get out? No….That was stupid, none of them had electricity powers. But then what was going on?

Winn's question was answered as a scream echoed from down the hall.

It was a very familiar scream.

"Alex!" Winn yelled as he darted down the hall, causing his seat to fall to the ground. Winn ran as hard and as fast as he could through the hall, barely avoiding the crackling streaks of electricity that periodically skated across the floor, walls, and ceiling as he got closer to the infirmary where Alex had slept.

He noticed that the closer he got to Alex's room, the brighter the light became until he turned a corner and made it to Alex's room, only to let out a sharp gasp.

Alex, with pale blue hair and glowing white eyes, stood in the middle of the room inside a glowing white orb, streaks of electricity flowing against the ground, walls, and ceiling. "Alex?" Winn breathed.

Alex looked up and Winn could see a terrified expression on her face. "W-Winn," Alex spoke. "What's happening to me?"


Alex is now awake and another character has come. Fun fact, Val-Zod is actually Clark's sibling on Earth-2 in the comics. Now, Val-Zod will not be a factor in the first arc of this story since this is about Kara/Lena, Kara and Alex, and Sam and her mother. He will come into play in my version of season 2. So...until the next chapter!

Chapter 28: Off-World Help

Chapter Text

"This is seriously bad," Winn explained as plopped down in between Kara and the Director, the three of them watching in horror as Alex wailed in agony as electricity warped around her body from within the observation chamber. "Alex seems to have gained the power of Electrokinesis from whatever happened to her and I don't think her body is taking it well."

"Out of everything that has happened today, this is the most surprising," Director Henshaw commented with a cross of his arms.

The trio watched as the lights flickered around them as electricity drifted from the lights above Alex to Alex's squirming body.

"But how could this happen?" Kara asked. "To gain powers like this Just because she was hit by lightning?"

"I don't think it was the lightning," Henshaw started. "It was you, Kara. You're Element X. Normal electrostatic discharge intensified as it passed through your Kryptonian DNA, picking up unknown properties. That's what's created her."

"So it's my fault she's this way," Kara whispered with dread in her voice.

"You couldn't have known this would have occurred when you saved her life," Henshaw said as he clapped Kara's shoulder. "Besides, I think she values having these powers versus being in a coffin."

"He has a point," Winn added. "We have to do something to help her…."

"So, what else do we know about her powers?" Henshaw asked Winn, who frowned.

"All I've been able to glean was that Alex can control and siphon electricity. Anything else, I'm unsure about," Winn said.

"This is simply perfect," Henshaw sighed. "Our best agent is now a Meta-Human with control of one of the most uncontrollable elements imaginable. We will need to figure out how to train her and subdue her powers until she can control them."

"I think I know someone that can help us train her," Kara announced as she stood up. "Give me a few hours."

Kara walked off without getting a response but not before she heard Winn ask Henshaw, "Who does she know that can control electricity?"

"Are you sure this is a good idea, General?" Dal asked with a concerned expression.

Astra turned to her second-in-commander and replied, "Truthfully? I'm not sure but I made a promise to my daughter and I must honor it."

"As long as you are aware of the risks, I will take over and watch over any oncoming threats Non might send," Dal told her.

Astra nodded and then frowned to herself as she looked over her appearance. She wore a gray suit jacket that buttoned up on the right side of the jacket, gray pants, and black boots and gloves. On the left side of her suit jacket had the crest of House In-Ze in platinum blue, with her various medals pinned around her crest.

"You look nervous, General," Sem-Re teased from his desk.

"I….I want to make a proper impression on my daughter, niece, and her surrogate sister for tonight," Astra responded, her voice slightly bashful.

"Stop teasing," Asha admonished as she smacked Sem in the back of the head. "She's been waiting for this for as long as I've known her."

"Ouch, why do you gotta hit so hard?" Jeq-Vay complained as he rubbed his head.

"We'll keep watch over the place, General," Asha softly told her. "If anything happens, you will be the first to know."

"Thank you," Astra said. "Please inform Jeq-Vay and Shor-Vay that I have left for the evening and to take watch tonight along with Sem-Re."

"I shall relay this message," Asha promised with a bow. She then placed a balled right fist on the left side of her chest and said, "Keelah se'lai, General."

Astra chuckled at the familiar phrase.

There was a time when their ancestors would use that phrase in hopes that they would return to their homeworld after those infernal machines took it over. It had fallen out of style after their ancestors reclaimed that world but as of the destruction of their home, they had returned to the phrase.

"Keelah se'lai," Astra said as she returned the salute and then walked out of her base and out into the afternoon sky of National City. She turned around and saw that the warehouse they occupied had been successfully cloaked, making it look like a space in the deserted part of the docks.

Astra then took to the air, unaware of a satellite watching her movements.

"Sir!" Agent Vasquez announced, prompting Henshaw to turn and look at her with a frown.

"Agent," Henshaw greeted as he moved away from Winn and the two-way mirror that showed his best agent and stood in front of his second-best agent. "I ordered that I shouldn't be disturbed."

"Forgive me, but we caught the image of a flying woman leaving the National City Docks," Vasquez explained.

Henshaw narrowed his eyes and then turned back to Winn. "Watch over her, Winn," he instructed.

Winn gave a thumbs-up.

Henshaw narrowed his eyes and Winn hastily saluted and said, "U-Understood, Sir!"

Henshaw nodded and then turned to the two-way mirror. "It's okay Alex," Henshaw telepathically comforted. He wasn't sure if his message made it to her as her mind seemed to have a static-like shield around it, but he prayed to his god that it did. "I will be back soon."

Heshaw then turned to Vasquez and then motioned that he was ready with a nod.

Lillian Luthor stared at the item in her hand with a conflicted expression on her face. Ever since that day when she killed Emil, her mind had been in deep turmoil. She had managed to distract it with dalliances of both genders but it still weighed heavily on her mind.

And now, as she stared at the paper with a crude drawing of herself with a smiley face and a misspelled "Thank you" beneath the drawing, that turmoil grew.

It was obvious who this came from.

It came from the smaller alien girl she had betrayed her morals for.

She had never received something like this. Not even from her own children and yet a small child, a child that she was wholeheartedly ready to kill gave her such a beautifully drawn piece of art gnawed at her heart.

Sure, it concerned her that somehow, they found where she lived after she explicitly told them to run away, but for once, Lillian couldn't find it in her heart to be angry at the disobedience.

She needed to get some air. Maybe visit her granddaughter for a little while and converse with Lena regarding some plans she had for L-Corp. Anything to keep her mind off of this chaos within her heart.

Lillian left her office, with the crude drawing now placed in a picture frame on her desk.

As much as Kara did not want to return to Themyscira so soon, she really didn't have much choice. She had to find someone that could help her suffering sister and while she was unable to reach out to the main being that could help her, she knew of another that could.

She landed in the training arena and shouted, "Nubia?! Are you here, I need your help!"

A few moments later, Nubia rushed into view and shouted, "Kara?!"

"Nubia," Kara gasped with relief before she rushed to her older sister and embraced her as hard as she could. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Thank the Goddess Athena that I was as well," Nubia breathed as she returned the embrace just as tight. "I missed you so much, Kara."

"I missed you too," Kara whispered against Nubia's neck. She then slowly parted from the woman and said, "I need your help. I need to get to Asgard."

"Asgard?" Nubia asked. "Why would you want to go there? We're barely on speaking terms with them after their goddess of mischief's stunt in trying to start a war with the gods and by extension, us."

"I know, but Thor Odindóttir owes me a favor for saving her Jane Foster and I need to collect that," Kara explained. "It's important. Alex's life is at stake."

Nubia looked unsure and then nodded. "Well, you're in luck. I was just about to meet with Diana for an offworld assignment so we're heading to the same place," Nubia decided. "But you're going to have to explain how this is going to help your sister."

"It's a long story," Kara sighed as the battle sisters walked to Queen Diana's chambers. "But I think I have enough time to explain what happened. And maybe inform you of other changes in my life."

"And I'll be happy to hear all of it," Nubia replied with a smile.


One of the most beautiful locations in all the universe, right beside Olympus. While Kara and her Amazonian sisters would never get a chance to see Olympus due to it being locked away in a realm none could reach, Asgard was much more reachable.

Thanks to the seal that Lady Frigga, Queen of Asgard, gave them in celebration of their truce.

"Welcome, Princess Kara Zor-El of Krypton and Princess Nubia of Themyscira," The gatekeeper, Heimdall, greeted with a small bow.

Kara noticed Nubia flush at the handsome dark-skinned Asgardian male and Kara understood why, considering she couldn't help herself from blushing. Upon meeting him during the peace treaty, the protector of the rainbow bridge's voice and rugged good looks were something many a girl in Themyscira talked about.

One of the Asgardians Kara had met during the peace feast, Fandral if Kara remembered his name right, had stated that Heimdall was very aware of the effect he had on people. "Heimdall," Nubia and Kara greeted with a bow.

But Kara couldn't help but mentally shiver at her title. She was no princess. Especially to a world that no longer existed. She was Kara Zor-El of Themyscira and nothing more.

"We're looking to speak to Thor. Is she available?" Kara asked.

"She is," Heimdall answered. "Odin is aware of your arrival and request and is awaiting both of you at the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf."

"Thank you," Kara thanked and then turned to Nubia. "Well, let's get flying."

Nubia nodded and the two flew out of the building and into the sky, heading for the beautifully crafted golden palace in the distance. "I can never get over the sight of this place," Kara said as they flew above the beautifully crafted Rainbow Bridge. "I wonder if Mount Olympus is as beautiful…."

"I would think it would be even more beautiful," Nubia told her younger sister. "At least, I would hope. I'd hate to see Olympus outdone by the Asgardians in any way."

Kara chuckled and teased, "Seems someone is still sour after Sif turned your victory into a draw."

Nubia narrowed her eyes and bumped into Kara, who laughed. "So, When do I get to meet this Lena Luthor and Naomi?" Nubia questioned.

Kara had gone over how she's been and admittedly, most of that was talking about Lena and Naomi. "Well, I would hope soon," Kara replied. "But I know that you're probably going on your mission once my business here has concluded."

Nubia nodded and replied, "Thankfully, I won't have to go far since my mission is in Asgard. But I'll come and visit after my mission is completed. But Kara, don't you think you're moving a little too fast with Lena? Considering you haven't known her for that long."

"Admittedly, I do, but there is something about her that feels right…More right than Artemis and I…." Kara admitted. "She makes me feel something I haven't felt with anyone in such a long time. Not since….Siobhan and Kenny…."

Nubia's eyes softened at this. "I shouldn't question it, I know," Nubia apologetically said. "But your relationship with Artemis was….admittedly very toxic. I don't want you to go through all of that again."

"I won't," Kara promised. "Lena….She's not like Artemis….She won't hurt me."

Nubia nodded with a small unsure expression on her face. "I trust your judgment. Besides, if your other sister did not question you on it, I shouldn't either."

"I won't judge you or dislike you for worrying about me, Bia," Kara softly told her. "I never have before. Why should I start now?"

The two landed at the gates of Valaskjalf, where they were met by a single Asgardian.

The Asgardian was a familiar woman with long dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and remarkably pale skin. She wore platinum gold armor on her chest and shoulders, red leather Pteruges, thin black leggings, knee-high black boots, and platinum gold greaves and gauntlets.

"Should have known they would send you to greet us," Nubia frowned as the woman smirked. "Hello, Lady Sif."

"Princess Nubia," Sif greeted with a cool tone. Sif then turned to Kara and a genuine smile appeared on her face. "And Princess Zor-El of Krypton. It is wonderful to see you again."

"Sif, what have I told you? Just call me Kara," Kara corrected with a friendly smile.

"Can't. I have to respect royalty, even if the planet they once hailed from is gone," Sif replied. "Well, Let's not keep Thor waiting. She's been pretty impatient lately."

"Has she?" Kara asked.

Sif nodded and said, "Yeah. Sylvie escaped and we have no idea where she could be."

Nubia and Kara exchanged a look.

That….was not good at all.

"I guess that explains your mission now," Kara teased Nubia, who sighed.

"Well, come on, we don't want to keep Lady Thor waiting for long, do we?" Sif asked.

"Not at all. Hopefully, she will be in an amendable mood, considering my sister needs her help," Kara said.

"Your sister?" Sif asked with a grin. "So Nubia needs our help?"

"You wish, Asgardian," Nubia frowned.

"Not Nubia. My human sister, Alex….She came upon having powers of the Thor kind…."

"Ah, Lightning. Well, you came to the right place. Let us hurry," Sif instructed.

Chapter 29: Announcement

Chapter Text

Hello, everyone!

This is Blues, aka CaptainBluesoftheFleetingDream. I announced this on Vi's last fic but I know she has readers everywhere so, to keep it brief(er?) Violet is currently in the hospital for an undetermined amount of time due to complications regarding her health. Until she is well enough to come back, I'll be taking over Of Green, Blue, and Gold until further notice with her permission since our little crossover event is put on hold with Only I Can Mark You and The Hopeless Night: The Phantom in our Hearts.

So please, everyone wish her well and she'll be back as soon as she is able. Until then, I'll do my best to keep up the standard she's set for this story. Expect the next chapter in a few days so wish me luck!

Chapter 30: A Piece of Asgard


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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With long golden hair that spilled down her back and shoulders, sharp electric-blue eyes, and the mighty Jarnbjorn strapped to her back, Thor Odindóttir, daughter of Asgard and Goddess of Thunder, stood in the great hall of Valaskjalf.

Thor wore a sleeveless black shirt that sat beneath a sleek dark-slate gray vest with dark silver armor on each side of the vest, bulky dark silver gauntlets with muted red wrapping beneath it, dark-slate gray leather pants, a dark silver boots.

'Where could you have gone, Syl," Thor thought with narrowed eyes as she waited for the emissaries of Themyscira. The Asgardian didn't have to wait much longer as the doors to the great hall opened and Thor watched as her longtime friend and ally led Nubia and Kara into the room.

"Princess Nubia. I receive you gladly," Thor greeted with a friendly smile as she grasped Nubia's forearm in a firm shake once Nubia reached out.

"Likewise, Konungsdóttir," Nubia replied.

Thor removed her arm and held out to Kara with a wide grin. "And if it isn't my treasured friend, Princess Zor-El."

During the brief war born of deception, Kara Zor-El and Thor had been fierce enemies until Sylvie's deception was revealed when she kidnapped Jane Foster.

From there, the two had buried their rivalry and became close friends. Thor would never admit it but had Artemis not been with Kara and her with Jane, she would have made a pass at the Amazonian Kryptonian.

Kara snorted and returned the forearm shake. "Kara, please. Unless you prefer me to call you by your official title of 'Konungsdóttir Thor" as Nubia does, " Kara teased.

"I don't like it when she does it. It's too early for stuffy titles," Thor rebuked with a charming grin, revealing her dimples. "While I was expecting Nubia to assist us with a certain mission regarding my wayward sister, I wasn't expecting you, Kara. What brings you to Asgard, old friend?"

"This is a little impromptu, admittedly. I've come to call in that favor," Kara declared.

Thor raised an eyebrow and asked, "Well, I'm all ears. Sif, why don't you take Nubia down to meet with the Three? Kara let's walk and talk, yes?"

"Play nice, Sister," Kara smiled at Nubia, who frowned along with Sif.

"Easy for you to say, Kara," Nubia replied before the two embraced. "Be safe…."

"I will…" Kara replied as she broke away. "I'll see you when your mission is done. Until then."

Nubia nodded and Thor watched as Sif led her away.

"Come on," Thor said as she motioned for Kara to follow. "Walk and talk."

Thanks to the satellite sending a live video feed to their office, Henshaw watched as the mysterious woman flew through the air toward one of the more affluent locations in National City.

Why would she go there?

Henshaw narrowed his eyes, only for the alarms to blare. The feed switched from the mysterious flying woman to reveal another alien causing havoc.

Henshaw frowned.

This was the wrong time for an alien attack with Kara gone. And to make things worse, the alien that was causing havoc would be too much for his agents.

'I suppose it's time,' Henshaw thought with a frown. "Vasquez, you will be in charge of the operations. I will be back."

"Yes, sir!" Vasquez saluted.

"So that explains why you aren't using Mjolnir," Kara noted as she stared at the shattered remains of Thor's previous weapon. "I didn't think anyone could break such a fearsome weapon…"

"Well, tell that to the Destroyer," Thor bitterly remarked. "Why do you think I had to resort back to Jarnbjorn? Because I'm big into battleaxes?"

"You are big into battleaxes," Kara corrected with amusem*nt.

"Okay, not just because I'm big into battleaxes," Thor humorously amended. "A traitor to Asgard managed to find the destroyed remains of the vault father had the Destroyer within. I fought as hard as I could but it managed to shatter Mjolnir. The combined might of Father and I managed to deactivate the armor."

"So why brings me to its remains?" Kara asked.

"Mjolnir was more than just a weapon," Thor said. "She was a conduit for my powers. Your sister sounds like her powers were awakened and immediately became uncontrollable. Therefore, she needs a conduit to focus her powers into."

Thor picked up a shard of Mjolnir and held it to Kara. "A single shard of Mjolnir will be able to help her control her power." With a burst of lightning, the shard was now dangling off of a golden necklace.

"Thank you, Thor," Kara said as she took the necklace. She wasn't sure how such a small shard could control all of that power, but Kara needed her sister to be safe.

"You're welcome. Giving you a small shard of stone doesn't make us even for you saving Jane, but it's a start," Thor said as she clapped Kara on the shoulder.

"Speaking of Jane, where is she? I would have expected her to be by your side after everything that happened," Kara commented.

"We broke up," Thor revealed. "It was mutual, I assure you. It's just…With my mission to clear up evil throughout the realms and other factors…We thought it would be best."

Kara frowned. "I'm sorry," Kara apologized. "I shouldn't have pried."

"It's water under the bridge," Thor laughed. "I hear she and Darcy Lewis are well together…" Thor shook her head and said, "Anyways, place this shard anywhere near Alex and everything will be well."

Kara nodded and tossed the shard up and down in her hand. Even through the shard, she could feel the power of it in her hand.

"There is one another thing," Thor murmured. "You know that Syl is missing, right?"

Kara nodded.

"The Warriors Three, Sif, and I have searched the realms for her and nothing has been found," Thor explained. "We invited Nubia here to assist us in finding her. And while I am aware that this will put me further into your pocket, I'm pretty sure she might be on Midgard. If you can, keep an eye out for her."

Kara nodded.

"Now, before I gather my team and Princess Nubia to continue our search, should I transport you back to Midgard?" Thor asked.

"If you don't mind?" Kara asked.

Thor nodded and lifted her hand, only for Kara to grab her wrist. "Brigid," Kara said, using Thor's true name. "I know things are hectic with Sylvie escaping her cell but I know how much you cared for Jane. If you ever need to talk…I'm around. You know that."

Thor lowered her hand for a moment and then smiled, albeit bashfully. "Yeah, I know," Thor replied. "And the same goes for you, Kara."

Kara smiled.

Winn watched as Alex's body flinched in pain with concern on his face. Alex had long since stopped screaming but he knew the pain she was going under was still going on. He really hoped that Kara would return soon.

"Any luck?" Henshaw asked as he walked back into the room with a frown on his face.

"Still the same," Winn sighed. He then took a look at Henshaw and noticed he looked so exhausted. "Boss, you alright?"

"Just tired. Another alien appeared downtown to stop that threat that happened but we can worry about that later," Henshaw groaned.

"What about that flying lady?" Winn asked.

"We tracked her in the affluent area of downtown we know where she is but she hasn't caused any trouble so far. Any change, and we'll be capturing her," Henshaw answered.

A few seconds later, a burst of rainbow lightning appeared behind them, which caused both Henshaw and Winn to turn to see Kara standing beside some strange woman.

"By Odin's beard," the woman gasped. "She's outputting a lot of lightning. I'm surprised she survived so far."

"Kara, who is this?" Henshaw tiredly asked.

"A friend," Kara answered. "Thor, will I be able to get in there to give her the shard?"

"Thor?" Winn mouthed to Henshaw.

"No. With the amount of power she has, it could severely damage you," Thor answered as she approached the door to the chamber. "Better if I do it." Before Winn or Henshaw could do anything, Thor disappeared with a flash of rainbow lightning, only to appear in the room where streaks of Alex's lightning swarmed the room.

Winn watched as the woman walked up to Alex's hoving body and placed the necklace around Alex's neck. As if someone pressed rewind, all of the lightning reverted into the shard and Alex's body, now normal, fell onto the bed.

Thor flashed back into the room and said to Kara, "And done. She'll need to keep that stone on her at all costs. Thankfully, the shard of Mjolnir and the golden chain around it is weatherproof and will only stay around Alex's neck due to the small charm I've placed on it."

"Thank you so much, Thor," Kara thanked with a smile.

"Hey, only the start of me paying you back," Thor smiled. "Well, have fun. I have a mischievous goddess to find."

"Take care," Kara said.

Thor winked and transported out of the DEO, all while Winn and Henshaw stared at her. "Let me know when she wakes up," Kara said. "As much as I hate to leave her, I have a prior engagement I must go to that I can't miss."

"Kara. Are we not going to talk about what just happened?" Winn asked.

"Let her go," Henshaw tiredly announced. "But Kara, we will be having words about this."

Kara nodded and quickly fled.

It was time for Kara's dinner with Lena and her friend, Sam.


Ahoy-hoy! This is the last little bit that Vi wrote before her medical issues got worse. I figured I would post it because after this, it'll be me writing until she returns. Until then, time to set sail

Chapter 31: Announcement

Chapter Text


This is your cutie grim reaper here with an announcement. You know, There has been a long line of AO3 cursed updates and I always laughed at them, thinking I would never be the one to add to that illustrious list.

I was wrong.

Thanks to my lovely girlfriend's assistance, I can announce that I am out of the hospital and safely situated with my brother! The good news is that I will recover from my body meeting one of those wheelchair buses the hard way. Bad news, is it will take a long time for me to recover. With that said, I hate to put this on hiatus for a while but while I love my twin, (and I know they updated this with the last little bit I managed to write before the accident) this fic is my baby and unless everyone feels different, I do NOT want him touching my baby (even though he already has). So, until I get use of my arms, I love you all and see you all later!

(P.S Sorry for the spam! I had a lot of fanfics and I still have one more left)

Chapter 32: Update

Chapter Text

Good Afternoon (or morning/Night depending on where you are),

This is such an awkward thing to do but I'm Vel (Fake name ofc) and I'm Violet's SO.

TL:DR, Girlfriend (Who has been healing and going through physical therapy) since being the latest victim of the Ao3 curse, was threatened with being doxxed due to false accusations of being a pro-shipper swore off writing not only fanfics, but her own books, for good due to the accumulative trauma of injury and threats.

After waffling for a while and getting her blessing, I've decided to take on her works. Her sibling warned me to at least make a chapter and stick this at the bottom of it but I felt it dishonest to post like I'm her when I am not. Updates will be slow as I work fulltime but I promise to continue some of her works until completion.

Thank you all so much!


Of Green, Blue and Gold - TheViandVelGullWIngs (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.